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Posts posted by Leopardi

  1. What about James Gastovski and his "John-Ninja-Uber-Rambo" missions? :cool:

    Sorry but some people here are living in the fog of nostalgia and only like to remember the "better" things of OFP. It was a great game for the time (2001) and included some Cold War "feelings" but this time is gone aswell as the Iron Curtain.

    No dude it is not just nostalgia. It's so easy to accuse that everything is just nostalgia. If it was just nostalgia I wouldn't have replayed the game 8 years later.

    The problem is not the time setting, it's how ARMA campaigns are made to be just emotionless warfare. "do this and this, only succeeding mission will make you go forward". In OFP everything goes wrong like in real war and you are just a grunt trying to survive, following orders and the story goes forward instead of just another mission after another mission.

  2. Okay, that kind of thing can be simply define into several ways of "how it sounds epic":

    A heroic shooter went through a million of enemy AI?


    A thousands of player-commanded AI to turn a city into ruin.


    USS Ford VS Iranian Aircraft Carrier on each side of the island with massive land and air invasions each other?

    or just

    Raining nukes when player try to escape alive?

    Whatever the method of gameplay is, you think it's epic enough to enjoy the game, then go for it. If not, the ARMA3 wouldn't be a smart choice.

    I define it "CWC". Simple fun missions where you are just a soldier doing your duty and attempting to survive but nothing really goes like planned. Not attempting to be the leader of amy and win the war.

  3. The story in A2 is based around USMC SF recon team not about the average grunt. The EW campaign was stylish + much more unbelievable. :rolleyes:

    OFP campaign missions were not all that great and some people should stop dreaming and try to re-play them with viewdistance set to 2000m (or higher) to see how "big" some battles were... "Part of a small AI group to battle other small(er) AI groups" - would fit better.

    The radio messages going on etc. sure did make it feel like you are tiny part in a war going on the whole island.

  4. I miss the sense of scale and feeling of being part of something bigger that you got in CWC. You just dont get that in ArmA, you're always the badass leading the charge, not the grunt watching the tanks and apcs roll on past your slow/lost ass...

    yeah this, that's what makes the feeling youre really in a war.

  5. Sorry but if you want a game where you don't have to think much, then you made the completely wrong choice.

    I liked the harvest red campaign. The only problem was that it was too short and BIS tried to compensate this with warfare. Much potential was wasted that way.

    I like to think, but not as a leader. Like in CWC campaign, you were just a grunt in the middle of a horrible mess trying to survive and nothing goes like planned. Suddenly you were all alone in a forest in russian territory trying to just make it out alive in great atmosphere.

  6. The singleplayer in ARMA has always been boring, because it's just trying to simulate war and that's basically it. CWC was completely different, why go for this imaginationless approach? I'm playing MP for simulating war, and SP for the atmosphere and plot-twisted story. And please, none of that unit commanding. Leave that for MP or some single missions. I just want to be a grunt surviving in an epic story and enjoy it without thinking like mad.

  7. I never said that, but I'm saying that you can't compare video game sounds to something you have never heard. You think you might know what it sounds like, but unless you've actually fired the weapon or been around when someone fired it, then you can't really compare if it's realistic or not. Simple logic.

    I own an AR-15 (Basically an M16) and I think it sounds pretty real in the game. But I cannot speak for the other sounds as most of them I haven't actually heard in real life.

    They record the sounds for ArmA from the real weapons. But as I said, you can't compare something in a game to something you have never actually seen or heard for real.

    Even if you were deaf, you could still tell the sounds in ArmA II are unrealistic. That same explosion is used in many games, WiC fuel air bomb comes to my mind for example.

    Now I understand you if the sounds were close to realistic, but most of them are not even close to what you'd expect from real sounds.

  8. please add better sounds that canned OFP crap just wont cut it.

    I want revereration off the mountains ect, I want different effects for when a round strikes the side of a tank or the side a humvee. same old same old isnt gonna be worth the expected 49.99-59.99 this game is going to be :/

    Yeah I dont really feel like buying if I hear the same library/whatever cheap sounds is used in ArmA 2...

