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Everything posted by cowardheart

  1. Hey ive got problems when i use pboproject what is wrong here "Checking cfgSurfaces and clutter...pacem_grass_green_Character: sumof probabilities exceed 1.0" i get no clue reading output(s)
  2. cowardheart

    PboProject who is sumof

    THANKS alot for all help!!!!! its all about numbers
  3. cowardheart

    PboProject who is sumof

    surfaces clutter
  4. cowardheart

    PboProject who is sumof

    Ok ill try - dont spawn kill me if i dont make it
  5. cowardheart

    PboProject who is sumof

    Thanks for the answer!!! But im old and slow so i cant figure it out... What does it say do it say you need to fix the surfaces? sorry for being so slow
  6. Hey all !!! (i searched havent found answer yet) I got in to many problems mainly with Buldozer. First it started with the foundation problem that i think i manged to fix. Then ive got problem with "Cannot load texture cowkin\pacem\data\layers\s_000_000_lco.paa" I have projects unfinished that didnt get this message before - now i have it all the time. So what have ive done so far.. Reinstall tools over and over again, checked rvmat, checked config remade mask...checked layer config, wanted to kick my wife but then she would have beaten me up. smashed a keyboard check, screamin and cursing at the Postman check. So thankfull for any help need to add this to when reinstalled arma tools i didnt have to click on the agreement and if no one can give a solution maybe anyone have an idea how to do step by step to figure it out (my brain work in mystery ways)
  7. cowardheart

    Buldozer Problem Texture not load

    Thanks for all!! Problems started when windows was updated I did all i could .....was not enough But then RoF solved all my problems how the hell did a forget to use arma3p!!! THANKS im so happy again
  8. cowardheart

    Buldozer Problem Texture not load

    Well felt alright at start NOT Foundation Dll problem came back change buldozer settings still texture ##?¤=)&#¤`=?&( is here... Well i give up for today......."#¤"#%#¤/&¤%/(%&(&/)/(=)/()(%(&¤%¤%""#
  9. cowardheart

    Buldozer Problem Texture not load

    Thanks for the reply - but ive already done that and made a map from scratch same problem... ill unistall it again remove everything i can think off...and give it another try
  10. cowardheart

    White Terrain In Game - But not in buldozer

    I steal this thread I have got a problem i never seen before when packin in pbo project i get "Checkin cfgSurfaces and clutter...pacem_grass_green_Character:sumof probabilities exceed 1.0" Packing with Arma tool it says succes but in game its white terrain..... I have reinstall Arma tools..made mask all over again checkin all things i can think off.....anyone have a clue....
  11. cowardheart

    P Drive Empty

    Today i noticed that ARMA tools been updated so i started it. P was empty nothing nada there!!! then i copied in my things i wanted there But then C: got full!! (i have arma 3 on E) anyone else got problem since the update or
  12. cowardheart

    White Textures in game

    Maybee check the rvmat , I had a similar problem before and it was rvmat thats was wacko
  13. cowardheart

    Ruins -Road to ruin

    I started a map way back...i using only ruins.....but when testin it now when its halfdone. AI fire through ruins like its not there, but they dont run through them So if anyone do understand what im writing. Is there a way to make AI understand that they cant see through buildings (ruins). (or i just have to live with that - fact that ruins is what it is)
  14. cowardheart

    P Drive Empty

    Nope It mirrored C for me and i never had arma on C always had it on E
  15. cowardheart

    P Drive Empty

    Well i can hang myself and learn to search here i found my solution https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190353-howto-work-drive-setup-buldozer/?access_token=ba02bba1527baa8cf9cfbb16ab0db6f8d482ff7094e67e2ef0994de9633cf141329cfe0b4644368d51cb07a9ee2c03f7#036;eac2a2ec7e652bf218160796ce61532a&refresh_token=07571450d2e2348d5b3fb33a97f8d1313c99a846573045d75c3f0723e2a04359ea0497b6138b5370d8e10c1097eec36e$c0eddb5c423837d58dca619b40e26529
  16. cowardheart

    P Drive Empty

    Found it there 2 but when i copy things over to P my C drive gets full
  17. So I searched and searched here and there but havent found anything helpful yet!!! My problem IS using CUP for my map. The problem i have when using object from ibr_plants they show up correct in buldozer but after pbo it and start arma3 i get Nlod warning. If i remove theese objects on the map - it works in ARMA3....without any problems so what do i have to do ??? AND now im also getting errors from this object - AFDum_mesto2 ca/buildings and ca/lbr_plants wont work for me atm......
  18. cowardheart

