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About capnfoo

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. The Berzerk map with the two islands, at night with clear sky, but with more light posts and fires near bases and no nightvision. Landing a CRRC and taking a base with a small squad is so much more fun when you can actually sneak up through the woods and bushes without being spotted a mile away. Would be awesome too if bases had searchlights with human or automated control.
  2. capnfoo

    How do you disable crosshairs on server?

    Awesome guys, thanks
  3. capnfoo

    How do you disable crosshairs on server?

    Ah sry there's not a scripting section either. So I have to make a dedicated server in order to configure it, there's not a way to add it into the mission config files? I don't know any scripting or anything, I can only do basic respawns and stuff so the simplest way would be good. thanks -foo
  4. I'm doin some LAN cinema stuff with fraps and want to disable crosshairs in my LAN gametypes. I know this has probably been asked a million times but there's no search bar and I don't see it in the stickies. thanks -foo
  5. I'm doin some LAN cinema stuff with fraps and want to disable crosshairs in my LAN gametypes. I know this has probably been asked a million times but there's no search bar and I don't see it in the stickies. thanks -foo
  6. I've had the German version since 1.02 or so and all the patches have stayed in English. I accidentally erased my HD but still had my arma file, so I reinstalled and copied my old Arma file over the one that was installed. Everything works except it's in German and I can't find an English patch for 1.08.
  7. I've had the German version since 1.02 or so and all the patches have stayed in English. I accidentally erased my HD but still had my arma file, so I reinstalled and copied my old Arma file over the one that was installed. Everything works except it's in German and I can't find an English patch for 1.08.
  8. capnfoo

    Where do my "user missions" save?

    Oh wow I never even saw that file
  9. In the faqs i'm reading it says to save as user mission, then it should go to My Documents/Arma/Missions/[mission name] I'm tryin to add a description.ext to a mission i'm making but it doesnt show up in ANY of the folders under my documents I save and exit arma and still nothing
  10. unranked would be alright I suppose, but we wouldnt want to start off with cobras and such Where can I find the different versions for download?
  11. unranked would be alright I suppose, but we wouldnt want to start off with cobras and such Where can I find the different versions for download?
  12. capnfoo

    by the U.S. most feared weapon

    shilka, nothin like flyin a little bird over a mountain and getting 3 team kills and minus a ton of points cause of those bad boys.
  13. me and my friends want to play Evolution 3.0 at a LAN but we didnt have enough time last time to rank up that far. I looked around in the file but couldnt find where the rank requirements can be changed. Anyone know where this is?