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Everything posted by sakura_chan

  1. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    I had not updated my profile since the early beta, maybe they were re-bound at some point? Another minor update. Today I finished up the ladder actions and icons, and I finished the explosive handling. I made it so you have to manually use the action menu to place and fuse explosives, just for the sake of safety. I've been kicked off of servers for accidentally placing explosives at base heh. I added a keyboard shortcut to the "detonate" action, so you don't have to scroll through the action menu anymore. I also added a keyboard command to the parachute, pressing the inventory key now opens the chute. Things are progressing nicely!
  2. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    Another small update. I've finished the UAV commands and the turret/uav assemble commands. You can now interact with autonomous vehicles using the keyboard commands. The "swap gunner" key switches you between driver and the turret, the "Get out" key releases control. I changed the priorities of the actions too. I also cleaned up the artillery a bit, I moved the artillery computer to the top of the list and gave it a keyboard command. In an artillery vehicle you only have to hit the "gear" key to bring up the artillery screen. I was also finishing up sorting the keyboard commands, and I was making a list of legacy/unused commands when I discovered a set of commands that allows for manual elevation and ranging of artillery. I found no mention of them on the forums and they were unbound by default. The commands are "Gun elevation up + down", "slow gun elevation", and "auto elevation". After a little testing I was able to manually engage targets out to 2000m using a direct line of fire. As for a release date, I really want this released before the first campaign is out, so people can give it a good playthrough and give me some feedback.
  3. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    I haven't posted in a while, but I have been working on this a lot. The newest thing is I discovered how to release the action icons from the weapon cursor. This will be an in-game option and you will be able to place it where you want using the layout editor. I also added the option to remove the identification text that was always beside the cursor. The end user should be able to set up the action menu the way they want to within the game itself. You can even completely remove the icons all together and just use the action menu itself (ie no pop up text). I may add the ability to disable the weapon crosshairs regardless of the difficulty setting (I need to do some research to see if that is necessary). Some pics with new icons (Still WIP)
  4. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    Its coming :) Well I had the good part of today all to myself to work on this. I did some housekeeping like separating the different parts of the mod into separate .pbos. I made some more icons, I widened the keyboard controls menu so now you can see really long keybindings that include joystick or gamepad bindings. I had one setback, I can't change the icon sizes from within A3, at least as far as I can tell. I did a little research and found that there are certain people who would prefer no "quick" icons at all, so I made that an ingame option. I did some singleplayer testing with Binkowski's mission 'Infantry' to get used to the new action menu. The first run was a health squadwipe because I over-flanked into the enemy reinforcements haha. The next try was almost flawless, no casualties. It was really smooth, I was grabbing ammo out of backpacks and switching weapons with my teammates. One thing I noticed is that the "team" menu in the map could use a little help. It would be nice to open the inventory of a soldier and not have to close it before opening the inventory of the next soldier, I just want to click on the name and have it update. It was kind of annoying to go through all 9 teammates to see who was in the bushes with the rocket launcher. It would have been okay If I checked before combat though. I wonder how hard it would be to change this and maybe reapply the "gear" option to the mission start? I'm not posting a release date, but I would say "very soon".
  5. Configure -> Game -> Colors -> Active Elements -> set Alpha to 0 -> apply and restart = No icons or UI lol
  6. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    1. Yes. In my defense, I am putting a lot of work into the ladder system, so you really won't be able to accidentally activate a ladder. 2. That is beyond the scope of this addon. ************************************************* I posted another video, this time I do a preview of the release content t_91RNobyb8
  7. sakura_chan

    really... no omnidirectional movement?

    I'm siding with the OP on this one, clunky movement is disappointing to say the least. It is also an aberration in the FPS and TPS worlds. No other game that I've seen has this type of movement. I would play with an xbox controller if I could, and A3 does have Xbox 360 code in it (or maybe legacy code from A2) so at one point it was going to be played with an analog controller. We can agree, though, that BIS has no plans on changing anything like this.
  8. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    Shouldn't change anything, it is all scripting and config changes so I don't have to edit any models. I'm glad someone liked them, I was thinking they were a little boring/ranting. I've never made a youtube video with a voiceover before. As for progress I am working towards my first partial release, it won't be full featured to start, though. The first release will focus on removing action menu items and updating the keyboard controls. It won't include any scripted features at this point due to an absence of multiplayer testing. However, it makes the most difference to gameplay compared to the scripted stuff like door opening and automatic ladders. As a related project I am going to release a toolkit/tutorial for modders that will help them to add features to their addons without using the action menu. Think of using the afterburner on a jet without using the action menu.
  9. A part of me wishes I had never attempted this (the part that controls my thoughts and actions) because it is really really annoying to fix all the random crap that is wrong with it right now. Something is terribly wrong with Utes, and in general there is something messed up with the layer textures on the A2 islands. It's like the close up ground texture has a super sharp drop off line. I have never made an island so most of the config work and .rvmats are new to me. It might come to pass that I release a sort of finished version, because in all fairness it seems to allow almost perfect loading of user-made A2 islands without any modification to them. Example :
  10. sakura_chan

    Mission Editor Expansion

    I posted a tutorial in the mission editing section on how to quickly set groups and units as playable: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?166106-Copy-and-Pasting-Playable-Units-and-Setting-Groups-to-Playable-Tutorial
  11. sakura_chan

