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Everything posted by cartier90

  1. I have A2 and OA patched up to date and am frustrated by the fact the AI have difficulty in engaging , when they do , they are not the best shots. I have Super AI on, and have tried ACE, ACE works better but perfomance is bad on my comp due to the scripts and various other effects. Try putting youself as a Sniper and various OPFOR goups at 1000 900 all the way down too 600m, only the 600m team respond immediately, even then with poor accuracy. Is this a 1.57 issue ? and is this worth raising a ticket for ( assuming others find a similar problem) , I swear that A2 pre OA release was not this bad ..... ....
  2. Any one know in mph - just curious....
  3. Can anyone tell me why my teammates dont get busy and start firing like crazy when I order them to 'fire at will' ? I am updated too 1.60 . My sniper in particular doesnt like to engage from far out and when I order him too attack , goes off on a little jaunt of his own to get closer. When he is closer in he stands up too shoot ! - I dont know if this behaviour had anything to do with attacking from higher up than the enemy ? .........
  4. cartier90

    ATTACK DAMNIT ! - Long distance....

    Thanks Trapper, the issues are a little less with ACE2. O/T I do hope that A3 speeds the AI decision making process up a little and give them a little more autonomy..that is intelligent autonomy. I want them to act faster, follow orders when I ask etc etc....nothing that we havent waited for since 01 tho eh ?....not too say that A2 isnt a massively ambitious game and problems simulating reality are a given.
  5. cartier90

    ACE for OA 1.13

    I have always noticed that ACE2 hits my FPS by around an avg of 5/6 frames...is the latest release any better in this regard. My OA vanilla fps is borderline as it is, wanted to enjoy ACE2 again though after uninstalling it. thanks...
  6. cartier90

    ATTACK DAMNIT ! - Long distance....

    Thanks Derby. I notice sometimes I give the 'engage at will' order and it is not voiced on the radio, I presume it still 'registers' ?
  7. Can anyone tell me , does 1.60 work well with Zeus AI...I dont have Zeus and was wondering whether it was worth getting considering AI is quite strong already...thanks... ..
  8. cartier90

    Please share your 1.60 impressions

    Thanks derby I defragged , fine while flying but still the same for vehicles. The AI is very impressive - particularly from own team members, nice not to have to do all the work.
  9. cartier90

    Please share your 1.60 impressions

    This has happened on and off with me in the past, seems to be happening again. Scenery microstutters whilst driving vehicles or flying. I have searched for the solution but no joy. Thanks... ....
  10. cartier90

    Please share your 1.60 impressions

    Sickboy - thanks for the ATOC tip... What the hell did you do to the AI :yay: They engage from waaaaaaay further out - my men are actually useful and the enemy are monstrously good ! Im a happy bunny. Thanks BIS
  11. cartier90

    Please share your 1.60 impressions

    Can anyone tell me if this patch updates standalone A2 as well ? with AI improvements. I have CO but find performance better in Chernarus with A2 on its own ...thanks.
  12. I have A2 and OA combined into CO. I have noticed significantly worse performance using CO (Chernarus) than with A2 alone. I recall this was an issue upon OA's release. I haven't played ARMA for ages. :) .
  13. cartier90

    Worse 'A2' performance in CO ?

