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About Creation

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    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Playing Arma 2!
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  • Biography
    In college
  1. Creation

    hand to hand combat/knife mod

    People have such an opposition to it because 1# AI is a beast and if you get even near them (even if you sneak up behind them) chances are they're going to suddenly spin around without reason and kill you 2# Perhaps they fear people are just going to run around with knives like some call of duty 4/5 wacko The only use i could find for it is PvP
  2. Creation

    Destructible Buildings

    Its slightly true, i was in a Ka-50 i shot up the house and a few holes and scorch marks appeared. The holes werent enterable though.
  3. Creation

    Autokick for Teamkillers

    I just listen to the guy with the most leaderlly voice and do what he says in arma servers
  4. Creation

    Make Mortars more User-Friendly

    Maybe a simple community mod could be like the Mando hitch from Arma 1 used to move MHQ with choppers, but instead put it on back of a humvee reverse to mortar and just like Mando hitch click "lift vehicle/drop vehicle". Of course this has the disadvantage of mando hitch making the towed object skip and flicker.
  5. well theres his gun strapped to his back....
  6. Creation

    The tanks are a lot better!

    yeah i've seen the vid, one of the buggiest/fun things to do in Arma is drive down a steep hill, hit a bump in the ground and fly the tank
  7. Creation

    Make Mortars more User-Friendly

    Make the mortars like the deployable MG in Acemod from Arma 1, without the need for having 2 parts and 2 people. And the Mortar ammunition could take up the slots where handgun clips are held (not clips i know, had a brain blank) Of course the disadvantages are weight, and to rareness of ammo.
  8. Looking at the game vidoes the character does look a little speeded up, which is a good thing, and i agree changing from crouch to stand takes way too long, and so does strafing sideways holding AT i mean sure you need to brace yourself, but its just a bit tedious slowly inching out of a corner.
  9. Creation

    One thing that really bothers me

    Because Americans won't touch any game if their flag isnt waving proudly in some stupid cutscene
  10. Creation

    more pistols?

    Im 50/50 here, i understand that the current animation is the right stance for holding a handgun. However a more relaxed pose and less wobble when walking and looking through the ironsights would be welcome. Im no pro in holding a handgun, however i feel that its possible to hold a handgun steadier whilst walking, i ran out of ammo before and switched to secondary and it felt like i was aiming whilst hopping on one foot.
  11. Indeed, i wouldnt go too indepth on the animations, like noone wants to sneak up on some russian soldiers surrounding a campire singing Kumbayah. If they just leaned on objects, sat down or at max have a smoke They could interact with each other, not that hard just get some Russian lines, let two russians heads face each other (if theyre within a certain distance of each other) move the mouths like in direct chat in A1 and play the sound, there ya have it, the feeling of a living person that your watching.
  12. Creation

    Keep Weapon's After Swimming

    It may be due to them dropping items to stop yourself from sinking by losing some of the weight, but yes it is annoying, i mean are magazines strapped in on the vest by velcro? If grenades are hanging from your waist however it would be fine to me if they were lost whilst swimming. However i know what your getting at, there are situations like this where its really not usefull e.g. Dolores has 3 bridges, i would find it more stealthy of me to swim underneath it for about 50m and pop out on the other side, only to lose my main weapon in the process. Its just if people find losing weapons in water "realism" and has to be in the game.
  13. Creation

    Idea for a Demo!

    I wouldnt mind if it gave us a 500 by 500 m patch of land to explore.
  14. Creation

    More User-friendly?

    You guys go too indepth, he's just annoyed at dodgy menu's like when "Gear" doesnt show up and sometimes the "Get in.." commands being invisible for a while. My desired method of fixing this would be to add to option to bind a key to Get in as Gunner/Driver/Commander/Ride in back e.g. My current setup is Num pad 1 as Get out/Eject. So my perfect setup would be Num 1- Eject/Get out Num 2- Get in a Driver Num 3- Get in as gunner Num 4- Ride in back I find it easier than annoying scrolling IMO
  15. Slightly off topic but i hope their eyes glow in the dark, seriously though, if two cows stand close together at night, they'll look like the headlights of a truck and get AT4'd