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Everything posted by Some_old_guy

  1. I have a new problem. I'm still using the mod folder method, I downloaded ACE core and CBA. I put @CBA first, then @ACE in the -mod= list in the shortcut. However, now when I start the game, it gives me this error message: Include file userconfig\ace\ace_clientside_config.hpp not found So, could anyone tell me what I did wrong? Any help is greatly appreciated, I just really want to play this mod and can't seem to get it to work.
  2. Yeah I just tried that. It still gives me the same error message and I can't figure out why. Here is the exact message: Include file x/cba/addons/main/script_macros_common.hpp not found
  3. Some_old_guy

    ACE installation problem

    Hey, I was trying to install ACE 2 today, and I did the whole mod folder method. Then when I tried to start up the game it said this x/cba/addons/main/script_macros_common.hpp not found What exactly does that mean? Any help is greatly appreciated. -Andrew.
  4. I'm having a problem with the ACE mod. I used the modfolder method, but when I start up the game it gives me an error message something like this include file x/cba/addons/main/script_macros_common.hpp is missing Could someone tell me what I did wrong, or at least what went wrong? Thanks.
  5. Some_old_guy

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    I'm 15, but I much prefer this type of game to something like CoD. Unless we're talking about Team Fortress 2...that's my weakness...
  6. Some_old_guy


    I would sooo buy an "As you can see I've been hit in the head. It's nothing serious, but I am bleeding badly"..............wait, wrong forum.
  7. Some_old_guy

    Red Dawn: Endgame Arma 2 Trailer

    EEGAD. That was quite awesome.
  8. If I buy the steam game I just download it and play it? How does it all work, like with mods etc. Can I still get them from ArmAholic? Sorry, call me a noob but I'm brand new to this whole steam business. Also, what happens if I lose my files? Can I redownload it without having to pay again? Thanks, Andrew.
  9. Some_old_guy

    More User-friendly?

    I thought ArmA was pretty user friendly, I guess the action button did take a little getting used to.
  10. Some_old_guy

    Online coop campaign?

    I'll play online co-op with you lol. I'm in the same situation, because my friends don't play ArmA either. My xfire is sk8erdrew94, add me if you wanna play some co-op some time.
  11. Some_old_guy

    new guy

    I think his last question was meant as a joke. The old saying, "If a tree falls down in the woods and noone is there to hear it does it make a sound?"
  12. Some_old_guy

    How Much Realism are you Content With?

    I would be happy if they made it as realistic as physicly possible.
  13. Some_old_guy

    ofp2 helped arma2

    You're right, I first saw OFP:DR on X-Play, and when I was on youtube like a thousand people were comparing it to ArmA2, so I looked that up and here I am.
  14. Some_old_guy

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    You're right, I first saw OFP:DR on X-Play, and when I was on youtube like a thousand people were comparing it to ArmA2, so I looked that up and here I am.
  15. I will play it. Lol jk, the first thing I'm gonna do is go on the editor and check out all the models and guns and stuff.