    I am looking for help, not ranting. I'l try the A to settings....thanks..
  14. When firing away at enemies I am quite mindful of having an empty or near empty mag and reload regularly - of course in real life a mag with 6 rounds is not particularly useful in the midst of a firefight and reloading too often could mean you have one full mag and 4 or 5 others with a varying load each. Question 1 - in real life combat soldiers are supposed to count their rounds fired so as too not run out in a critical situation - is this done often or is there a natural 'feel' for when it's time to slap a fresh one in. Question 2 ) - With the combat loads in OA being around 6 mags ...would this keep an average soldier going for a full days patrol or is it not particularly hard to load one of the troop up with spare ammo as and when needed ? Question 3 ) - In a Takistan like environ - ie Afghanistan, how long would a patrol go out for on a 'average day' assuming that such 'patrol' missions fill most days or are specific targets usually tasked ? Thank you for any replies ...
  15. Wasn't 1.60 supposed to be out soon , or did I read that wrong ? .
  16. I have never been in any of the armed services. My only experience of shooting was in the RAF cadets in school where we had a underground shooting range in my school. I never seriously considered the Army, as exciting as it looked due to the risk of injury or death. Whilst playing OFP/ARMA, it always strikes me that whatever you do, however much cover you take, the immense risk that is always their cannot really be avoided. Arma2's visceral 'snapping' sounds of gunfire make the experience all the more realistic and frightening particularly when nearby gunfire makes you shudder and lose focus. Has anyone here been put off the Army by this particular game, and the all-it- takes-is-one-shot-factor ? ..
  17. I should mention, I am in the editor with units plonked down, no 'mission' in play - when I am in one, I similarly experience anything from high 20s to high 30s..
  18. Galzohar - I get mid 50s in a lot of places in Chernarus while patrolling , not in a firefight. Settings are mid - VD1900.V sync off no antistrophic or AA .... In a firefight high 30s....I have a 1gb 9800 equivalent, not that shabby a card for its time (Feb 09 ) .... In the large cities in the game 30 dead on most the time in a firefight...
  19. cartier90

    A few real life combat questions

    Thanks for your answers Sarge et al. What I suppose cannot be shown in-game is the massive fatigue that soldiers must feel after being out for days on end. It may not be trench warfare intensity but I would imagine nerves would be quite frayed after a close call or two.
  20. I am going to go for a GTX570 - hopefully I will see a better framerate with this. It requires 2 6 pin power supply cords. My GTS250 is currently using just one...taking a peer inside the case their appears to be a 2nd 6 pin cord tied up , would it be possible to use that ? Never really needed to open a case before hence the total lack of knowledge :p
  21. It is stock with a Ipower 9820 from PC world , sacrilege to stay with a stock card yes but I was under the impression that being better than a 9800 would be good enough ? A better card might help then....I can get mid 50s frames in vanilla so believed my card was good enough. Will shell out for one. .....
  22. cartier90

    Arma II Vanilla won't get AI improvements?

    Is there any reason why OA Vanilla cannot get the huge firefights that ACE users enjoy in regards too volume of fire ?... I don't use ACE as my computer suffers from fps drops when using it, this tbh is the only aspect of ACE that I would like implemented...
  23. It must be specific to me...just tried a mission (editor quickie) in Feruz with 1 desert AE US team (with me as machine gunner) against 2 squads of Russian AE desert units.. As soon as it starts 32/33 fps before any engagements. The same in Vanilla I get 45 fps. Oddly enough, with ACE that 32/33 only drops to maybe 28 (acceptable ), but not great when compared to vanilla performance. I am quite a newb with ARMA files and not sure what those are that you refer too , in order to raise a ticket etc...It doesnt seem to be related to volume of fire as it was reduced significantly before a round fired....
  24. Sickboy - tbh, I believe the culprit is the insane amounts of lead in the air. Every AI unit is engaging ( as I suppose you would want them to be ) each other and just causing what I consider to be 'normal' slowdown in a vanilla game. When using all ACE units, I particularly get this as well...to be fair, I could just be more conservative with the missions i make rather than stress test things, as nigh on 60 units in Feruz Abad facing each other is bound to cause problems.... As a side note and slighly off topic, I have a GTS250 card (slightly better than 9800) with a stock I7. Would a better card improve fps rates much or is this more CPU based ? thanks...
  25. Sickboy - I checked out the link re ACE performance and scripts and tired without the 'eventhandler' pbo....no improvment. Why is ACE 1.9 causing more slowdown than with ACE for ARMA2 ? I know I harp on about this but I would really like to play ACE enabled. The mission I am using has a good 60 AI in a firefight - maybe half of them engaged at any one time. I average mid 30s without ACE and high 20s with. I find this to be too much of a hit. Using the ACE units, forget it !, low 20s - the thing is, I used ACE units in similar firefights for ARMA2 ACE with only a few frames lost. Anyone else with this issue ? ....