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Posts posted by sakura_chan

  1. Basically what happens is that Arma can't handle multiple light sources very well, so small lights are always cut off to give priority to larger sources. Its kinda like "delete the small light so the streetlights don't turn off every time someone fires a shot". I don't know the limit, but it seems really low, like less than 8 lights.

  2. For maximum chopper/plane fun, buy a good joystick with lots of buttons and a throttle. Map all your flight controls including "manual fire" and "next target" to it. Add controls so that you can use the action menu with a hat switch or something. Make sure to have a "getout/eject" button, as well as a countermeasures button. It makes the air vehicles a ton easier to fly and saves a lot of lives when transporting human teammates. Its a little expensive but it adds so much to the game.

  3. Did anyone else notice from playing JCOVE that Arma tanks accelerate and decelerate way too fast? I love the tank handling in JCOVE because it feels like there is more weight behind the vehicles. I realize that some big features trickle down from VBS2 into arma, but couldn't they take some of the small details like this and update the arma series for a bit more realism?

  4. How do I get an AI soldier to DROP his backpack? There is the

    _dude action ["dropbag"]

    command but it either doesn't mean the backpack or I don't know

    the syntax (its not listed on the comref). I can force it out of him by

    adding another backpack onto him and then removing it, which produces

    the original backpack on the ground infront of him. Unfortunately it somehow

    destroys the back making it impossible for AI or players to take items from it

    (you can still open it and look at the items, but you can't take them). Has

    anyone ever even tried this? BTW to be clear I don't want to delete the

    backpack completely, I just want him to bend down and place it on the

    ground like he would a weapon.

  5. Yeah AO pretty much uses this mod lol. There is one change I would make though, the streetlamps could really use an actual bulb, not just the lightsource. The engine can handle a lot of lights (like runways for example) so adding a second light wouldn't break anything. The streetlamps would have to be re-classed though, to a class that can handle both light types. I'm trying to get back into modding, I've got a different computer now, so I have to reinstall all my mod tools on it. I can't even open a pbo currently.

  6. I get the camera shaking too :( But I can still tell that this is a quality addon.

    btw for those who didn't read the readme here are the controls:


    Move your Mouse to aim
    LEFT MOUSE: Fire
    MOUSE WHEEL + SHIFT: Contrast
    1 2 3 or F: Change Weapons
    Q: Enable/disable showing vehicles on Hud
    E: Enable/disable showing signal for friendly units
    X: Enable/disable FLIR
    N: Enable/disable night vision googles
    C: Change view
    H: Help
    ESC: Abort

  7. I see, you want to simulate having both eyes open when aiming? I'm sure that isn't possible, because you would have to make the whole rendered weapon a transparent layer. Arma can't do that yet. Simply making the weapon transparent is also impossible currently and wouldn't give a nice effect anyways. My suggestion: Wait a few years for 3d vision technology to come in full force, hopefully then BIS will release a patch for that :)

  8. I was doing some more work on it, but BIS released a few patches that were supposed to fix some problems, but instead it ruined what I had done. I was also trying to get convoys moving, but again that fell on its ass because the vehicles just randomly stop and reverse for no reason if they are within 100m of each other. My advice: walk.

  9. Okay this is something that I've been thinking of for a long time. Does anyone remember the good old days of computer gaming, when games were precious gems forged by supernerds rather than corporations looking to make a buck? Think back to when texture maps were only for 2d. Remember those really colorful polygon-only environments and vehicles? That was a freakin amazing time for a young gamer. Hind by interactive magic and TFX by DID come to mind as some of my favorite polygon only games. Now here's my thought: What if someone made a mod that replaced all the models in arma2 with polygon only graphics! Imagine the performance difference that could be gained from removing all the shaders and texture maps from the game. Sometimes I wonder if having a photorealistic game is a good thing..I liked it better when I knew I was playing a game. 80,000 blades of grass? No thanks I'd like to see my target if he can see me. Individual leafy branches on a forest of trees? What does that add to gameplay? Maybe instead of that I can load up a hundred more soldiers and get a battle going! In those old days, even 100 polygons was a lot, but In Arma2 almost every object is well over 4000, including every gun. A single helicopter is 10000 polygons, so the Arma engine can handle lots of polygons. It wouldn't look as bad as you would think, you would still have all the shadows and motion blur. Anyways I don't think anyone even looks in this thread so I don't care if people think its a dumb idea lol. But I would download it in a second if someone made it! :)