    Mission Editor Expansion

    Thanks! YES! I added a feature that will let you click a button beside any module text box and bring up a full size edit box. Here is the create task module, changing the description of the task. No modification to any modules required.
  12. sakura_chan

    Mission Editor Expansion

    The only way it would be worth the effort is if you were able to save and load the mission in .sqm format. For now simply making the 2d editor physically bigger and easier to read will be a huge improvement.
  13. sakura_chan

    Mission Editor Expansion

    Small update, I fixed a problem with the module editor running in 4:3 aspect mode (yes people are still using 4:3) http://sakumods.armaholic.com/Arma3/sakueditor/sakueditor.pbo
  14. sakura_chan

    Mission Editor Expansion

    Updated version! Reconfigured the module screen Huge init line space Resized info window so scrolling isn't required Adds room for additional module options Bigger condition of presence line Relocated buttons Combo Boxes resized to display the longest module names http://sakumods.armaholic.com/Arma3/sakueditor/sakueditor.pbo
  15. sakura_chan

    Mission Editor Expansion

    Progress has been slow, and also somewhat disappointing. I found out why we aren't knee-deep in editor mods. There is little to nothing that you can really do with the editor in terms of adding new features. For example, there seems to be no way to edit or even detect units placed on the map, meaning that you can't change anything about them. You can't draw on the map, so adding any rulers or range circles wouldn't work. I guess the editor is a lot different from the ingame world, there really aren't 3d placed objects to detect, it must be done completely in 2d. You can return the position and height of the terrain, and I was able to detect any map buildings that used a class, but not much else. The good news is that it should be possible to expand some features through the use of the unit's "init" boxes. You MIGHT, for example, be able to select "Remove primary weapon" from a list or checkbox, and then select a new weapon from a list and 'drag and drop' it into the init bar, automatically adding the script commands. One curiosity is the 'Module' window, which has the ability to display and apply custom options from a module. I don't think it is possible as-is, but if BIS applied the same feature to the unit editor, you would be able to have drop down menus for clothing and camo, maybe even vehicle weapon loadouts. I'll be posting a new version shortly, this time I expanded the module editor.
  16. This whole system was removed from A3 for no apparent reason. There is no First Aid Module anymore. Edit - ninja'd
  17. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    One thing that has really helped with the action/command menu is a little addition to the layout editor. It allows you to set the size of the action menu independent of the "interface size". I found that on high res displays the action menu was too small to see perfectly clear. On low res displays the text was so small that it would be unreadable due to aliasing issues. I am also including the ability to change the colors of the menu individually, so you can have a different color for background, selected background and text. Currently it uses the same color for the selected background as it does the text so it really creates an annoying low contrast situation It really helps to move the action menu to the center left or right of the screen because it should be within the unit's +-10º of view. It is just moved with the layout editor, I would like to add a new layout that players would be able to select ingame
  18. sakura_chan

    Holster Sidearm Action

    This will be very useful for me, I've always wanted to put away the weapons for various reasons. Is there a way to change weapons while it is hidden? Like if it was hidden and I selected a different weapon from a crate would the new weapon be hidden and the old weapon discarded?
  19. sakura_chan

    KEYS: No action menu

    Yeah his stuff looks very advanced. I am still working on the action menu, and I would like to do some multiplayer testing / release an alpha before I started getting permission to integrating other people's excellent work into my addon. I am pretty far along in terms of scripting and deleting action menu items, so some sort of demo/alpha would be releasable soon. Keep in mind that I am the #1 unreliable modder on here when it comes to releases tho :)
  20. sakura_chan

    worldToModel Incorrect?

    Hmm there seems to be a difference between getpos and modelpos. Getpos will actually return a height of zero when the vehicle is on the ground! Well, it is easy enough to fix, you just use the modeltoworld to find the difference between the modelpos and the getpos. _attachObj = Offroad1; _BaseObj = offroad; _attachpos = (getpos _attachObj); _attachZ = (_attachObj worldtomodel _attachpos) select 2; // finds the height difference between the modelpos and the getpos returns _attachRelPos = _BaseObj WorldToModel [_attachpos select 0, _attachpos select 1, (_attachpos select 2) - _attachZ]; _attachObj attachto [_BaseObj, _attachRelPos]; This script was putting the vehicle perfectly into position above the ground
  21. sakura_chan

    worldToModel Incorrect?

    getpos returns the vehicle's centerpoint above ground level. In this case the vehicle's centerpoint is 1.5m above the ground. When used in worldtoModel, it places the position -1.5m down relative to the model. Not quite sure what you are after, if you want it to return [0,0,0] then you could just use _pos = [0,0,0]
  22. it is just a new config entry that they didn't change yet. altFullForce = 2000; altNoForce = 6000; controls control loss vs altitude.
  23. sakura_chan


    Were you aware that there is a hovercraft simulation class in A3? It may have some benefits to your project. Instead of simulation = airplaneX it is simulation = hovercraftX. It may prevent you from doing a bunch of scripting to get it to move correctly and might help the AI use it too. I know it isn't really a hovercraft, but it does move in a similar way ei. it flys over the water instead of sitting on it, and the big difference is that a hovercraft can go on land while boat class can't. Airplane class can't float, so it may give you everything you need.
  24. sakura_chan

    Arma Memes...

    One. Fucking. Plane. http://www.sakumods.armaholic.com/arma3.gif
  25. sakura_chan

    Unified Addon Standards

    Boo! Hiss! *throws loose twigs and pebbles at the screen*