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Everything posted by cychou

  1. ok The video should now be public. also, here is the propper crosshair Style when the laser designator is turned ON :
  2. Hello, i need help to get the laser designator working correctly. is it possible you add an option in the mouse menu for gunner to enable/disable laser designator (automatically displaying the range when enabled) Laser designator ON Laser designator OFF. currently the menu system is very confusing, the only thing the gunner really needs is a quick way to enable the laser designator to display the target range, TOF, and guide laser guided missiles. - Isn't the 30mm cannon supposed to get his zeroing automatically adjusted, on the fly, according to the tads range finder ? the current system use a 100m adjustement scale. i don't think it's how is adjusted the real cannon. - The Helicopter seems to have a really too fast spinning rotation rate. like if the helicopter was weighting 500lbs only.
  3. cychou

    FRL_Air mod WIP

    that's great :) ---- I noticed a bug concerning the AH1 Wildcat. When AI is piloting, it makes the chopper start to turn on itself. making impossible to shot as a gunner.
  4. cychou

    FRL_Air mod WIP

    Hi, Concerning attack aircrafts and helicopters,, would you be interrested to add a loadout selection system, where each hardpoint can be individually equipped according to the player choice. something similar to the system used in the AH64 Mod made by Franze & NoDUnit. example :
  5. cychou

    FRL_Air mod WIP

    nice job guys. i would like to know if you would be interested to improve the MQ-9 Reaper UAV. the features i would suggest are : - an option for the player to switch seats from/to pilot/gunner, so one player can have the full control of the UAV; - a working laser designator function when using gunner camera view. (see expected results : )- GBU12 bombs in the two inner pylons (UAV textures model changes required), which is the standard armement configuration used by the USAF : http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cd/MQ-9_Reaper_taxis.jpg these improvements would turn the Reaper to a much more effective hunter killer system compared to the current version.
  6. cychou

    FRL_Air mod WIP

    exactly. aim, activate laser designator, launch your laser guided bomb or missile and booooom. these states of the art camera have girostabilization system to keep aiming on target with maximum stability : here an example of the FLIR SAFIRE-HD you mean targeting pod models ? well, the US forces mainly use the SNIPER ATP (equiping most of US air forces planes) made by Lockeed Martin. SNIPER ATP : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sniper_Advanced_Targeting_Pod
  7. cychou

    FRL_Air mod WIP

    Mando missile is indeed a good example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hgS9MPF1H-k this is basically what i was suggesting, but with a smoother camera control, similar to the camera available on AH64 and Cobra and a laser designator similar to the ACE system. If you like realism and advanced features and other amazing stuff for arma 2 you should greatly try ACE. it's available for free on Play With Six software. it changes nearly everything (ballistic, sounds, visual effects, new weapons, vehicles, reticles, interraction system, healing system and much more...) the degree of realism is just bluffing, much more serious than the original version. you guys would probably like it since you created your mod with the same spirit.
  8. cychou

