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Everything posted by sakura_chan

  1. sakura_chan

    This is still the Arma 2 forum?

    There should be an autoban on some stuff, like digging up old threads, or any post that mentions "patch" and ends with a question mark.
  2. sakura_chan

    Non-blinding sun mod

    really? I never got popups because of my popup blocker. It was free and I didn't even have to make an account/get trash emails from them. I'll find something more appropriate.
  3. Yay its Colonel_Klink with useful info! Are you making any addons for Arma2?
  4. If I remember correctly from dealing with pilot view gun models, if you put a proxy object in there it won't render above everything else.
  5. In Arma1, the units can only fire at a target that the main gunner can see, so if the gunner is facing forward the passenger seat guy will simultaneously engage targets while the tailgate gunner tries to turn around. In Arma2, using the vodnak (sp?) car as an example, the gunners facing front AND back are able to fire independently. Another difference is that in Arma1 AI would not board the seats of secondary guns (even on the stock vehicles like the uh-60) but in Arma2 this has apparently been fixed. I haven't tried it, but you could actually switch between being a normal passenger and going to gunner mode using the turn in/turn out system. heck you could even roll down the window because there is a 'hatch' animation associated with it.
  6. sakura_chan

    Holo gunsight...utter pap?

    That has been desired since the beginning of ofp. It just isn't possible because there is no way to change or access the weapon model when it is ingame. There is only the crazy possibility of making a model for each combination and selecting it through a script, but that would be very clunky.
  7. sakura_chan

    Sci-Fi Arma 2 Mod

    I don't know, there are tons of old and new games that do a great job at mecha combat, I don't think Arma could bring anything new to the genre. Arma is missing the damage system and weapon effects that are standard in these games, plus you still have the HUGE task of getting the legs moving and walking. If you make it I'll download it though!
  8. It doesn't work in a real situation, you can't turn enough to aim plus the main thing is that a squad can't get in the vehicle if they are attached to the outside, resulting in "get in that vehicle" messages.
  9. I couldn't get it to work, it stops at the "waitUntil {((vectorUp _misL) select 1) <= -0.9};" part and I never see a missile spawned. Is there something I missed? //edit I got it to work, apparently it refused to use getmarkerpos, it always returned the positions as "any". changed the launch to a gamelogic and used getpos and it worked. The missile didn't try to fly into its target though and would only fly in a certain direction.
  10. This can be done easily through modding (arma1 screens)
  11. sakura_chan

    AA units, and why we hate them.

    Yeah the ofp\arma series has, arguably, the worst missile\targeting system ever conceived by man. Instant lock, instant hit (unless its the player doing the shooting, cheating ai) engaging the wrong units (aa will target tanks wtf?), and all missiles act exactly the same. We need a fully integrated mando missiles script asap.
  12. sakura_chan

    Non-blinding sun mod

    I use it in 1.03 and it works. Are you using any other addons that might interfere?
  13. no you can't do it with pp effects, sorry.
  14. sakura_chan

    Bit of Gib script

    The models just need a config file to get them in the game. Is there a config file with the addon anywhere? I've been playing with gibbing and its really super simple to do. Its easy to use this script executed as a "killed" eventhandler _unit = _this select 0; _gibspeed = 6; sleep 0.001; _speed = speed _unit; if (_speed >= _gibspeed || _speed <= -_gibspeed) then {whatever effects you want for gibbing}; If the unit is moving fast 0.001 seconds after death it was either shot with an explosive or run over by a vehicle.
  15. Quoted for truth. Any addon is a good addon!
  16. sakura_chan

    arma 2 demo editing

    when you place a unit, the box looks like this - find the initialization box and put "this setDamage 1" as Apocal directed and it will work. Oh and btw I am 100% sure that it is in the demo because I used it in the demo.
  17. sakura_chan

    View Pilot lod - weapon problem

    I thought A2 couldn't load binerized models. I tried messing with the alpha layers, it only uses one alpha though. I'll give it a try. edit*** I got it fixed. apparently you can't use alpha textures in the pilot view lod? I removed all the alphas (a custom muzzleflash) and replaced it with a muzzleflash proxy, and it worked just fine. Adding an alpha texture, either on top of or below the main model's alpha layer made it go all wierd. How did BIS then make the optics on the weapons?
  18. sakura_chan

    Non-blinding sun mod

    Wow gotta love the player diversity in the Arma series. So many ideas and opinions. Its nice to work on a game that people actually give a damn about.
  19. sakura_chan

    ARMA 2 Adult content

    I didn't want to catch AIDS by reading this whole topic, but I thought I might add that there IS a prostitute ingame, the civilian "woman" has the internal class name of HOOKER, and according to some camera.sqs runs she has no panties with fully rendered genitalia/pubic hair. http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w312/lethalSakura/pervert.jpg JEEBUS! Give us a warning next time! -- Franze proof that BIS had other priorities than bug fixes lol
  20. sakura_chan

    Non-blinding sun mod

    I don't think there is anything wrong with the default damage textures. My damage texture addon made it really hard to tell from a distance if a unit was destroyed anyways.
  21. sakura_chan

    moving turret turns on engine.

    If I remember correctly this is an intended feature, in the config file you can change this. In the turret section there is a variable "startEngine = 1". Setting it to 0 would stop the turret from turning the engine on.
  22. sakura_chan

    Flying at Night !!! Can't see jack

    I had this problem too, basically what happens is the instrument panel lights are soooo bright that they ruin the level of the NVG. The easiest solution is to look up a bit until you can't see the cockpit lights. This is how I fly the JSF and the Hurk.
  23. sakura_chan

    Non-blinding sun mod

    Unfortunately I couldn't find a way to change the star texture, I believe that it isn't actually a texture but a hardcoded effect like the bulletholes. I thought I signed it?! maybe I didn't do it right? It has a sakusun.pbo.saku.bisign file, do I need something else? edit*** duh here it is: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=a54b8a5cbcab5132e7c82ed4b8f0c380e04e75f6e8ebb871
  24. sakura_chan

    Non-blinding sun mod

    Sorry I'm going to have to call bullshit on your comment. In real life the sun glare doesn't cover 50% of the sky, and at night when looking at oncoming traffic you can still see the car or at least tell where the headlights are, it isn't just one giant ball of light.