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Everything posted by sakura_chan

  1. sakura_chan

    Vr headset 229 Pounds. VR920.  Anyone got one?

    what I don't understand is this in 3d stereoscopic vision or is it just a big floating 2d screen?
  2. sakura_chan

    WIP: stuff you are working on!

    yep, you're right! It is actually using the old UH-60 blades that have the downturned tip. The final version will have slightly shorter, less flexed blades with a straighter tip.
  3. sakura_chan

    WIP: stuff you are working on!

    I've been working on an old mod of mine: (watch in HD! It has a few 'new to arma' features, like articulated blades that simulate on deck idling and blade load. Blades change angles with vertical climb or decent to (primitively) simulate collective. The turrets have animated gunners that move with the gun. Its all a work in progress, but I still want to integrate some kind of fastroping into it.
  4. sakura_chan


    okay I got it all syntaxed and working. I'm using it to interpolate range data from a range table. Thanks again
  5. I'm terrible at math, but I need to figure this out. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> format: [x,y,z] getpos'd array 1 = [300, 1200, 50] getpos'd array 2 = [400, 1600, 40] find x and z [ x, 1400, z ] I need to interpolate the equation between the first two arrays. I have no idea how to do this, math really is a limit for me. Any equations or math links would be appreciated!
  6. sakura_chan


    thanks for the quick reply! Its working now
  7. sakura_chan

    Tank Fire Control Systems

    A good place to start would be to make a list of things that need to be done. From what I've seen looking through the model is that it should be quite easy to fit this system on any tank. The only hard part is figuring out how to add new weapon trajectories to the system. The actual position of the sight on the turret doesn't seem to be a huge deal, and i don't think it has to be especially lined up with the gun. I think Arma automatically lines up the sight with the gun at a certain range, and NWD's addon slightly alters the view based on turret speed, elevation, range and target lead. Just throwing ideas out there, but wouldn't it be possible to calculate the trajectory from the ammo's config? Or have some way of recording a shell's trajectory and outputting the arc graph into similar data that he originally used? It would be sweet to have this in ACE... List: 1. Get it working in MP 2. Figure out new trajectories 3. Look into the manual turret system he mentioned 4. Complete the 'battlesight' feature? 5. Add flir (setaperture 0.06) or nvg system 6. Bug fixes and AI testing keep adding if you have ideas!
  8. I started this addon in an attempt to overcome the age old limit of one weapon muzzle per gun on a vehicle. I was successful, so I threw some extra weapons on it, fixed the glass clipping bug and tweaked the textures and materials a bit. I even added a new sound for it, so all in all its a nice little old school single unit addon. No scripts or compatibility, just play with it. Its good against convoys and stuff, and with the hellfires it can take out a tank. The M134s fire like there are actually two guns there. I know someone already released a scripted version of this, but I did this mainly as a technical experiment to see if it could be done without scripts. 2.5MB http://www.members.shaw.ca/sakumods/ah6moguns.zip Thank you for the mirrors! http://www.ofp2-arma2.cznhl.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=72 http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=addons&id=674 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=4219 *edit if anyone wants, here is the mlod (editable) model, plus the model.cfg and config.cpp http://www.members.shaw.ca/sakumods/mlods.zip not much effort was but into the appearance, but it gets the job done.
  9. sakura_chan

    AH-6 littlebird "mo'guns"

    oops hehe I thought I had removed all the profanity from my config and model. I was somewhat frustrated with the whole thing that led to some poor selection names, eg. "shitwheelofdicks", "turdslider", "asspointthatdontwork". Somehow machineguntits remains.
  10. Well, I've started working on a fastroping mod for Arma. My goal is to bring a realistic, visually pleasing, and multiplayer functional fastroping option to any chopper. fastroping is one of those cool extra features that makes a game more exciting, and I think we can recreate it well in Arma. Here's what I have so far: -------------------------- Basic rope simulation using modified flag class simple rope model  (untextured) A working in progress MH-60L that will act as an example for final release. A few reference pictures and a basic understanding of how it should work. What I need: ------------------------- Fastroping animation for the unit (static or animated) More information on what situations it would be used in (Is it used to extract units too?) Any pics or reference material I want to simulate the swaying/ inertia of any roped cargo, but I suck at math ironically. I always thought "when am I going to use this crap?", now I used it daily lol Problems to overcome: ----------------------- modified flag class messes up the ordinary flag. It doesn't blow in the wind and its texture is messed up. I need to find a way to have the rope use its own cfgcloth class. Might need BIS's help for this one. Position script not that great for multiplayer. Needs some serious testing/tweeking/rewriting/rethinking Anyways, I would like this to be a place for open discussion of fastroping mods, not just my own. If you have any ideas/ reference/ personal experience, please post it up. I've read lots of posts in this forum and the ofp forum, and I understand that most people are keen on fastroping, so if you have a preference or suggestion post it please! http://s179.photobucket.com/albums....ch2.flv
  11. sakura_chan

    special effects in advanced options

    This setting is the resolution of the effect's textures. OFP only used 64x64 textures if i'm not mistaken, so changing this setting wouldn't affect anything.
  12. sakura_chan

