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Posts posted by sakura_chan

  1. What if you kept the cannons at canlock= 2, but severely reduced the range at which you could target something? Or simply remove the lock graphic so you have to rely on manual locking (right mouse button) to select your target. Without the lock/target icon you wouldn't have any idea where your target was even if you tab targeted it, but your guns could still track it at range.


    Just tried it, it works very well, I can't magically find targets. I can still lock on to tanks, you know you are locked because the range selector goes to auto. Any idea how to disable the range and unit type text that is still there? How come that shows up even in veteran mode?

    edit nvm got it.

  2. how would this not affect the vehicles that rely on locking in order to set the range for their guns? There are two commands, "next target" and "lock/zoom". You can disable tab locking in the controls options, but unless you want to guess the range and elevate your gun manually, you need to lock on your target. The solution would be a momentary range finder that would input the range to the gun, like in real life. Except for the anti-air vehicles, no Arma ground vehicles (in real life) have radars or weapon systems that rely on a "lock". All missiles are manually guided, whether it be infrared or laser guided. All guns are either super-elevated by the target range or require manual range input and manual elevation. If we could get the range finder system going, the whole ground vehicle lock/radar system could be scrapped completely. This would require a mod which is easy enough, but I think the original poster is looking for changes to vanilla Arma2. I don't think we are going to see any progress on that.

  3. so in the config i have:

    sakuarray[] =
           [1201, [-0.7,0.3,-1.4]],
           [1202, [0, 0, 0]],
           [1203, [0.7,0.3,-1.4]],
           [1204, [0.7,-0.7,-1.4]],
           [1205, [-0.7,-0.7,-1.4]]

    but it returns it as a bunch of strings, like ["[1201", "[-0.7", 0.3, "-1.4]"], etc

    How do I turn this into a usable array? I can't separate each array into its own cfgVehicle entry because that would require a script to check for each one. The script also works on the principal of receiving an array with a non-specific number of entries. Is there something simple that I'm missing with the syntax of the array or something? Do I just make it like:

    sakuarray[] =
           1201, -0.7,0.3,-1.4,
           1202, 0, 0, 0,
           1203, 0.7,0.3,-1.4,
           1204, 0.7,-0.7,-1.4,
           1205, -0.7,-0.7,-1.4

    and write a few lines of code to convert that into the nested array that the script requires?

  4. The thing that I think makes it more realistic is the fact that it is an open world game. You aren't walking down the same corridor each time. You can usually approach an objective from any direction you want. Sometimes I will walk for miles around an objective just to sneak up the enemies ass. Also, vehicles are more realistic because they have a realistic space to move in. In BF3 planes have to take off and fight in a confined area, so the physics are altered for the sake of gameplay. The open world and unpredictable AI ensure that no mission plays the same way twice and also that victory is never assured. If you open up any regular fps mission, you know that you are going to finish it. Sometimes an Arma mission is a cakewalk, and then the next time you play it something different happens that results in total failure.

  5. I've been thinking that a glovepie/ppjoy script could be written that would replace the instant motion of the wasd keys with simulated smooth joystick inputs. If you held down the W key, it would accelerate forward, and on the keys release you would decelerate. If you have ever played around and bound your joystick to the infantry controls, you know that the player can be made to move slower and smooth in all directions. With a few changes to the animations the player can move even better.

  6. Hey all, I've been playing Arma a long time now, and I don't think there are many posts about how to set up the controls properly. Everyone has there own setup, but the one I'm using now is so fast and reliable that using the default controls is unbearable. Most of the movement controls don't need tweaking, but all the mouse buttons and the zoom/target controls need a serious change from default. Note that this doesn't cover joysticks. I also use a Belkin n52 side controller for vehicle commanding and weapon optics zoom.


    Go to Options > Controls > Infantry Controls


    Next Target -> Remove all keys

    Lock or Zoom -> Remove all keys, add "Tab"

    Use Default Action -> Remove all keys, add "Left Shift + E"

    Use Selected Action -> Remove all keys, add "Prim. Mouse Btn."

    Optics -> Add "Sec. Mouse Btn"

    Hold Breath -> Remove all keys, add "Hold Sec. Mouse Btn."


    Go to Options > Controls > Vehicle Controls


    Get Out -> Remove all keys, add "Left Shift + E"

    Eject -> Remove all keys, add "Left Shift + E"

    Command Fire -> remove all keys, add "Left Ctrl + Prim. Mouse Btn."

    Gunner change weapon -> remove all keys, add "left Ctrl + F"


    Go to Options > Controls > Aircraft Controls


    Gear Down -> Add "G"

    Gear Up -> Add "G"

    Flaps Down -> Remove all keys, add "Left Shift + V"

    Flaps Up -> Remove all keys, add "Left Shift + F"

    This setup does a multitude of things:

    No more tab auto targeting. usually this is reassigned to a joystick button.

    No more magic second mouse button zoom when on foot.

    You can hold your breath without zooming in.

    Second mouse button will bring up the optics in vehicles with missiles selected

    Left Shift + E has saved my bacon countless times. You don't have to select "get in" or "get out" and you can still shoot or use the action menu without accidentally selecting the default action.

    It might be best to assign the eject button to a joystick only, otherwise you will always leave the engine running when you get out.

    Gear up and down is now "G" like every flight sim since the beginning of time.

    Gunner commands are the same as regular commands, only difference is that you hold down the ctrl key.

    When you lock on to something, it doesn't affect the zoom at all.

    if anyone has a sweet setup or some useful tips, post them up!

  7. oops didn't mean for that ; to be there. It might be required addons...

    ---------- Post added at 03:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:52 AM ----------

    Okay I figured it out, thanks to you. Turns out that a few of the .cpp files have calls to inherit a class from the offending config file, but didn't have the correct required addon entry. I even found an instance where 2 files were requiring each other haha. Interesting that the .rpt error just tells you what class was missing, but won't tell you who needs it.

  8. It would not really be possible. You would have to:

    1. edit every sentence to use Chinese sentence structure. There are thousands of them.

    2. record every word that would be used, in Chinese. It would be easier to just record and use each syllable, being a scientific language.

    3. Add the fonts and somehow edit the game to display several thousand different characters.

    It would be, without a joke, easier to learn english.