    FRL_Air mod WIP

    hi guys, i would like to know if you were interrested to add a targeting pod feature to the planes (a10, f35, Harrier, su25...etc). my idea would be to replicate on these planes the exact same movable camera turret view currently used on Apache and Cobra. maybe also to add a targeting pod texture (such as the Lockeed Martin Sniper XR) attached to one of their pylon. http://www.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dm.af.mil%2Fshared%2Fmedia%2Fphotodb%2Fphotos%2F090603-F-1642J-006.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fforums.eagle.ru%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D81321&h=1025&w=1540&tbnid=JOgQfCC4tdWg-M%3A&zoom=1&docid=azZ02q5ZaO_YWM&ei=eH0HVNqlLbXMsQTwhYBw&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=145&page=1&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=0CCsQrQMwAw to use the targeting pod, some options in the mouse menu would need to be added : "targeting pod ON / OFF" to switch to the camera view "laser designator ON / OFF" to use the laser designation aim at a target--turn on the laser--- drop your bomb....and boom. i'm a ACE mod user, but this feature has not even been implemented yet and will not be.
  9. Hello, i would need help to add extra scoring system for Domination mission (two teams) : basically i would like to add score points to a player who succeed to destroy MHQ of the opposite team. for example: if a Blufor player (X) destroy a Opfor MHQ (BTR90_HQ) he gets several points (Y). with this message in the global chat : "Player X destroyed a OPFOR MHQ, he gets Y points." if the player team kill his own MHQ he lost Y points : 'Player X destroyed a Blufor MHQ he lost Y Points. same thing for OPFOR.
  10. all is in the title. i'm using ACE mod, and i would like to add a script into a domination ACE mission, the goal is to trigger kill report and scoring when a player kill another player with ACE satchels charges. currently the ACE satchels charges are ignored by the kill report (player X killed Player Y) and there no scoring. that's problematic for several reasons : - missions such as domination are based on score to rank up, - we can't track team killer using satchels, - some of mission script need a killer ID to work correctly.
  11. Hello, i'm trying to add to static weapon (igla, stinger...etc) unlimited ammo with a specific delay between each round fired. i already know how to add the unlimited ammo for the unit : this addeventhandler ["fired", {(_this select 0) setvehicleammo 1}] but i need a solution to add a delay between each round fired to limit spamming. adding additionnal magazine in the unit init line instead of unlimited ammo doesn't reduce the fire rate. i know that there is the sleep function. but how could i put both (unlimited ammo + sleep) so i can get unlimited ammo with a slow rate of fire. what would be the correct code ? ---------- Post added at 01:54 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 AM ---------- ok, after hard time to find something on the forums i found a solution : the code is put in the unit init (here the Stinger twin launcher static weapon) : this addEventHandler ["Fired",{[_this select 0,getNumber (configFile/"CfgAmmo"/(_this select 4)/"explosive")] spawn {if (_this select 1==1) then {sleep 12};_this select 0 setVehicleAmmo 0.5}}] this give unlimited ammo, and add a delay between each round fired. sleep 12 set the required time in seconds between each round fired. setVehicleAmmo 0.5 this value must be set to 0.5 in order to maintain a constant delay. if the value is set to 1 the delay will break and the weapon will start to spam fire again..
  12. Hello, i'm trying to set a trigger that would display a vehiclechat message to vehicle type entering the trigger. axe a 20 axe b 20 square repetition activated by BLUFOR present cond : {_x isKindOf "plane"} count thisList > 0 by act : vehicle player vehicleChat "Your plane has been rearmed"; the problem here is that the vehiclechat message is displayed to all players being into a vehicle (no matter what the the kind of vehicle they are in) and even if they are not inside the trigger what should i modify to make the vehicle chat message only visible by players being inside the trigger and only when their vehicle is kind of "plane" ?
  13. Hello, i would need a script able to give points to a player when he run over other units (AI or humans) with a vehicle. if possible with the global chat message: "(Player X) Has killed (Player Y)." when a human kills another human. ---------- Post added at 01:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:27 PM ---------- i found this script on armaholic http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=3133 but it's made for Armed Assault. could it still work for Arma 2 ?
  14. hello, i would need help to create a trigger that would destroy a precise type of empty vehicle entering the trigger area. i use a mission (Domination) already containing trigger for bases safe zone, but the problem is it can't be triggered by empty vehicle, so if a player airlift an empty MHQ vehicle and make the mistake to fly above the enemy safe zone he will be killed, but not his empty mhq. and he will not be able to take it back. any help would be very welcome. thx
  15. OK thanks Persian and F2K Sel are right. I initially made the mistake to set a trigger activated by "game logic", instead of placing a game logic via the units selection menu. the solution given by persian (post n4) is working fine. :yay:
  16. what i would need is a trigger that would contain such kind of OnACT : {if (!(typeof _x=="BTR90_HQ")) then {_x setdamage 1};} forEach thislist; but this one doesn't work..
  17. yes the vehicle type matter. the trigger is needed for the russian MHQ (BTR90_HQ) when entering in blufor base and the for American MHQ (LAV25_HQ) when entering in opfor base. both blufor and opfor are playbale factions in my mission (Domination ACE TVT).
  18. what i'm looking for is a trigger that can destroy an empty vehicle. the solutions given above aren't working for me, if someone else can confirm these solutions don't work. (I hope i'm not making mistake when doing it).
  19. I tested both of your methods (Persian MO and Green), sadly none of them are working. the first method given by Persian an by green (who are the same) doesn't kill the empty vehicle. the second method by Persian doesn't despawn the empty vehicle. but i'm sure you will find out
  20. thank for the reply. unfortunately the script did not work.
  21. Hello, i'm looking for a protection zone where weapons and vehicles can't shot (from and to) the protection zone (like for the ProtectionZone_Ep1 script) but i would like this to be adjustable in size. currently the existing protectionzone_ep1 script only allow a protection zone of 30m radius : _pzone1 = "ProtectionZone_Ep1" createVehicleLocal (getMarkerPos "pzone1"); _pzone1 setObjectTexture [0,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0,0,0,0,ca)"]; i would need to create a protection zone circle (no shooting zone) of 1km diameter.
  22. yeah, i understood. i initially made the mistake to place the invisible helipad in the corner left of "protect1" square instead of placing it so it can cover all the trigger.
  23. ok, i succeeded to implement the mando missile script into my mission. now i tried to disable some mando feature such as Metis launcher (since I use ACE Mod). so i deleted lines concerning Metis from mando_setup_full.sqf. When i try it ingame the mando Hud i correctly removed but if i fire the Missile it can't be guided anymore, it goes straight, like if something was disabling the ACE wireguidance. how could i fix this issue ?
  24. thank you very much for your reply. i just had to multiply by 2 the width and height values input into the invisible helipad object (widht and height diameter) compared to the value chosen in the trigger (which are width and height radius). for ex if you trigger is 200m width and 500m height the helipad placed at the lower left hand corner of this trigger need the value 400m (width) and 1000m (height). also don't forget to make the helipad marker and the trigger to have the same angle (azimuth) orientation.