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About crashvector

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  1. crashvector

    XAM = CHEAT!

    I see people talking about the "advantages" that using the XAM addon gives players. What, EXACTLY, are these advantages?
  2. crashvector

    Arma Hall Of Shame

    How about this: I'm very lenient when it comes to kicking/banning for most things. If I suspect someone of cheating, I will do everything reasonable to prove beyond a doubt they are a cheat before I ban. Fake ID's are banned immediately without a word however. If I cannot prove with absolute concrete evidence that someone is a cheat, but I feel as though I have reasonable doubt, I will kick first. If the foolishness stops, then starts again when the user returns, its a ban. As an admin, my obligation lies with providing the users of the server I admin with an enjoyable game....NOT with protecting the "rights" of someone I have reasonable suspicions about being a cheater/hack. This isn't the U.S. legal system...its a game. I don't have to be able to prove in court beyond a reasonable doubt. If I have reason to believe you are cheating/hacking/or screwing up the game in any other way that detracts from the ability of the OTHER 63 people in the server, you are gone. I refuse to forsake 63 other people in order to be "fair" to ONE player that is causing problems.
  3. crashvector

    Arma Hall Of Shame

    Generate a new one, then uninstall and reinstall the game, download the patches, etc etc.
  4. crashvector

    Arma Hall Of Shame

    the entire [sASKMT] squad should be banned globally. Every single one of them has a fake user ID, and three of them had the same ID: 4043433847 here are a few more to add to the list: USER: podkreslone ID: 3962427255 He likes to use the console hack to kill everyone in the server USER: poomansoon ID: 405550967 he has a hack that lets him shoot FFAR's from a rifle USER: infected ID: 2380601207 USER: Daniel ID: 2147682167
  5. crashvector

    ArmA debug console hack?!  WTF?!

    one of the other players in the server said he could see the commands the player was using... THAT is what I'm interested in...seeing the commands they are trying to use because it pinpoints who it is without any doubts as to who the user is, plus it shows their IP.
  6. crashvector

    Arma Hall Of Shame

    Bottom line: There are only 2 reasons to have a fake user ID 1) You;re a cheap bastard 2) you're a hack Anyone with a fake user ID should be instantly banned from any, and ALL servers.
  7. crashvector

    ArmA debug console hack?!  WTF?!

    Do you know anything about this Zaphod? BTW: I am =SF=WaltherP99
  8. This morning on our server (=SF= Server) someone was killing everyone on the opposite team. Another player said something about it being a debug console hack of some sort, and that he could see the command he was using. Does anyone know anything aobut this and how to stop it? If someone can come in our server and basically kill everyone on the opposite team, it quickly ruins the game. BTW: I am an admin recruit for =SF=, not some wannabe looking for a new hack. I need as much information as possible on how this can be stopped, or at LEAST how to see what command they are using so I can possibly figure out a way to stop it.