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Posts posted by sakura_chan

  1. i recently reinstalled a2 and oa together as combined operations so i could play some multiplayer, but I can't connect to any servers! I just went on there and tried 10 of the top high player count, low ping, non-passworded or addon servers, and each time it lets me choose the slot, it loads the mission and then kicks me back to the server selection screen without any messages. my arma2oa.rpt is PLUGGED with errors afterwards, mostly "Description of unexpected vehicle:" or whatnot, also many errors saying that different magazines can't be used in binoculars or IEDs. I'm using the latest beta, could that be the problem? I thought the betas were all multiplayer compatible. I'm not using any mods so what is going on?


    Seems that BattleEye doesn't update correctly when using the DVD install. Downloaded the client.dll from BattleEye.com and now I'm online.

  2. Try putting them into "aware" or "safe" mode first and then tell them to hold fire. Make sure you don't use the danger mode in the context sensitive menu as well, i've heard people say the AI can get stuck on that mode. The context menu danger option also uses a different command internally than the numbered menu, so there is some kind of difference.

  3. update jan 21, 2011



    Something I made today, it is basically a script that casually scans for when a group needs to board a vehicle. The script then calls another more active script that oversees the entire process, making sure that units disengage from combat and move to the vehicle. It makes sure that the unit doesn't get stuck behind "AI walls" or decide to completely circle the nearest building before entering the vehicle. Added a little switch so the dang chopper gunner doesn't "friendly fire" the troops that are entering it. I'm still thinking about trying to script it that the AI will pick up dead and injured squadies and load them on the chopper. pretty complex problem, as you have to account for the situation ie. The U.S. "leave no man behind" mantra vs opfor "haha Habib is gimped lets GTFO here". It is a very important system I think, As vehicles are what gives any army their mobility. The better you can control them or use them, the more effective you'll be in bringing the fight to the enemy. If you get killed because of broken commands then it takes away not only the thrill of combat but also the immersion. I plan on a CBA release as well as a stand alone module release.


  4. Is it possible, through scripting, to make a unit speak the way it does when it communicates normally?

    ie 2: enemy tanks, 50 meters

    Basically is there a way to use the words defined in dubbingradio.pbo as parts of a sentence? I need to be able to make the AI communicate something but there isn't a default call for the AI to say it, so I can't just edit dubbingradio.pbo. Has anyone done this before?

  5. I say go for the CPU, i have a much worse system than that and I don't have any texture pop-ups. I have a cheap gt220 and 3gb ram. CPU is what makes the difference as far as I can tell from my years with the ofp/arma series. I don't know what your end goal is (maybe 60 fps?) but AO shouldn't be struggling with that video card.

  6. For whatever reason I need to spawn a module (military symbols) from a script. I need it to be on the same side as "gamelogic", but this has to be completely dynamic ie there can't be a need for any existing modules or logics. I tried createvehiclelocal to make a gamelogic and then createunit the module, attaching it to its group, but it doesn't work. I used (group player) with createvehicle and then "_module joinsilent grpnull" to get it off my team, but it then shows up on the map as an infantry unit. Can any one help me load this module correctly?

    ---------- Post added at 04:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:35 PM ----------

    _martahq = createCenter sideLogic;
    _group = createGroup sideLogic;
    _marta = (_group) createunit ["MartaManager",position player,[],0,"none"];

    done and done!

  7. @NodUnit

    Yeah it definitely could be used on anything with a turret. I don't think I'll release a new damage texture, I didn't know anyone had a problem with the existing A2 one.

    The nightvision bloom remains constant because ppeffects aren't considered in the HDR engine. The HDR is still working though, so any bright lights will have the usual effect of darkening the screen over time. It is easy to turn off hdr though using setaperture.

  8. The gunner animation system was something I have never seen, and would love to download it even if it were a bit buggy :)

    I still have the animation setup for it, the chopper itself is scrapped due to it being in the ancient Arma 1 format. If someone wants to use it in a mod or something I could set it up for them. It actually quite simple to set up.

  9. Here is a tutorial on how to make a special logo, title and website link for your mod. This is AO/CO compatible only, A2 can't do this.


    what you need:


    Your logo, transparent or not

    Textview2/what ever you make paa files with

    notepad :3



    Make your logo, and save it as mod.paa

    it has to be 1:1 ie 128x128

    Generally you don't want it to be very high res, 256x256 is plenty.

