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Everything posted by sakura_chan

  1. sakura_chan

    Sprint and Animation fixer

    oops, sorry, got a little sidetracked. I'm finishing up another addon so I forgot about the update
  2. sakura_chan

    Sprint and Animation fixer

    I fixed the bugs, I'll put it up for download over the weekend. Damn, its 2am and I gotta be at work at 7am... any other insomniacs out there? no one should need to be anywhere at 7am on a Saturday
  3. sakura_chan

    Sprint and Animation fixer

    I'm glad everyone liked it! I can fix both of those problems Q, I'll post a fixed pbo after I get off of work (I'm on lunch). I'll also try to fix the binocular problem. Just something I was thinking about- During the making of this mod I learned a lot about the way arma handles animations. I think it might be possible to make a separate animation set that could be applied to an ordinary unit through the mission editor. For example, you could have units with rifle/grenade launcher combos holding thier hands in the correct position, or using a special reload animation, removing crouch or prone, or changing speeds and using custom lean variables. It would involve having the animations defined in a stand alone pbo, and having the unit 'switchmove' to the new animation's starting point (standing up with the first weapon available). The animation sets or 'actions' link back and forth to each other. When you are standing with a rifle, you can run around and never leave the standing rifle action set. When you use an animation like crouching, it starts a separate set of animations. This way no matter what you do, the unit couldn't excape a custom set of animations because it would constantly be re-linking to itself. It would require a lot of config work but you would only have to do it once and use it over and over again. Just something to contemplate...
  4. sakura_chan

    Sprint and Animation fixer

    this post outlines the problem that I fixed. Try sprinting and going to crouch position when you are in motion. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=69548
  5. true. Bis could easily apply my changes to an official Arma patch. For now though I will include the signed keys with it so admins can disallow it if they want. P.S. - when unarmed, you can now sprint left or right instead of just forward! I'm just finishing the civ anims (unarmed) and cleaning up some code. I will binerize it, sign it and release it. I've used it in multiplayer without any problems. I will use forum feedback to find any bugs or missing transitions. So far I can't find any though. *edit* Its ready to go! Check the A&D Complete forum soon!
  6. well I did more work on it, and I smoothed out all the transitions between running and sprinting, so I feel that the player can now move freely without jerky or unexpected movement. I still have to do the pistol and civilian anims. I'll work on this today, it is a long standing bug and I'll fix it as quickly as I can.
  7. I did it! Turns out that this is easy to fix, all that was missing were some interpolations between the sprint anim and the static anim. I've done the rifle anims so far, still have to do the pistol and civilian anims. This eliminates the jerky movement and uncontrolled over-run. release coming soon after I do some multiplayer testing
  8. sakura_chan

    SPON releases

    none of those links worked for me...there is no spoon *edit they work now*
  9. Okay I got it together I think. This isn't a beta but it probably isn't the final version. Please read the readme if you are unfamiliar with .pbos, I think I did an okay job of explaining it. ArmedAssault.info Mirror : DOWNLOAD Non Blinding sun/ Damage textures upgrade [10,4 MB] from FTP#1 Download @ www.armed-assault-zone.com Download @ Armaholic.com If you can't get it going please don't flame me! lol Â
  10. sakura_chan

    Community Sound Mod - idea

    I was thinking about something like this, I started to put some things together but I decided to finish my other projects first. My idea was to make a modular sound mod, where every type of sound was separated into its own pbo. One pbo for west guns, one for east guns, one for impact sounds and so on. It could be more specific, like each type could have their own sound (ie assault, machine gun, sniper). I wasn't going to release any sounds, but just the stucture so that someone could download it, put new sounds in it, delete any unused sound config entries and then release it. I think it would open up the already awsome sound mods and would allow people to release smaller mods without having to compete with full mods that replace all the sounds. Also, someone with minimal modding experience could open and modify any sound for their personal use.
  11. you could make a new soldier unit that uses the barrel's model. This unit would be able to enter the parachute. You could also just setpos it underneath the chute.
  12. sakura_chan

