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About capitancrunk

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. capitancrunk

    Marc15yo's High Quality Reskins

    hey marc15. you have alot of potential with the reskin of some of these addons. aside from the ch46 (which looks very good) you can help out with some other USMC addons like TOWs AAV. i know somebody tried it before and kind of just left it hanging.... but what im really interested in is maybe we can work together and try to reskin some of the USMC infantry addons, its erks me how inaccurate they are. lets combine our knowledge and try to make some great addons.
  2. capitancrunk

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    that my dear freind is nothin more than warning alarm to alert the pilot and crew that somethin is seriously f'd
  3. capitancrunk

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/3861/earlyep4.png ignore the flowers, but look at how his gear is positioned. all mags are on his non-shooting hand side. note the gear and its positions. this was early in the war. circa 04 im guessin http://img441.imageshack.us/img441/2712/tanakam402sk8.jpg scout/snipers in MOPP gear. take not the lbv... http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/9753/drawfireyr9.jpg some more grunts. note the marine on the left and his ammo mags placement. the marine on the right note his sustainment and dump pouches.... http://img208.imageshack.us/img208/2/soldiercagebe0.jpg this is from waaay back in the beginning of the war, but notice the saw pouches and their placement well thats all i got for right now..also take a look at the marines kevlar, googles with dust covers, nvg mounts and knee pads.etc.... also notice how almost no marines share the same gear configurations more to follow. semper fi
  4. capitancrunk

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    just trying to further piss you off(i feel like universal) can we update the AAV? i know there is a supposedly "unfinished" update AAV floating around here and the smaw is still used by the marines, but more than likely its the AT4. the smaw is exepensive to use and the marine corps being cheap prefers the AT4 most of the time... and what about the v-22. some simple exterior retexturing and we shoould be good. who really cares about functionatilly?
  5. capitancrunk

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    bobcatt i see you were a member of the usmc gwc mod. you think you can get your hands on that old ch46 model?
  6. capitancrunk

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    some marine grunt units in Iraq were actually issued some special made and ordered oakleys before going to iraq. so....yea...
  7. capitancrunk

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    oh, and another thing. im not 100% but i dont think the order for CROWS to the marine coprs ever went thru. so your best bet is to save the CROWS variants for the army. i know they have like 300 of them or so...
  8. capitancrunk

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    i didnt know this mod was made to be multiplayer combatiable...
  9. capitancrunk

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    uhhh big rooney. i couldnt upload pictures of current marine gear for you cuz of current internt problems in my barracks. sorry Here's some things i can kind of "walk you through" tho.... the machine gunners..where large sustainment pouches either  in the front of on their sides. usually ab out 2-3 times as big as a regular 5.56mm pouch. Most of the pouches and carriers the marines utilize are coyote brown in color. the small things like radio pouches dump pouches and miscellanous gear comes in woodland. they are a lot of inconsistenies in marine corps combat loadouts. some marines have the gear in coyote brown some have it in woodland....no two marines look exactly alike nowadays...so more variation between models is a good idea another thing. googles...alot of marines wear dust covers over their googles. anythnig from green to black, to brown so add those in on some models as well we all know the USA patch has to come off the shoulders... i saw you started to do the rextextruing on the issued hydration packs for the marines. love to see that get finished. the marines in my unit and the ones i've worked with dont use aimpoint sights. ACOGs all the way i've only seen two marines with eotechs as any other sight..... those buttbacks are wrong. the skinner, wider version were more true to life. also most marines dont even really where them anymore. pistol leg hostles are usually coyote brown... 1qt canteen....coyote brown and those that chose to wear them(alot dont) would attach them to the side of their vests.. keep in mind when marines  mount the gear they do so as to ease of movement...most rifleman mags pouches will be mounted high on the chest. this mid level and usually right handed shooter will have all their mags pouches mounted left side and left handed shootes the oppsite. radio, gernades,  first aid kit. all those extras are mounted on the shooting hands side. this is true for just about every body excluding machine gunner which have those 2 to 3 large pouches who have them mounted low closer the waist on the front of their body, sometimes to the side. uhh your navy corpmen would most likely be using a m4. with an eotech. and his day back would be digi green. no digi desert assult pack has been made or issued. your engineer would be using an m16a4 with acog thats all i can really think of....i know it sounds like alot, but it really isnt. you been doing a great job with this mod and you have alot of potential to pick up where others left and on the last note who ever said the w variant of the cobra over the z is wrong....the w dont exsist in this man's corps no more and those aim9's are there as a defensive weapon so i dont see whty you wouldnt want them in there..and the z has improved stability and control... and universal marpat is already implemented in the mode, but if you're talking about that on a resistence model. try cadpart...might be more youre looking for.... ok, im done now. thanks
  10. capitancrunk

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    also with burning-flying debris, would be an eye-catching moment... just don't get distracted to it in the middle of battle.. just keep up the good work, big rooney.... btw, is it possible to torn apart the models when they explode? if i can recall correctly. you can "blow apart a model", but you can create an internal script that replaces the model with a destroyed one...... big rooney. me being a US Marine and a big fan i would like to help add a more realism to the US marine models. As well as see different, if not better USMC addons implemented.... CH53's AH-1Z, the latter model with sidewinders on wingtips(lot more accuarate) AV-8B's TOW humvess... but i will try to get you some pictures of marines in various stage of combat loads... aka, it kinda erks me that the m240 and m249 gunners are wearing 5.556mm ammo pouches instead of larger ammo can sized one i'll will provide my assistance as neccessary -Cpl Davis, USMC
  11. capitancrunk

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    on that note....not that its a major issue, but with the marine tanks....it's probally not of major concern to you, but they do say US ARMY on the side. it's kinda annoying, maybe, just maybe you could retexture just the side and replace it with USMC...
  12. capitancrunk

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    Big Rooney, looks like the patch is coming along nicely, i'm looking forward to it's release a quick suggetion just to piss you off..... in the orig mod you used the BIS bmp ambulance. you might want to consider using an updated one. CSLA has one i believe. thanx. out
  13. capitancrunk

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    and not to knock your mod. it's very well done, but i have afew problems with your "specops" marines. I can help you out if you want
  14. capitancrunk

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    just a request but do you think it is possible to release a list of weapons and corresponding class/ammo names? i'm trying to mix and match weapon loadouts for a misson of mine, but dont have the class names to use
  15. capitancrunk

    Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

    just wanted to point out that you skipped over the ch53 super stallion cargo helicopter when adding marine air. just thought you should know GREAT mod. really impressed