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Posts posted by sakura_chan

  1. You need to do 3 things.

    1. Find the default map's config entry.

    2. Make a new map by copying the defaults values.

    3. Add your map to the default hud config entry. My suggestion is to use the command bar class so the map doesn't fade with your action menus and weapon info. In this section you would define the size and location of the map.

    As far as I know all this stuff can be found in your \AddOns\UI.pbo file.

  2. It could be done through an add-on, and would also be possible with scripting. You would need to include the description.ext (that defines the map) with each mission, if you went with scripting only. So you could either:

    1. Edit the default map.

    2. Make a new map defined in the description.ext, and write a key eventhandler that would display your map instead of the default one when you press "M".

    What do you mean by "less detailed" btw? As far as I know you can easily remove all the icons (rocks, trees, churches) as well as the contour lines. I don't think it would be possible to remove buildings though, as they seem to be defined in their respective models.

  3. So I have this addon, it is really simple from a config standpoint.

    class cfgwhatever
           class Default;
           class mynewclass : Default
                   mynewstuff = whatever;

    super simple.


    using this same code produces a few cases of "updating base class" reports in the .rpt :(

    I have like 20 or 30 new classes that inherit from class Default, but 5 random ones show up in the .rpt, which I know isn't an error per-say, but is annoying to see your username in there. Its also infuriating that I can't figure out what is different about these five entries. Bis, please, what am I doing wrong?

  4. Even if BIS was 100% stuck on their current lighting system, they should at least try to increase the number of lights visible at one time. It currently handles less than 10 at once, I remember ofp having 32 lights. At the bare minimum, they should rethink their management of the lights. For example, if you look at a scene with 7 bright streetlamps in the distance and one tiny lightbulb close up, the engine will render the brightest lights first even though the small light is a higher priority due to the player location. Even something as simple as having the lights fade in and out instead of just completely turning on or off would have a huge impact on the visual smoothness at night. If Arma 3 has drastically improved lighting it would really just finish off the lingering "legacy code" feeling of this whole series.

  5. All Round Defence formation script

    haha that links to a random zombie mission thread - that made me laugh.

    I remember reading about that on armaholic, I understand that it is primarily a UK tactic? One thing I wanted to do is add some custom macro buttons that you could program to do stuff like this, but I don't see how it could be regulated. In the current form it would be nothing but a magic run whatever script you want button. The current version uses US weapons in some of the graphics, but it would be easy to customize it per side. maybe give each side a special function and use appropriate guns in the icons? BAF gets all round defence, US gets some kind of ammo check and heal break, OPFOR has a search bodies for guns function? I have an annoying empty space below the formations for an unknown task

  6. A simple visual mock up would help people to get the idea i believe. :)

    This mod is actually just about finished, I've been working on it for more than a year (casually). Before I post anything solid about it I would like some freeform ideas that aren't based on my own (if that makes sense) so I could get some fresh ideas.

    A few I have working:

    Choppers turn towards a target when you tell them to target something (yeah, they couldn't do this before for some insane reason)

    A built in GUI for controlling helicopters: set waypoints, altitude, LZs, bases and you also have the ability to tell them to RTB or move to a service point. You can even tell them to start the engines and idle on deck. Having AI wingmen is now a combat multiplier. Your flight moves out without drama (you can even set the delay between individual takeoffs) . You engage the enemy at 1-2 km. You can kill stuff until you AND your wingman run out of ammo. You head back to base, rearm and do it all again, without any scripting. There is no way an apache should fall at the hands of a uaz mounted machine gun.

    Ability to hide units ei. temporarily remove them from your squad and recall them later. Also includes the ability to hide crew members who don't actually receive commands. For example, you don't send individual commands to a tank driver or gunner, they all go to the commander. This means that the whole tank would show up as one unit in the command bar. Completely your choice who to hide and when, nothing automatic

    Scripted targeting: Checks to see if the unit can actually engage the target. No more rifle vs tank crap. Not working yet, but I am working on a squad-wide target solution, to make sure that units don't shoot the same target and ignore the other. This happens alot in my experience, especially with tanks.