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    September Escort Hunting Season lots o' mods
  13. shouldn't this work? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addeventhandler ["Init", {_this exec "camera.sqs"}] I can't get any init handler to work. I've tried _this this _this select 0 this select 0 Its like the game doesn't even register that the unit initiated. WTF is going on??? No other scripts or units are present in the mission this is bugging the hell out of me. HELP!!! Also changing the event call to something like 'killed' or 'hit' makes it work. So is Arma not using the init handler or what???
  14. sakura_chan

    init eventhandler doesn't work?

    but it doesn't work after respawn either (I assume that it should be run again?) if not how can you apply an init handler to a unit without changing its config?
  15. sakura_chan

    first user Island for ArmA

    Great island! one problem is that the ground seems to be covered with a grid of black dots, is that a bug or something? Anyways nice layout!
  16. Just a tip for glass, apply a transparent glass texture and in the materials option apply either ca\air\data\materialy\ka50_skla.rvmat or ca\a10\data\a10_skla.rvmat this will give the glass the environment map and proper specular lighting for glass.
  17. Cool! we need some new fighter craft for Arma
  18. sakura_chan

    Fastroping Addons Thread

    Well, I've been working on the blackhawk, but mainly I've been learning the ins and outs of the new O2. I'm working on making a proper fastroping animation for the soldier for example. I'll post some real news the second I get something working the way I want it to. I'm also working on many other addons, so please be patient check out the combat photography thread for some new pics of the MH-60L, I just need to finish the two side mounted flare launchers and add a few markings. I've have a good start on the flare countermeasure script, so things are moving along nicely.
  19. sakura_chan

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Sakumh60, opensky mod, unreleased but coming soon!
  20. sakura_chan

    OH-58D Kiowa Warrior

    here is a nice detailed blueprint from VAR aviation drawing. Don't know how accurate it is, but it might help. OH-58D prints
  21. sakura_chan

    super annoying...

    Thanks guys, I got something to work.The problem seems to be that when you createunit a unit: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_gear = "sakumh60laddon" createunit [_pos, group player, ""]; when you call _gear again later on, it doesn't really call the unit, its some wierd shit where you can only do certain things with it. I don't know. This is what I had to do to get it to work: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_chopper = _this; _pos = getpos _chopper; _mh60group = createGroup west; _gear = "sakumh60laddon" createunit [_pos, _mh60group, ""]; ((units _mh60group) select 0) moveincargo [_chopper, 12]; exit;
  22. How the heck can you create a unit in a script and move it into a vehicle that is defined by a local variable? this doesn't work: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _chopper = chopper _pos = getpos _chopper _gear = "sakumh60laddon" createunit [_pos, group player, "this moveincargo [_chopper, 12]"] createvehicle only works if the object being created is a game logic. Any thing else I've tried has failed. If I try this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> _chopper = chopper _pos = getpos _chopper _gear = "sakumh60laddon" createunit [_pos, group player, "this moveincargo [chopper, 12]"] it works, but I need to be able to have each chopper execute the script, I can't have each unit using a specific name. This seems like a huge bug to me. Any help? This is the last hurdle I need to overcome before my MH-60L is done.
  23. sakura_chan

    Operation Bulletholes 2

    It would be nice, but I'd go so far as to say its impossible. 1. the bullethole texture isn't a round decal, its a hemisphere, so a detailed hole wouldn't work. 2. I haven't seen anything in the config that lets you control any aspect of a material's bullethole. All I know is that most things get a black hole and trees get a light brown hole. I don't know how they did this. 3. Bulletholes can be attached to simple animations like car wheels, but they don't seem to work on .rtm animated objects. The current bullet holes are actually bigger/smaller based on the damage done by the bullet, but it is only really noticable between the weapon classes (ie sniper, assault rifle, pistol). There is always hope that BIS is working on a better system though!
  24. sakura_chan

    Bullet time mod?

    it should be easy enough to bind the setacctime command to a key, giving you Max Payne style bullet time. Only difference would be that the sound wouldn't slow down and distort like it does in Max Payne or the Matrix. Also it wouldn't be multiplayer compatible.