    CS of Jacobi - Saviours

    Steam Problem now fixed (my own fault)
  19. Cs of Jacobi (Christian State of Jacobi) A small state located here, there and somewhere. This state was founded way back by a wrong turn!!!!!! A gigantic force was headin towards the holy land. But Saladin turned a road sign the other way, so this force went right out into nowhere, where they was walking around until the found an big oasis. The locals livin there went up in smoke at the same time this force arrived..... Economy Main income is from the Oil Military Army is named Saviours at the age of 7 all kids are sent to the Saviours Academy, When they turn 15 the duty starts and ends when reachin 30 (if death dont end it earlier). After 30 if being a good Saviour- can be promoted the title Saviours Veteran The weapon system of Saviours aint logical at all period Citizen Believers - main citizen of jacobi True Believers - Priests, Saviours Veteran No1 - The 4 priests To become a citizen of Jacobi - aint easy for an outsider (marry youre way in-or have much money) Goverment,Dictatorship whatever The 4 high priest choosen by God Link to Jacobi, Saviours, crCTI and Saviours Daesh were no good try here instead https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=F3952B127C75B21C!721&authkey=!ABNa2P1ieBfuWHU&ithint=folder%2crar Jacobi dl here see above Jacobi Requires Cup Terrain http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30046 Jacobi Units Soldiers @saviours dl doesnt req any other things Jacobi sworn enemy Saviours_Daesh dl here see above Req CBA A3 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 and Req Cup Weapons dl here http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27489 Daesh have east and west side crCTI mission (because i havent time or to be more honest my mission makin is scheisse) crCTI_24_Proman_saviours_v130 dl here see above Req Jacobi, Saviours, Saviours_Daesh and CUP Terrain http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=30046 Cup Weapons http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27489 CUP Vehicles http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29716 CBA A3 http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18767 BEWARE im not a modder-texture guru or a script God... units have missing parts in texture aint no logic in my configs (like my brain) So after all im lucky to even make it work So blame your self if you get messed up while playin this things Over and Out Coward Heart
  20. cowardheart

    Terrain - Porquerolles Island

    Looks awesome!!!!!!!
  21. cowardheart

    CS of Jacobi - Saviours

    Noticed that did a quick fix.....sorry
  22. cowardheart

    Buldozer Crash

    Ive got a problem with Buldozer.(In Visitor) When i start it its ok after 10 sec or less it crash!!! I made 3 different size off the map 1024,2048 and 4096 i tried masks in sizes 10240, 20480, 40960 and also tried them in size 4*1024 etc. no errors occurs for texture. I created the maps and directly imported mask and sat and started buldozer after its converted textures i can see the map for 10 sec and then it crash. tried without maps it crash, but then i tried an old map that is halfdone everything works fine! Yes i have reinstalled all tools, even reinstalled Win7, message in visitor exe are RStringBank destruct RStringBank destruct RStringBank destruct RStringBank destruct RStringBank destruct RStringBank destruct RStringBank destruct RStringBank destruct CFMntFromToFile::EndFromToSession: Open of origin file() failed (wtf is RStringBank something to do with the world economy?:) ) settings in buldozer are language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=1500000; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=0; Resolution_H=0; winX=16; winY=32; winW=800; winH=600; winDefW=800; winDefH=600; Render_W=1280; Render_H=900; FSAA=2; postFX=3; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1000; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=1057275904; nonlocalVRAM=2147483647; vsync=1; Hopefully somebody can help me!!!
  23. cowardheart

    Buldozer Crash

    remade mask, tested other maps, change this and that......no luck yet
  24. Necro Island a chaos land....the civil war has been going on for so long that no one remember WHY it started :butbut: ---------------- http://www.swec.se/bilder/1.jpg 255 kb http://www.swec.se/bilder/2.jpg 503 kb http://www.swec.se/bilder/3.jpg 343 kb here is the island http://www.swec.se/bilder/necro.rar Warfare BE 059 Lite and CrCti squeeze09 missions http://www.swec.se/bilder/necro_warfareBE_and_crcti09_MP.rar over and out Coward_Heart