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Everything posted by hellcatz

  1. Um... look at this script plz. here is my very very simple script. _unit = _this select 0 #condition if (!alive _unit) then {goto "ende"} else {goto "random"} #random _rnd = floor(random 2); ; if (_rnd == 0) then {goto "crouch"} else {goto "standup"}; #standup _unit playmove "amovpknlmstpslowwrfldnon_amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon" ~1 if (alive _unit) then {goto "stand"} else {goto "ende"} #stand if (alive _unit) then {_unit setUnitPos "UP"} ~6 if (alive _unit) then {goto "random"} else {goto "ende"} #crouch if (alive _unit) then {_unit setUnitPos "middle"} else {goto "ende"} ~2 if (alive _unit) then {goto "random"} else {goto "ende"} #ende ; exit http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/631863734257757988/8CF9A58A8A78225B9A217B08CAA5BFCF7EE1DF5E/ http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/631863500429689855/70E28C93B0FAE9335DA8D2C6362D0B9C067B29D2/ I made trench fight script. for trench fight mission and I used random number script in my sqs file. and I saw random script category in BIS wiki. and wiki said "Be careful using random numbers in multiplayer, each client will come up with a different result." then what can I do now?. how do I fix that script?
  2. thank you sir!!! really really thank's
  3. I used script in my mission. Make trigger. and I put this code. Bomb=""Bo_GBU12_LGB"" createvehicle [(getpos car1 select 0),(getPos car1 select 1),100] then. not problem in SINGLEPLAY mission. ONE GBU12 is created at postion car1. But MULTIPLAY mission wasn't. in multiplay, GBU12 is created by player count. one player in mpmission -> then created one GBU12 two player's in mpmission -> then created two GBU12 what's problem with this script? if someone help me. I really appreciate that help. thank's p.s Im really sorry about that my short english skill... sorry. :(
  4. wow.. very simple answer and explain. thank's verymuch guy's