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Everything posted by cartier90

  1. Its worrying to hear in the other thread ppl having issues performance wise with Quad cores ! - I have a I7 920 - 4 GB - surely the game will run smooth on mine :butbut: :butbut:
  2. cartier90

    ARMA 2 Micro AI Thread

    I was pleased with OFPR Super AI tbh...ok , not the best in cities, but it was ok. Hopefully ARMA2 will be a doubly big leap for me, OFPR is the latest BIS game I've played...
  3. Trini , I dont know much bout computers..ran OFP for years on 1 5600ultra and 512 ram....I have a 920 with 4 gb ram and 1024mb GTS250 (9800GT Upgrade)- will I get similar fps to yours ? - even constant mid 30s would be fine....:D Surely the grass and vegetation slows it all down ?, or is it well optimised..l
  4. cartier90

    ArmA 2 on PlayStation 3

    Long term PS3 owner, it just wont work on a PC - the fidelity of aiming control needed is not compatible with a controller.
  5. Check out the framerate in different situations / locales !!!:butbut:
  6. cartier90

    Damage model - depth

    Hi all, long time visitor - first time poster - thought I should actually contribute a post or two as release is near. Have been a OFP fan since 03' , skipped ARMA and have been excited by what iv'e seen. I have a question on damage (health ) of a player or an enemy and the fidelity of the damage model employed. Are various 'zones' on a body given fixed values ?, i.e headshot hit meaning certain death, leg shot perhaps .25 of health gone?. Or is it a little more sophisticated.... Truth be told, I think I already know the answer, most likely a continuation of OFP and I assume what was present in ARMA1 - say 4 hits in the leg meaning death, with no delineation of 'critical' areas on a body (organs - spine - artieries ). It would be interesting to know what a round was 'thinking' on the way to a 400 yard off target. Does a higher poly LOD model load from 'its' perspective to differentiate between one area of a target to another ?. I.e, at said distance a target of a human is perhaps 3/4 pixels high, lets says you aim for the 'top' pixel' - does the game engine assume that the head was your target and go directly for that ?, or is it more dynamic than that ?. Perhaps this is not really a ARMA2 focused q and could apply to any FPS game, given though BIS's obvious commitment to accuracy - I could be forgiven to think thata more realistic damage model was employed. The flight sim IL - Sturmovik 1946 improved on its predecessor by having each round from a gun modelled independantly - rather than the older game giving essentially random values to each round and distributing them within a pre scripted 'cone' of fire. Should I assume this is modelled in ARMA 2 ?
  7. nice 1 ziip , specially good to hear bout those specs - hopefully the uk wont get screwed with release date.
  8. I have a I7 and GTS250 with 4GB RAM - hope Ill be ok ^^
  9. cartier90

    Damage model - depth

    Sounds good ^^ - almost glad I skipped ARMA - the step up OFPR should be a significant one. Slightly off topic, I am intrigued how flying jets will work over a 'small' area. Small in regard to the amount of ground covered - surely the whole of Chenarus would be covered in 2 / 3 minutes...
  10. cartier90

    Damage model - depth

    I suppose its too much to ask of current hardware then...Is body armour to be introduced ? or was this already in ARMA1 - if so, again, is it too much to ask that 9mm rounds do not hurt you and 7.62 does - as is often seen IRL with body armour.