    In the title screen it is very small, but in the addon screen it is medium sized.

    use whatever resolution you want, but high res textures usually look jagged or grainy.

    Step 2:

    Put mod.paa into your mod folder, within the folder itself

    ie @sakumods\mod.paa

    Step 3:

    make a new .cpp in the same directory as mod.paa.

    name it mod.cpp

    put this code in there:

    name = "Your mod's name";
    actionName = "Website";
    action = "http://www.whateversiteyouwant.com";

    You can enter in any website you want, so the end user can click "website" in the AO expansion screen, and they will be directed to your website/forum.

    Thats it! Hopefully soon everyone will be doing this


  10. its just a simple hpp file, even with mergeconfig you can't change the colors in-game. The icon thing is pretty cool, I think it could be possible to load addons as though they were dlc (ie not -mod switches), however my attempts to do it failed initially.

    @ Defunkt

    I don't know about that, I always put @ infront of my mod folders to keep them at the top of my folder :P

  11. Random Stuff that I'm working on


    I'm always tinkering with arma 2 in weird ways, and sometimes I come up with ideas that are useful but don't follow a path that leads to a complete addon. Here is a few "wouldn't that be nice" ideas (will be updated once in a while)

    --Some kind of complete ppeffect-based nvg replacement addon, that could simulate different generations of nvg as well as SOMEHOW?? add real working laser sights that illuminate the targets, not just a cone into the darkness. in my imagination this could even be applied to AI units to act as a real line of sight system as well. Yeah right





    After reading a lengthy post in the AO-suggestions forum, I decided to take a crack at making an upgraded unit editor. Oh, did I mention that I have no idea how to do that? You can make all the buttons ya want but damn if I know how to make them work. Some of it is useful like a larger scripting area, but I don't know my idc's from my abc's. I also don't know how the default mission editor really works so I put this one on hold for now


    --Addon icon tutorial---

    I'm currently writing up a little tutorial for addon makers. It outlines the simple steps necessary to give your mod you own logo in the main menu (aka the little BAF logo at the bottom) its nothing major, but it gives it a cleaner look (Sakura_Chan's Mods instead of @sakumods) I can even link to this thread from inside AO heh. Not sure if anyone has used this yet I haven't seen anyone mention it.


  12. Hey everyone! This is my own little thread about my addons and such. I'm currently working on 2 large projects for Arma2/AO, which I will be posting about when they are more complete, but until then here are a few of my smaller projects that I'm working on

    update jan 21, 2011



    Something I made today, it is basically a script that casually scans for when a group needs to board a vehicle. The script then calls another more active script that oversees the entire process, making sure that units disengage from combat and move to the vehicle. It makes sure that the unit doesn't get stuck behind "AI walls" or decide to completely circle the nearest building before entering the vehicle. Added a little switch so the dang chopper gunner doesn't "friendly fire" the troops that are entering it. I'm still thinking about trying to script it that the AI will pick up dead and injured squadies and load them on the chopper. pretty complex problem, as you have to account for the situation ie. The U.S. "leave no man behind" mantra vs opfor "haha Habib is gimped lets GTFO here". It is a very important system I think, As vehicles are what gives any army their mobility. The better you can control them or use them, the more effective you'll be in bringing the fight to the enemy. If you get killed because of broken commands then it takes away not only the thrill of combat but also the immersion. I plan on a CBA release as well as a stand alone module release.


    SakuMenuColor ------------------


    A simple mod that lets anyone choose their own inferface colors. Complete control of every item, including color, transparency, and shadowing. Will include the ability to make custom 3D HUD colors for airplanes as well. It will come in 2 varieties, one which lets you micro-manage everything individually and one that only requires a few options, so you won't have to know anything at all about modding but can still customize the look.



    (some blacked out parts are still wip)


    SakuOutMap ------------------


    A basic little gamelogic addon that allows you to easily move units far outside the map. Great for setting up dogfights, placing artillery at useful ranges, setting altitudes and flyinheight with less typing and can also reposition any synced units relative to the gamelogic. I think something similar was released but it still differs enough that ima release it. Its perfect for setting up B-52/Tu-95 flights...




    Originally released for Arma2, this addon replaced the horrendous non-directional weapon smoke with a different effect. I intend to update this mod, it currently does work with AO but I believe my effect was too light, it was perhaps a good rendition of a suppressed weapon but not a full auto rifle



    Another Arma2 release, I want to re-release this addon to bring A2 up to the AO standard, as well as clean up a few things in AO that I don't like
