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Posts posted by gnc_lord_mdb

  1. Hi

    I have a question According to the BIS Wiki, you should also be able to change the stamina for each class.

    Can someone tell me how to do this?

    I could only change this for all classes so far.



    This class is defined in base soldier class so all soldiers in vanilla game have the same Stamina behavior. However it can be defined for each soldier class separately if desired.



  2. The ladder is now open and you can enroll in the Ladder his team.

    It is the ladder now off you go!

    No fixed scheduled game weeks!

    It is getting to learn the maps so you go in a later session League knows everything already.

    You put in the ladder firmly when you play and what map.

    Rules can be found on the HP.

    Team strength is 6 players.

    The maps and an overview of the cards can also be found on the homepage

    Should you have any further questions then they will be in the forum Arma3 Arma League


  3. header.jpg

    3-30-2015 the online ladder for preparation matches for our next ArmaLeague season goes online.

    Everybody is invited to come and join and to have a look at the maps.

    At the moment we are running last tests to make sure that the maps are running perfectly. If you find bugs or encounter problems, please post them!

    The ArmaLeague will be presenting a large array of different maps, each one offering different tactical possibilities for your play. There will be some small and some not-so-small maps (they are- rather laaaarge). Every map will be played 1st person only, and every map has a different car pool.

    The maps are well designed for matches of 5vs5 players.

    Because some teams have asked, the mod "task force radio TFR" will be allowed. It can be used on clients optionally- there will be no obligation to use it.

    if you have questions please ask!

    AL CTF Air Base V2.8

    AL CTF City Fight V2.9

    AL C&H Agin Marina V2.7

    AL C&H Air Station V2.8

    AL C&H Athira V2.7

    AL C&H Camp Maxwell V2.3

    AL C&H Domination Altis V2.6

    AL C&H Domination Statis V2.6

    AL C&H Frontline Altis V2.7

    AL C&H Frontline Stratis V2.8

    AL C&H Infanterie Fight V2.8

    AL C&H Katalaki V2.2

    AL C&H Mike 26 V2.5

    AL C&H Old Outpost V2.6

    AL C&H One Way V2.6

    AL C&H Paros V2.5

    AL C&H Pyrgos V2.6

    AL C&H Road to Hell V2.6

    AL C&H Town Fight V2.8

    AL C&H Steel Wall V2.9

    AL C&H East Altis V2.5

    AL C&H Airport V2.6





  4. After a long period of hard work is now a new Arma League Maps Maps .The there have all been revised and are now fully up to date by all BIS updates.The maps include a variety of different sizes of Maps.

    The map offer a variety of setting options.

    League / Public mode

    1st only / 3rd Only / inf 1st, 3rd Vehicles

    adjust time

    Weather modes

    Respwan vehicles on / off

    Game time adjustable

    Visibility adjustable

    Exhaustion on / off

    many more

    In addition, the PVP maps of Arma League much have integrated functions

    Zoomable dynamic minimap

    Opportunity to "knives"

    Opportunity to throw hand grenades into tank

    AL CTF Air Base V2.8

    AL CTF City Fight V2.9

    AL C&H Agin Marina V2.7

    AL C&H Air Station V2.8

    AL C&H Athira V2.7

    AL C&H Camp Maxwell V2.3

    AL C&H Domination Altis V2.6

    AL C&H Domination Statis V2.6

    AL C&H Frontline Altis V2.7

    AL C&H Frontline Stratis V2.8

    AL C&H Infanterie Fight V2.8

    AL C&H Katalaki V2.2

    AL C&H Mike 26 V2.5

    AL C&H Old Outpost V2.6

    AL C&H One Way V2.6

    AL C&H Paros V2.5

    AL C&H Pyrgos V2.6

    AL C&H Road to Hell V2.6

    AL C&H Town Fight V2.8

    AL C&H Steel Wall V2.9

    AL C&H East Altis V2.5

    AL C&H Airport V2.6






  5. Thanks Terox for helping out answering peoples questions.

    As long as there is more than 1 person on the server and side chat is enabled on the server you will see the messages in the rcon without having to do anything.

    Lord_MDB the program should always try to reconnect, if it fails it could be something random stopping it ( a strange case with windows 8 ) but with windows 7 it seemed to have a 100% reconnection rate after server restarts and an uptime of 8 days without the connection dropping out.

    I would also like to state that the download links on my site are fixed and people can download the rcon from there again.

    with me on the computer it does not connect new

    Then you set the or somehow with the start.exe which connects the program at startup?

  6. We played the map on Sunday.

    She is very well done.

    We have noticed some bug, after about 30-40 minutes there is a problem with the Commander that you can not give him more money. It may be something with "no erro Unit".

    Also we noticed that the map probably partially collapsed and no more cities were ingestible.

    Altis Map

  7. I am looking for the settings for a Dedi server on which up to 64 players can play.

    I've tasted this setting and not found a good current settings.

    I have problems with strong desync at 10-12 players on some maps.

    Our server is connecting at Hetzner with 100Mbit.

    There are two run Arma 3 PVP Server


    Intel Core i7 950

    24 GB

    2 x 1.5 TB









    class sockets{maxPacketSize =1400;};

    MaxCustomFileSize = 100;
