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About TrueSlawter

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Thanks will give that a go now :) ok im a total idiot when it comes to this, ive got the server for kelly's server (what i was linked by clan member to download ACE files) but how do you get the auto config urls for other servers?
  2. Sorry if this is the wrong thread but the mod is installed fine as i can play on other servers, yet one (and only 1) I cant It mentions not being able to Edit/mod something... this has only started happening since installing ACE (and again after totally reinstalling ArmA2 and ACE) so does anyone know whats the problem or if there is a fix for it?
  3. my cfg is fine Just the issue i mentioned above.. just joined a ACE server fine. connected etc with same promt as Im trying for other server. This server worked fine server i want to go on (hopefully future clans) I keep getting a error about editing something, any help wit hthe issue please if anyone knows a fix?
  4. Hi there i have a issue joining just 1 server (others are fine) every time i join I get "player TrueSlawter is using Mod data file CA" then it says something along the lines of "player cant Play/Edit Mission...." I cant catch the rest as it goes really quick any clues to why this is?
  5. TrueSlawter

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    16 here play every now and then will be slowing down for a bit soon for start of college then hopefully be playing again soon :)
  6. TrueSlawter

    m107 scope

    How do you zoom in with the scope?
  7. TrueSlawter

    1st mission

    what i ment was After saving the guy and women the satchel charge was no longer in my inventory and i didnt place it anywhere
  8. my cfg says - localVRAM=922484736; nonlocalVRAM=1878683648; with a 896mb card and 4GB ram
  9. TrueSlawter

    1st mission

    ok escorted the doctor, women ran away from me and the charge has now disapeared.. might have to retry the mission again :(
  10. where do you go for the middle options such as 896mb cards? Normal or High?
  11. running a GTX 275 I can use V.high with no issues just small slowdown so moved it to high and its now perfect tbh
  12. How do you get this working? I sort of know the code how to do it but where do you type it to make it work?
  13. I had that, I had to reinstall ArmA2 for the patch to install
  14. Every setting is the same as before the patch, My screen Res is 1680x1050 display set to 16:10 (what my screen is) and then the 3D res i think it is is set at 200% now (was default) yet no matter what i use it still cuts the menu's off, is there any way to solve this?
  15. TrueSlawter

    patch 1.02 install problem

    uninstalled went to reinstall I now get a error installing saying "Cannot create file C\etc.\AddOns\a10.pbo :(