    If I heard a trailer with realistic explosion sounds, reverbs, echos etc. I would simply not be able to resist buying ArmA 3.

  9. Have you actually heard any of these sounds in real life? Not from movies or the internet. How can you judge what's realistic and what's not?

    I don't understand. Are you saying that you can't tell if ArmA II sounds are realistic or not? Then good luck to you.

  10. yes and there is a significant size between BF3's team and Arma3's.

    It's kind of getting there, I wonder though if it is possible to have say on a helicopter, well we know main and tail rotors are seperate but can engines be seperate as well, or how about landing, there is no THUNK or sound of rubber which detracts greately from many vehicles aspects such as slamming brakes or comming to land on a runway.

    Yet I cannot help but be curious if these things exist and they just aren't taken advantage of.

    Well look at RO1 sounds. You hear distant gunfire, explosions, tank cannon sounds realistically different than you do close up. Simply using a distance swapping for sound files. The sounds are excellent in that game too.

  11. Raw Sound Sources + Material and Surrounding + Volume + Distortion + Sound Collecting = Sound/Hearing Simulation.

    Even 10 audio cards with EAX5.0 and 1GB RAM, it won't be able to simulate that in real time...

    BF3 will have 80 audio channels per one vehicle, for different sounds for different kind of angles. With 1 CPU core. Also distant sounds are very well modelled on the HDR engine. You can have very realistic audio on todays hardware, that's not an obstacle.

  12. On top of that it's recorded from a fair distance away which distorts it even more. Stand next to it and assuming your recording device can handle it, it'll sound more like a giant "snap" followed by the release of the gasses from the barrel. Kind of like how it sounds in ArmA II.

    I was referring to all the environmental factors. In arma at any distance its just a "zoomf". Also I've stood next to a T34 firing its 85mm cannon, it sounded more like an explosion than a "snap" and the shockwave made the snow masses on the ground move. In any case the arma 2 sound cannot be considered a real-life simulation at all.

  13. OFP AI seemed more intelligent, like they worked just like intented. It's like they added all these features without having a plan on how to make it all work smoothly.

  14. Hi again Leopardi,

    Yes, I know exactly what you mean mate, there could be more variations for each sound, and maybe make the explosions and weapon sounds more powerful and varied.

    I'm also pretty sure that BI knows that they can do much better, and probably they will.

    I was just :eek: at your "Pure Garbage" comment...:D



    well yeah I rushed a bit with the first post, fixed it now

  15. Obviously, the only Pure Garbage is your post. Telling the sounds are garbage is just way to stupid, they do sound good, could be a lot better ofc, but they sound fairly well imho.


    My ears bleed when I hear that same boom. And it's not just lack of variety. There is no distance (air absorbtion etc.) or echoing taken into account at all, it's just the same boring soundfile being triggered, thats how advanced the sound engine is. Of course there are near perfect sounds too, like tank engines, the PKT, the jet sounds or the helicopter cockpit sounds. I wouldn't change them.

    But when you look at the overall audio experience for the average grunt crawling on the battlefield, it is just downright poor. My personal review for the overall audio experience excluding some vehicles is pure garbage, 3/10. In my opinion, audio is one of the biggest factors that make playing enjoyable in a large scale milsim game such as ArmA. Overlooking it is just bad business. I don't feel like "being there" with arma II default audio.

  16. Keep on trollin'....

    If anyone's a troll it's if you think ArmA II sounds are somehow realistic and good. Audio is a major weakpoint of the game, and you keep saying against any improvements. I can't think of any reason why would you not want improved audio for ArmA 3. I know I won't be buying the game if audio is going to be like arma 2.

  17. Agreed on the game needing better sounds, but I wouldn't say Arma2's audio is "pure garbage". Typical kiddie hyperbole...

    It is pure garbage. I dont know what game you have been playing if you dont think this way. Just listen to that ugly *boom* sound on every frigging HE explosion. Or the A-10 30mm cannon that sounds like a nail-gun??! There's no fun in shooting with the tank either, when the sound effect is always the same unrealistic *zoomf*. If you think ArmA 2 cannon sounds are realistic, this is how a tank cannon sounds in real life:
