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About ceB

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  1. ceB

    T-55 pack status

    ahh cant wait for a new tank!!
  2. ceB


    sweeeet, i hope it has textures for inside... miss that
  3. ceB

    quick question

    thanks man, now i know how to make so stuff....
  4. thanks man, now i know how to make so stuff....
  5. ceB

    quick question

    I have been messing around with editor a lot, and was wondering how i can make it where when i spawn units, how to make it where they don't automatically join a squad or make one.
  6. I have been messing around with editor a lot, and was wondering how i can make it where when i spawn units, how to make it where they don't automatically join a squad or make one.
  7. ceB

    Quick question about tanks

    some one gets it  Â
  8. In OFP when u get into a tank you can look around the interior of the tank and such. in all the vids i have watched with tanks in ArmA the view is only 3rd person and in the sights. can u look around the interior of the tanks in ArmA or have they not added that yet? and if not and they dont plan on to, why?? i hated the tanks in BF2 for one, the unrealistic armor, and how u cant look in the interior of the tank.
  9. Hello everyone, i have searched the forum for this idea, and i came up empty. I have noticed that the Strykers and M1A1's look kinda bare. You really never see a Stryker or M1 without bags, extra armor, flags, nick names etc on them. If you notice the cage that surounds the Stryker in the pic, you dont see those in game, and also the bags that the troops have put on the outside for more room on the inside. Most of you know probley that the cage is extra protection against RPG'S and it is very effective. In this pic of the M1 you can see the tools, wheels, bags, and other random things they are carying, and also how rough up its looks. i would love to see these kind of things on the vehicles in game. And if there is a topic on this some where else srry, but it would be awesome if you could link it to me.