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Posts posted by sakura_chan

  1. I need to use a custom map display for an add-on, which is pretty easy to set up. I can get it working, however it does not work like the editor map or the mission map at all. The biggest annoyance is that in order to zoom, you have to hold down the ctlr key and then use the scroll on the mouse. The second problem is that it never uses the map cursors, it is just stuck with the default GUI arrow. I use opendialog to load the map, i've tried the other resource commands and there was no difference. Is this something hard-coded? For example, open up team-switch ingame and see how the map behaves (although regular zoom seems to be working?). Is this something I missed or what?


    I got the mouse zoom working. Instead of loading it from the description.ext and using createdialog, I moved it to a config.cpp and used (finddisplay 46) createdialog "rsc_name";

  2. Well one thing for certain is that Armaholic is vastly superior to steam's system. Is there going to be a valve employee on here everyday adding every mission and posting weekly work in progress reports even without having them submitted to their site? Can I check steam workshop while waiting in line at the grocery store? I visit Armaholic like ten times a day and I rarely download addons at all.

  3. Sorry for the recent disappearance. Recent changes in the beta have messed up and also fixed a few problems. I've also been setting up my new computer so I had to reinstall all my modding steuph and transfer all my addons to my new rig. Anyways, there are a few things that should be addressed.

    1. Arma3 seems at such an early stage that I might not be able to keep up with the changes, as I am the #1 unreliable modder haha. For example, BIS is still changing the lighting/surface/ambient life stuff, and even moving core files around, so there is a good chance that after an update some things will not work or throw errors. More than likely I will be slow to fix it.

    2. I was making a new ca.pbo, because I couldn't use the original one without breaking teh gamez and I couldn't release a modified version without breaking teh rulez. With the latest update something changed and it appears that the problem of A3 having a duplicate ca.pbo has been changed, so I have to figure out where to go from there.

    3. I use custom lighting for the islands, so they will not be effected when BIS updates the lighting or fog. This may result in ass graphics, I really don't know.

    On the upside of things I now have a rig that can actually play A3 and I have a laptop that I can mod with at work, and they are linked together with TeamViewer 8 so I don't have to wait all day to fix an addon or release something. I actually do most of my modding at work now. Also I really only started working on this again last night, I have actually been dicking around with DCS world and Mario 64 for the last month.

  4. Couldn't a system similar to the extended eventhandlers addon from CBA be used? In the weapon config you would define the slots available, like it is done currently, but the actual slotinfo would be set up the way the extended eventhandlers are so that you could simply add your new optics to the list without having to replace anything. The gun config would say that it can only use optics with a certain mount, and if you made an attachment you would add it to the slotinfo class for that mount type.

    Another alternative would be to have the slotinfo defined in an external, unpacked .hpp (basically a .txt file) that would allow you to add the optic manually to each mount slot. This would be undesirable because anyone could change it and uses any optic on any gun if they wanted.

  5. Okay it looks like .Kju [pvpscene] has released an addon that lets you import all the old A1 and A2 content. I'm still going ahead here so you will have two options:

    1. Use All in ArmA, have the vehicles, but not infantry models at this point. Old content doesn't have new features, not sure if tanks work. You can use my lighting fixes for the islands.

    2. Use my mod, only difference to the game is the addition of the islands, no vehicles, units or weapons.

    My vision of a real import would be to make a compilation of community addons that would replace the old A2 units, which were pretty bad compared to what the community has cranked out. If we did that, we could have all the old missions but with working vehicles, guns with detachable sights etc.

  6. So more Chernarus pics because why not

    Autumn time


    The new A3 shadows really fix up the interiors



    Notice the reduction in blue from the whole scene. Chernarus should be dull and austere, like borscht. The Stratis lighting was too warm and fuzzy. BTW Chernerus is my favorite map ever.


    I would love to see this in real life someday


    The shadows and fog really add to the otherwise sparse forests


    Check in to the International Hotel


    Afternoon in the lounge


  7. Okay I am releasing it this Tuesday (April 9th). It may contain some bugs but currently it is 100% usable so there isn't any reason to delay it while I polish it up. On a side note I finally bought a 'real' computer! Through ofp, arma, and arma II I've always chugged along at 15fps because I was using old tech, recycled/thrown away office computers. I've only bought one computer before, in 2003 so I could play ofp, but then Arma came out and it was slow again lol. Got an i7, gtx 680, ssd, trackir yada yada finally going to enjoy the game again.

  8. Well its taking a little longer, turns out I will have to import wheeled.pbo and air.pbo because they contain the data for the wrecked vehicles scattered across the islands. The good news is that I modified the lighting on the old islands to more area appropriate colors. Under the default lighting Chernarus looked too bright and happy, and the deserts looked 'wet' and blue. The new sky and lighting controls are really cool, you can make very specific effects.




    Apparently something cool is up with the interior lighting?



  9. I've just about finished importing the older islands, complete with the new sky, HDR lighting, and NO pop-up errors or .rpt errors. The main caveat is that I won't be even attempting to import the old soldiers, weapons or vehicles. The basic logic behind this is that you cannot simply import an A2 vehicle to A3 in a 1:1 manner. It requires a huge re-write of the config, and there is a very good chance that BIS will be doing it for us at some point anyways. But the good news is that you should be able to run an island designed for A2 without error (I actually did this to use wgl_palms). I'll try to include an addon that applies the new lighting and sky to old maps, as currently they will use their original lighting unless (easily) modified. Some might prefer the original lighting so I'll make it optional.

    What I had to do:


    Added a bunch of dummy cfgPatch entries for deleted pbos. No requiredAddOn errors

    Removed a few hundred stringtable entries that were duplicates of A3 ones

    Modified the faction and vehicleclass of a few warfare buildings

    Privatized some public units, mostly from water2.pbo so I could use the LHD in Utes without errors

    New sounds.pbo, A2 and OA only needed 3 sound files from the original

    What needs to be done


    Fix a .rpt error where it generates a long list of missing bones in OFP2Skeleton, probably from a vehicle cargo animation

    Add new ambient life to the islands. The original animals aren't there anymore so I'll rebuild that with A3 critters and fish

    I would like to try importing the A2 animals. I had a vision of ragdoll cows and satchel charges.

    fix the intro missions so they don't use missing addons "can not play due to missing addon" message

    update the streetlamps, they currently look like they did in A2 (no flares)

    Well it does need a little more work, but currently you can start A3, load up an A2 map, make a mission, and play it without any pop up warnings or messed up UI. I was impressed that the older islands don't look dated at all, they look awesome in the new lighting and moving through some of the bigger buildings (like Devil's Castle) is really smooth with the new controls!

  10. Actually it would make more sense to base them around more modern light standards...it is supposed to be 2035 right? By then it might be difficult and expensive to acquire old lights like that. That's another reason the lights should be brighter, light output per watt has increased greatly recently and I would imagine that technology would advance greatly in the next 20 years.

  11. Yeah the variable interface size is a huge burden to anyone doing dialogs. The way I did it was to detect the interface size and then adjust the text using the scripted commands. I wouldn't recommend adjusting the size of the text box like that. If you are using safezones in the format that the ingame gui editor spits out, all you have to do is change the size of the text and it will remain in the correct position across all the various interface sizes. Also, the size change should be handled by plus and minus, not multiplication and division.

    Very small interface size


    Large interface

