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About cyclone

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. cyclone

    Player looking for Squad/Clan

    Hi all, glad I finally got the game working on my new computer. I used to play in ETA (not sure how many people still remember ETA, it was one of the best U.S. based OFP squads back then), and now ready to roll in ArmA (and where the heck are the old ETA farts now...) * 31-year old, asian, with full-time job and kids, etc, but I can squeeze out 1-2 hours every night for the fun * Decent FPS skills * Good computer setup (new computer E6600 dual-core 3.2Ghz + Geforce 8800GTS video card) * Reliable internet connection (3Mbps down) I am looking for a mature team only. Please email me cyclonebob@gmail.com if you are actively seeking more members. Thanks!
  2. cyclone

    USA players get your ArmaA now!

    Now I just need to figure out how I can get my $44 back from that shitty Sprocket. If you guys have posted all these channels to get DVD version of the game, I would be playing ArmA right now, instead of whining here.
  3. cyclone

    USA players get your ArmaA now!

    LOL - 3 WinXP reinstalls - 3 Internet Explorer 7.0 reinstalls - Downloaded it 5 times, each time matches the MD5 checksum over 20 emails sent - 7 days after the purchase Still cannot see loading screen yet! All I have to say is - worst support in my past 20 gaming experience. Numerous games run perfectly fine on my PC, but this one, cannot even get through the activiation window, because that windows is so crappy programmed - many free download wares are much better. Yeah, if you think a hard copy will skip the activation window, then go ahead try it. Maybe it will work. I don't have the luxury to get a hard copy, since I have already wasted $44 bucks.
  4. cyclone

    USA players get your ArmaA now!

    BE VERY CAREFUL! Yes you are warned. This game, as it stands now, is not in release condition yet. Many people cannot even get to the loading screen. Myself, I live in Wisconsin, bought the English version last Friday online, downloaded it and installed it, but has not been able to figure out how to get through their activation screen, and 7 days after the purchase, I got ONE customer support reponse which directs me to a totally unrelated direction to check for issues, LOL Here is the thread: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=58888 I would recommend U.S. folks be patient to wait for a stable release. I know the game itself is hot and we have been waiting for almost 3 years, but it is sad to see the poor customer service and crappy front end activation process and UI - worse than those free-download wares.
  5. DAY 7. I finally got an response, but I think the guy has no clue what is going on: Here is my response to it:
  6. Same feeling here. I just send out a dispute to my credit card company for the purchase of this game - it is under "defective product without merchant reponse" category.
  7. cyclone

    Terrible (none) customer support

    This is day 5, and I have not heard a single response from all the emails to Softwrap/Sprocket/IDEA. None existing customer service I would say? I will try all the suggestions posted here by you guys, if they don't work, I guess I have to put a no-payment hold on my credit card for this purchase. Will see you guys later when this game is improved so that I can see at least the loading screen.
  8. I have been using Firefox for about 3 years and it has always been my default browser. However, ArmA.exe launches IE anyway, forced. For that reason, I installed IE7 hoping to fix the issue since the IE on my machine is very old (never used it). Still, same error.
  9. Hi Sarge, I have not even been able to make this form show up as nicely as you have had it, not to mention clicking on the "Next" button. Did you install the game in the default C:\Windows\Program Files\ folder? What version of Internet Explorer are you using? Thanks.
  10. Thanks for the tip. This might be it. I will try after work today. Now I remember the installation of Resistance over the original OFP has similar issue - it must be within the same folder of original OFP. I always like to give a seperate folder to each game, and keep games in a seprate drive. If what you suggested is indeed the issue, I highly recommend either BIS or Softwrap/Sprocket do something to either force the game to be installed in the Windows system program directory, or make that webpage dynamically recongnize the installation location.
  11. I will be very glad to have a customer like you in my business - can bent all over yourself to solve a problem that is not well documented and not supported. So, a loyal customer? very. Usually people in the U.S. would run to BestBuy and grab the game, expecting to play it within a hour or so. If it does not work out of the box, people usually drive back and return it. If I can afford the waiting, I will go amazon.com. BTW, I dont have any anti-virus software on my PC. As a programmer myself, I clearly know it is not related to any hardware issue, but rather a security, or webpage script coding issue. I have exhausted all security settings in my browser (firefox is my default broswer, but I think Arma.exe is launching IE anyway), so I am leaning more towards issues in coding of the webpage itself. I hope you keep being a patient person as you are now - waiting for a couple days for a long-waited game (3 years) after installed but could not play. I have waited 3 days, and keep going. The complain is mainly for no response during the 3 days - it is worst if you are willing to wait, but there is no sign of anybody working on it, meaning indefinite waiting.
  12. cyclone

    Terrible (none) customer support

    I am not sure how many people have downloaded and installed the new English version with patch. At least 2 other people have expressed similar issue as mine in the thread I linked. If there are only 3 people bought and installed the new English version with new patch, then it is definitely something wrong with that form/webpage. I did not say "it is a bug in the game" any where in my post. Please learn2read. My focus is the customer support, especially in the distribution aspect of it. It is seriously slow and lacking.
  13. cyclone

    Terrible (none) customer support

    I think it has something to do with the English version with new patch. Do everyone who downloaded the CZ version go through the same window I showed in my post? I am not sure how many people in the U.S. have bought the English version with new patch and downloaded, but in my post in the Troubleshooting forum, at least 2 other players had the similar issue and could not go past the launching stage. So it is not just 1 customer. It is 3 customers complaining here, and you don't know how many are just quiet (maybe just sent emails and still waiting for a response). At worst, I will just request for a refund and wait for a stable release, but my goal in posting here is to warn for a loss of potential future customers due to stupid issues like this one. No matter how good the game is, bad distribution and customer support will hurt the customer base significantly.
  14. cyclone

    Terrible (none) customer support

    Good call. I would highly suggest BI to get rid of Softwrap, or Sprocket in their future game distribution. I use WinXP SP2, with IE7 SP2 installed. I usually use Firefox, but due to this error I am seeting, I have installed IE7 hoping it will fix the error. Nope. What I have done so far: 1. Turn my Internet security to lowest level 2. Accept all cookies 3. Enable all ActiveX/Scripts 4. Turn off firewall.
  15. cyclone

    Terrible (none) customer support

    If the problem is solved in a timely fashion, 0 thread is needed in Troubleshooting forum I found your logic flawed. Not to mention whoever get the most profit out of the product should be ultimately responsible for the customers, the online store and the download are very likely to be owned or at least the download/install mechanism is created or maintained by BIS. Even just for heads up, in the future, DO NOT LET SOFTWRAP OR SPROCKET HANDLE YOUR CUSTOMER BASE. You cannot imagine how bad this will influence potential customers. I persuaded 5 of my friends in my current WoW guild to come over to play this game, but now they are all turning away, or at least are putting the plan of playing ArmA with me on indefinite hold, after seening how laughable the experience I have had (yap, 3 days passed, have not been able to see the game loading screen, LOL).