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Everything posted by chALLn(ger)

  1. chALLn(ger)

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    Final does not mean last. Great work on the patch. Experienced a crash to desktop with a "Report to Microsoft-Message" yesterday. I believe, that the server (Evolution V2) crashed for some reason and that this caused all clients to crash as well.
  2. chALLn(ger)

    Better Performance when setting shadows to high

    Here are some in-depth articles about the two shadow-casting techniques: Shadow Mapping Shadow Volume The first one is texture-based and causes those jagged edges, if the texture resolution is low. This can be avoided to some extend by applying a blur effect, such as a gaussian filter. Performance mainly depends on the resolution of the shadow-texture. The second method relies on finding silhouettes and projecting them onto world-geometry to create shaded areas. Unfortunately it is kind of hard to get blurry shadows with this approach. Performance mainly depends on the geometric complexity of the objects casting shadows.