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Everything posted by cartier90

  1. .. I have a mid-high system (quad) with only a GTS250 and run at good rates..., never less than 27fps in a heavy battle. You have an axe to grind... Your computers fucked - 4/5 fps ! 'Game done for good' GTFO - this game will only increase in popularity as the level of the 'average' gaming system increases.
  2. cartier90

    How do YOU play ARMA2 ?

    Perhaps this is defining a point of human nature. We all gain satisfaction from 'up close and personal' warfare, shooting a tank I feel indifferent. A hellfire from a heli at dots on the ground - just doesnt do it for me. Popping up out of cover and seeing the results of your actions hits the mark - pardon the pun. Dont get me wrong, I hate war - but the instincts in all of us too kill - at least in males, need to be sated somehow, even if it is in a trivial 'game'.
  3. wow, good stuff..it deserves to sell a few million..
  4. cartier90

    How do YOU play ARMA2 ?

    What I can deduce from this then - the vast majority of ARMA2 players are not particularly taken with epic battles and tank / aerial warfare and like the 'meat' of the game..infantry combat.
  5. Kevin, your system outperforms mine yet I get better framerates. Set your vid memory to V high, set post process to very low. This will do 2 things. Increase your fps and takes away the ' fuzzy ' vaseline effect.
  6. I suppose Devil, its all dependent on the experience of the individual. I have a mid-high end system and it runs quite well. Only in large battles does fps drop below 30 - Something I find unplayable. Now my initial reaction to your post was 'oh for gods sakes ' another one, but if your having issues on a reasonable system its hard for you to see the game in any other way. Again, it has to be said, has anyone the expertise to even attempt a similar game ?
  7. If BIS charged me £75 for this game or $120 , Id buy it. Why ?, because there is much more to this game than meets the eye. There are very , very few games out there that stand in the free roaming genre that have dynamic AI. Discounting a few combat flight sims. This by itself and the fact that it is so flexible that Militaries worldwide are using a version of it tells me that this is special game not too be compared with 'blockbuster' ones that we may be used too. As others have said above me, BIS DO support their games with patches that DO sort out issues - we only see part of the picture, namely a consumers one. We are not BIS's finance dept or their management so we dont know what pressure there was too release when they did. If given more time can any of you assume they wouldnt prefer to have fixed issues prior too release ? - given their fastidious nature of accuracy it doesnt seem likely.
  8. cartier90

    Orange-yellow bushes are complete fps killers

    Seems that BIS have quite a few revenue streams...100 Euro an hour PER operator !...With VBS and ARMA2...wonder what their turnover is..
  9. cartier90

    Streetlights ?

    moon lighting is awesome....
  10. cartier90

    Streetlights ?

    They were significantly brighter in OFP - come too think of it though, looking out my window, it is about right ;)....
  11. It shouldnt be impossible apparantly...ARMAs framerate was vastly improved im told. I am aware the engine is getting on though. What does real virtuality 3 allow over and above 2 and 1? ?. Il be honest..I was expecting a bit more of a leap from OFP , let alone ARMA. It feels like a high res prettier version of flashpoint. No bad thing.
  12. ha yeah....to me, the uber battles just dont work as well.
  13. cartier90

    How do YOU play ARMA2 ?

    Id like to get Avgani working, never played ARMA so not sure how too. Apparantly more than just Avgani is needed - Sahrani as well ?
  14. cartier90

    How do YOU play ARMA2 ?

    Ha, its good to hear not everyones playing in camo's and a helmet taking everything so seriously ;)
  15. cartier90

    Looking at mission PBOs in Editor ?

    Dog, your one of the few people who mentioned these....yes I like these a lot, and I get great performance out of them. However, when I die, I have to start the entire patrol again, and as you say they are hard, so respawns are needed...
  16. I hope optimization will increase fps by say 25 %, Id be quite happy then. At the mo im restricted to infantry only missions, and small scale ones at that.
  17. Ah no Sickboy, I didnt make myself clear...I heard that the ACE mod for ARMA slowed down FPS as the effects, etc were more cpu demanding....
  18. I have asked this in another thread , I would like ppls opinion though......is anyone here able to handle some of the 'large' missions , with a lot of action, command based ones with decent fps. I have a I7 reasonable card and am only getting mid 20s cannot deal with less than 30fps. I hope that patches might help ?
  19. cartier90

    Looking at mission PBOs in Editor ?

    out of interest , is anyones comp able to handle the 'big' user uploaded missions out there, im talking more than the 25 fps im getting. I cant handle less than 30......why I prefer small missions.
  20. cartier90

    How do YOU play ARMA2 ?

    I think another reason I like them is that performance seems to be better than on the 'epic' missions with tanks, planes at your control - just not cut out for management ;)
  21. cartier90

    SP Missions by SaOk

    what kind of framerate is one supposed to get . Im getting mid 20s....
  22. Mlm - Patches made quite a difference to performance of ARMA. I have a mid-high end machine - I7 - GTS250 - 4GB and get 30fps not 20. Thats in a hefty battle as well.
  23. ignore, please lock....
  24. Who knows what pressure BIS was under to release, their not exactly prolific in releasing games...
  25. cartier90

    Looking at mission PBOs in Editor ?

    nice 1, thought there was an easy way...