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Everything posted by sakura_chan

  1. sakura_chan

    Fastroping Addons Thread

    not anything postworthy, just working on the blackhawk and laying out some ideas for the scripting.
  2. sakura_chan

    Fastroping Addons Thread

    Uh yeah we all know about the bad blood between BAS, the CWR team and the 'non-elite' community, but this thread is about guys going down a rope. BAS are welcome here to discuss their fastroping addons or answer questions about their old/future addons. Maybe we all need a lock down at the rec center to erase all this hate
  3. sakura_chan

    Old and new clothing texture

    no, the squad logo is on the model, it isn't on the texture.
  4. sakura_chan

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    'failed initiative' work in progress effects
  5. sakura_chan

    When Oxygen 2 will comes ???

    What you do is use multiple textures and when everything is mapped out, you merge them together with a .ptm script.
  6. sakura_chan

    Fastroping Addons Thread

    yeah, thats kind of what its about. You could add weapons that would work through eventhandlers, or add features like fastroping to a chopper. This only really works if you have an empty cargo seat though, so it is limited somewhat. The blackhawk was easy to do because it has a lot of seats, and the 4 seats farthest back will be covered with the auxillary fuel tanks, so no one will even notice the empty seat. I hope that someday I can edit the real model, but I doubt that the tools will let you.
  7. sakura_chan

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    unreleased MH-60L check the fastroping thread if you want more info
  8. sakura_chan

    Fastroping Addons Thread

    Just a little update, I've been playing around with this addon lately, I've got the rope moving a bit more realistically, and I've been searching the stock anims for an appropriate animation for fastroping guys. I got the release rope working, and the rope does bunch up as a falling rope would (although it explodes on impact right now because its an invisible car with a flag proxy ). I'm trying to get better aquainted with .sqf scripts but some of it is pretty confusing, but I'd like to stay away from .sqs. I learn new stuff every day so I'm happy! I've also been working on a workhorse\tech demo vehicle, the sexy black MH-60L.... I'm kind of an antennaphile, so I like my blackhawks covered in sensors and flare launchers! Its all on the up and up too, no hacked or ripped models, I just made all the extra bits like the nose dome and antennas as a separate model, config it as a soldier, and through a run-once script I put it into a certain seat of the chopper. The back row of seats will be gone and replaced with the aux fuel tanks. I'm starting on the flare launchers and the side winch, so they aren't in this pic. I'm planning on having working flares, but I've also started work on some "helicasting" action, where you drop a boat and your guys jump out into it. Because the extra bits are classed as a soldier, it can have a weapon proxy so I can use the original dingy model to make it look like its attached to the blackhawk, so I don't have to setpos anything to make it look good. Anyways, its been sooo hot here lately that I've been unable to do anything outside, so I've been working hard on some of my projects. P.S. I AM going to make the MH-60K with, yes, the super awsome refueler probe that makes it look super bad ass!!!
  9. sakura_chan

    Australia 102x102

    I can't imagine that a human has been born into this world that would be capable of texturing\ object populating that island.
  10. sakura_chan


    the secret is there is no secret. All that needs to be done is a renaming of the selections, and you can find the correct names from any released chopper addon (Arma can only use the editable MLOD format). The config work is the same if not easier than ofp and converting the textures to Arma's format is easy. Stuff like shadows and specular\normal maps are well documented elsewhere, so there shouldn't be anything holding anyone back really. Theres only one thing holding back conversions, and thats the fact that most ofp models aren't up to the standard of Arma's stock models. Even BAS refuses to release any of thier ofp stuff for Arma because it isn't up to the new level of detail. Nothing against any modders, its just that BIS really kicked up the quality on their visuals. Also, most old addons use multiple textures, in some cases 50 or more, and Arma/ new hardware runs better with large single textures. Ofp runs slower than Arma on my comp because of the difference. Well just something to think about.
  11. sakura_chan

    Mopar Madness!