    Complete removal of the "engage" command. If your squadies stick with you and just engage targets from your position while taking cover appropriately, their combat effectiveness and survival rates increase by some bullshit percentage - 215% maybe? It is so much fun having your AI buddies actually play with you instead of just running ahead and dieing.

    Addition of the "careless" behaviour setting. You wouldn't believe how useful this is for AI drivers. Choppers don't fly away when they see enemies, so as a gunner you can engage targets at a safe distance without the AI trying to do strafing runs. Vehicle drivers DO NOT STOP when ambushed or shot at. They keep driving! Away from danger! Like they want to survive!

    Engagement is represented by 3 buttons:

    1. Do not target, do not fire

    2. Select a target, do not fire

    3. Select a target, weapons free

    It doesn't matter what mode you are in, you can click on an enemy unit and your squadies will target him. If they are in hold fire mode, clicking the fire button will make them fire. Works perfectly for engaging tanks at range when you want the AI to engage at just the right time. Another example is to have multiple units hit multiple targets simultaneously in a stealth/sniper scenario. And yes, they actually hold fire! Like they were soldiers following orders or something

    when using stealth behavior, the player can use the stealth hushed voice as well (you couldn't before)

    thats about 25% of the stuff I've got working. Thoughts?

    edit btw when I said circular, I meant full screen circular, not really radial. Its not totally round, it flattens out at the bottom where it meets the command bar (which I also cleaned up a little).big buttons that are easy to see and navigate to. In a hairy situation a small quarter screen sized radial might be too delicate.

    pps. One thing I've found from using this daily for a while: It is so much easier to use AI. Not just "oh I can issue commands faster" but it actually made more complex combat possible. Working with a basic four man squad in open terrain is, for lack of a better term, beautiful. I've played missions designed for small high command operations using only a basic squad. You're moving, changing your squad's stance, lining up shots, moving your AT soldier into that perfect spot and then drawing fire. You don't have to fiddle with the dang scroll wheel. The AI behave. They don't die from secret hidden enemies (actually standing in plain sight) because they marched off on their own. I found myself using tactics and commands that I never would before, simply because it was so simple to do so. I've been playing the ofp\arma series for a long time, and lots of my most memorable combat moments have come from using this mod.

  7. circular layout, engagement commands on the left, behavior commands on the right.

    formations (each formation graphically represented and click-able) at the bottom with the stance commands. New medical functions and scripted static weapon deployment commands running across the top. Directly below that, a "fire" command button as well as a target button that replaces the 2-> target list screen with an augmented reality click-able overlay. Directly in the middle is a large return to formation button and a halt button. to either side is vehicle embark/disembark commands as well as a new squad management window button. Last but not least is a button that moves your soldiers in to customizable close formal grid formations, useful for organization as well as setting up quick egress into choppers. Completely non-lingual and monochrome.

  8. Quick question to anyone who reads this post:

    How would you respond to a replacement of the numbered command menu? All tactical commands including targeting, engaging, formations, behavior, weapon deployment and medical functions within a hold-one-button-down popup GUI? Also a replacement super context sensitive menu that only gives one menu item at a time? Love? Hate? Indifference? I'm not sure how people will feel about this. What do you think?

  9. Don't know if someone mentioned it yet regarding the readme picture. Assuming that it is an airplane's drop tank, you can draw the conclusion that it is a picture from a museum aircraft. The paint is flawless and if it were an in-service tank why would they spend money on painting a disposable part. Seattle also happens to be home to the Museum of Flight...

  10. What I remember from making an m249 reload animation is that you can't easily make a new reload animation 'class' it was limited to rifle or machinegun. Using the gesture commands should be an easier option than complex config editing. All you need is a script that detects when you reload the grenade launcher, then using the playgesture command, have it play your animation.

  11. Try using the fire command instead of the open fire command. The open fire command has targeting considerations applied to it, so it can make a unit re-evaluate his target. Also, from what I've seen the AI in a group isn't an individual. The subordinate AI is based on the lead unit. Playing as the squad leader, the weapon you use affects the AI's ability to engage and even spot targets. Try using a scoped weapon when ordering AI to take out targets at even a medium range.