    Lightning or Thunderbolts

    lightning is included in default Arma.
  13. sakura_chan

    ArmA feedback thread - based on Beta Patch 1.15

    How much memory do you have and what speed? I had that problem when I only had 1gb of ram (I assume you have a lot). Do you use the -maxmem command? I know you're pissed that it doesn't work, but Arma is an old game at its core (almost a decade now..poseidon,ofp,resistance,arma). My new computer can't run ofp very well, and its recommended specs are a pentium 3/4 700mhz with 256mb of ram. Basically instead of running old games really well, new computers just become incompatible with old code. Hopefully Arma2 will have been built to handle current as well as future tech.
  14. sakura_chan

    Parallax Effect Bug

    fixed and pm'd. It works great!
  15. You can easily make it weapon specific by calling the unit's primary weapon using "primaryWeapon". Incorporate this into a script using an animation eventhandler to detect when the unit is in the position you want to change. The real secret is to properly configure the new animation so that it doesn't lock up the unit. As far as I know it is possible, but no one has actually bothered doing it.
  16. sakura_chan

    Parallax Effect Bug

    almost got it...
  17. sakura_chan

    Parallax Effect Bug

    If you're still interested, I think I've solved this problem. Instead of using a tube to hide the recticle, I found that using a flat plate a few inches in front of the sights works just as well. The difference is that the plate isn't visible when you view the weapon from the front, like when you are looking at it in the cargo position. I've thrown together a working model: the green 'film' is the layer that would be invisible, but I made it visible just for testing purposes. Its not a proxy so it doesn't disappear into the ground. PM me if you would like to try it out!
  18. calling an external class like rotation; vehicle; doesn't work in model.cfg. you need to find the original class from within the bis mlod models. replace rotation; with: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Rotation { type="rotation"; source = ""; selection = ""; axis = ""; maxValue = 1; angle0 = 0; angle1 = 1; memory=1; sourceAddress="clamp"; }; and vehicle; with: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class Default { sectionsInherit=""; sections[] = {}; skeletonName = ""; }; class Vehicle: Default { sections[] = { "cislo", "grupa", "side", "sektor", "clan", "clan_sign", "podsvit pristroju", "poskozeni", "L svetlo", "P svetlo", "zasleh" }; }; Another thing to try is to put your axis points in the memory lod and set memory=1 in the animations. good luck!
  19. sakura_chan

    multiple MG/plane behaviour

    Yo Q! Actually tracer scripts don't use a moving tracer model, rather they quickly position a tracer model by constantly getting the round's position.
  20. sakura_chan

    CraterEffects and cloudlets

    It seems that water impacts are hard coded. They use the same effect for all weapons, from bullets to bombs to aircraft crashes. This effect only works in shallow water for some reason, because if you hit the open ocean it does nothing. In the explosion/crater definitions there is no way of returning the surface which the weapon is hitting. It could be scripted easily enough will a 'fired' eventhandler and detecting when the weapon is over water <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (((getPosASL _missile) select 2)<0.5) then
  21. sakura_chan

    multiple MG/plane behaviour

    You can't see the tracer round/new model because arma won't show ultra high speed projectiles. It will show slow moving projectiles like grenades, but things like tank rounds won't display. This wasn't the case in ofp if I remember correctly. sux.
  22. sakura_chan

    AH-6 littlebird "mo'guns"

    3. I don't have that bug 4. The same is true for the original littlebirds on my end. I use the gdt heli mod. Delete my addon and see if it changes the armor on the original littlebirds. 5. Tab targeting works for me. Also I should point out that this doesn't work on planes, because as far as I know turrets don't work on planes. Most modern planes only use one gun muzzle though, right? Anyways I have a plane pack I'm working on that includes multirole loadouts. coming soon...
  23. sakura_chan

    AH-6 littlebird "mo'guns"

    Thanks everybody! added link to mlods!
  24. You're welcome Btw bis is probably aware of this problem, and not many people noticed that bis already replaced the funny civilian/no weapons running animation with the last patch, so they have all the motion capture hardware available. Maybe they will give us an update with some Arma2 animations in there? Maybe someday!