    One request, could you make a version in which you could apply a custom skin using SetObjectTexture? That would be sweet! Have you tried making reflective paint like on vehicle mirrors/ windows? It would add a lot of luster to the look of the paint I think. Could you make the terrainCoef low enough that we can speed, 'Dukes of Hazzard' style, through the country side? omgosh that would be soooo awsomes!!! ahem.. good job
  12. sakura_chan

    WIP: stuff you are working on!

    honestly, knife fighting is completely useless in Arma, for the simple fact that the AI can detect you, turn around, go prone and shoot you before you can run up to him. Try it yourself, make a mission, and using a pistol, try to get close enough to touch an enemy. If its one guy, you might get lucky, but if someone else is with him you are boned. Also, using the pistol anims is a great solution for the simple fact that it requires no scripting or modification of the unit itself. Any unit can use the knife perfectly and its 100% multiplayer compatible. I'd even go so far as to say there isn't a better way to do it, considering you would have to make a whole new set of animations for it even if you found a way to add a new weapon type (ie. rifle, launcher, pistol..). In the end that wouldn't make it anymore useful than it already is.
  13. sakura_chan

    WIP: stuff you are working on!

    Ka-Bar I caught you unawarez!!!
  14. sakura_chan

    Adding buildings

    you need an editor upgrade addon. it adds the buildings/trees/whatever into our INCREDIBLY EASY TO USE editor.
  15. sakura_chan

    Airplane help

    You can import 3ds files directly into o2.
  16. sakura_chan

    MH-60S Seahawk Replacement Pack

    kind of funny to see a Navy blackhawk dropping off Army guys with Marine gear. To quote Penny Arcade, "Brother, that shit ain't canonical". To each their own I suppose.
  17. sakura_chan

    Looking for a mature, adult server.

    regiment-hq.com is an awsome clan. I don't play much multiplayer, but most of the good times I've had has been on their server. They were playing on realism settings last time I checked, so using crosshairs, 3rd person view and a real time map are disabled. They had long, fun missions, and I never saw anyone messing around.. realism settings annoy TK freaks I assume. Generally I had an awsome time and I was only a random player that found them through the ingame browser.
  18. sakura_chan

    Arma Effect Making

    There aren't any tutorials because every program is different. There are dozens of programs that can open the games .pbo files and recompress them. PBOVIEW is one that I use, but if you look around OFPEC you can find others to try as well. Find one that looks good, and read its readme. Good luck!
  19. sakura_chan


    try configuring it using house class, they always point upwards regardless of the terrain angle. What you are trying to do has been done, I saw a video of someone swimming and boating on a small square of water that was floating in the air. good luck!
  20. sakura_chan

    Fastroping Addons Thread

    not really, I've been busy on other stuff recently.
  21. sakura_chan

    ArmA Flags

    Misc.pbo ------------ proxy_FLAG flag_stozar Character.pbo ------------ flag_vojak Air.pbo ------------ flag_alone flag_plane flag_plane_big Wheeled.pbo ------------ flag_alone FLAG_auto Tracked.pbo ------------ flag_alone FLAG_auto Water.pbo ----------- flag_alone flag_alone_big FLAG_auto
  22. sakura_chan

    Create a new class

    While its convenient for a modder to have their addons all in one folder for testing, it is annoying when they leave it that way for release. I've never seen a mod so amazing and different that it needed a new class in the editor. Just my 2 cents
  23. sakura_chan

    by the U.S. most feared weapon

    I said t-72, the crew can jump out and shoot you dead before you can switch from your AT to your primary. Shilkas are a close second because it makes flight impossible. 3rd would be the uaz with weapons, so many times in sp or evolution they come whipping around a corner guns a blazin' Â
  24. the problem with the last line is just syntax I think: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ? _amountleft >= 40 : goto "exit" ? speed camel1 <= 300 || alive camel1 : goto "accel" might help  ?
  25. sakura_chan

    My model problem

    Its not really transparent, it is just being rendered before anything else, even the horizon and the ground. My guess is that it is a model problem, not textures. How big is it in o2? Does it still do it if you remove the textures? Can you post pics of what your points/surface properties are set at?