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About clay-pigeon

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  1. clay-pigeon

    Crash Crash Crash

    Thanks for the tip. I'm gonna try it. Btw, I'm not happy with this "vista situation". Like you said, I'm somewhat "forced" to use it since only vista supports dx10. And once I paid hundreds of euros for my 8800gtx I want to enjoy it's benefits.
  2. clay-pigeon

    Crash Crash Crash

    XP is "recommended" OS according to box and it doesn't mean "XP only" but I don't go into this pointless argument further since it won't solve my problem.
  3. clay-pigeon

    Crash Crash Crash

    Well, I understand your reaction since I forgot to mention one important thing. I have this problem ONLY with ArmA at the moment. The only other game with which I experienced similar problem was LOTRO beta. Secondly, I don't see on the box any notification that this game doesn't support vista. This operation system was released more than eight months ago. I can understand why the game wasn't vista ready at release but another complete game can be made in six months... not eight. It is the easiest to blame MS and their recent operating system than make a product that work proberly. I don't mind the several small gameplay/graphics bugs I encouneterd in the game since game engine is very complex and I know it is almost impossible to make everything to work perfectly but I expect it to run at least. Maybe BI should finish the base game first before they start to develop expansion packs or another follow up.
  4. clay-pigeon

    Crash Crash Crash

    Same problem for me. Game crashes all the time. Sometimes it shows up the default "Application stopped workin.. blah.. blah.." but sometimes is just closes and jump back to desktop without any notification. I have all ther newest drivers, no 3rd party ARMA addons, vista home basic with visualization set to max performance, intel e6750, 2gb ram, wd raptor hdd, 8800gtx; x-fi sound card... So I think i have all the stuffs that expect this game to run properly but it crashes on my system continuously. The only thing I figured out if I decrease visual settings to low/medium in the game it crashes "only" in every 1-1,5 hrs. As if it made some memory leak or something. It seems to me as if this game was still a beta release despite the several patches that already came out for this buggy game. I'm a developer myself but if i released a product like this i would be in serious trouble. And my repuation would be nowhere...