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Everything posted by cympatheey

  1. cympatheey

    Addon everyone wants

    Whats the Addon everyone wants to see in OFP. I just wanted to know. I was thinking maybe a couple of space ships (i'm aware of the starship troopers Dropship) But a couple more. What does everyone else think. /CymPatheeY
  2. Dangerous Streets MOD is set in current Day Phillideplhia and after Alex Timbers wife was assasinated by a loan shark because he owed money to the mafia, he enlists himself as a made man for hire in oreder to get closer to the man who killed his wife. More Information will be put up on our official site http://dangerousstreets.gamingsource.co.uk. ----------------------------------------------------------- Dangerous Streets Modification Team Needs your Help. We currently need the following: Modelers-To help me with the creation of the weapons,vehicles(Cars,trucks Planes Helicopters) and to go and check over and give an opinion on what needs to be changed. Texture Artists-To create textures for the models created for use in game Config Writers-To create the configs necessary to bring the Model Created in O2 into the game for use with the mod Scripter-To Create scripts needed for the Missions and custcene help for me. If you Think you can help us out with any of the above following positions please send an email to outoftimekid@hotmail.com or drop me a line on our official forums http://dangerousstreets.gamingsource.co.uk/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.pl Thanks for any of the Help. /CymPatheeY
  3. cympatheey

    Dangerous streets mod

    Okay we still need members just thought I'd bump this topic up to the top heh
  4. cympatheey

    Wild animals pack!

    No But I'll Get around To the Croc Soon I'm realeasing the animals as part of The DSM Mod but dont worry they'll be out soon If I can ever find a config person damnit!!! SWe got these anims models and stuff but no conig to make it work what the hell someone help me out please. /CymPatheeY
  5. cympatheey

    Wild animals pack!

    Deer yeah Im doing that dont wory about the deer I got a tiger a deer and a wolf done woking on the panda bear.
  6. cympatheey

    For animation

    What do I have to do in order to animate an object using the OFP anim tool? I kno it has something to do with creating named selection. But what exactly is there a tutorial on this some where? /CymPatheeY
  7. cympatheey

    For animation

    yeah Im animating my deer and tiger addon
  8. cympatheey

    Skinning tutorial

    Uhhh make sure the texture is within the accepted dimensions. Abuus tutorial lists all the accepted dimensions it slike 64,128,256,512,1024 I think but 128 and 64 are right a 100 percent
  9. cympatheey

    Wild animals pack!

    Tiger anyone Okay Heres the finished version of the tiger this one is going to need animations and such too so if anyone can do anims for it sweet. (damn Im fast) Another thing though right up at the face of the tiger it looks like to total shit so I might be correcting that, later on sometime. /CymPatheeY Poly count is:2136 Vertices:1102
  10. cympatheey

    Wild animals pack!

    IM Working on a tiger now so Watch here. and I'm in the process of finishing up the deer addon. /CymPatheeY
  11. cympatheey

    Crate mule is out!

    Hey Just so everyone Knows I've made a deer to hunt (and Hockey_112 is working on the anims) so for all of you animal seekers out there. Deer In OFP page Also I've begun work on a crocodile,tiger, and a bear so keep watching that thread for updates. Also I'm working on a script to randomly place the deer near a soldier if there near a forest, and delete the animal when it goes out of view.:) if anyone could help me with texturing that would be a huge HUGE HUGE help, bcause the textures look like crap.
  12. cympatheey

    First imported model from pc halo

    Hey WIlco How were all these models imported. No tsure why I need to know just another peice of knowledge to add. THat looks awesome when are you going to realease those because I wanna start making all the worlds for it, so we can get some OFPHalo GOing. WOuld be awesome. Lemme Know. /CymPatheeY Love That line
  13. cympatheey

    .3ds models into oxygen

    Well It depends if its says mIssions Kfdata Section Or something like that then you need to get anim8or and import the 3ds file then go to options->debug->Dummy KfData and then export it to the 3ds fiel format and import it and viola. Every 3ds file I've used I've done that and best of all . ANim8or is free free free /CymPatheeY
  14. cympatheey

    I want soldiers

    I dont think it really matters about the license you're just using it for educational purposes and are nt outright copying it so dont worry about it. Unless theres some hidden thing but if there is o well. I'm sure they wouldnt mind, by the way the demo soldiers for the ofp demo should be there right not sure but if they are look for the links to the downloads for the demo and get the unbinarized pbos from there. And god dammnit addon makers stop binarizing it makes us new guys addons shit cuase we have nothing to learn from /CymPatheeY
  15. cympatheey

    .3ds models into oxygen

    O2 has a built in import 3ds file
  16. cympatheey

    Milkshape 3d

    Yaeh Or you can use anim8or not sure of the link make sure you enable the dummy kfdata before exporting the object easy as that. /CymPatheeY
  17. cympatheey

    The new forgotten war threat

    For the geomorty LOD did you remember to make a named selection called COmponent01 because if you don o2 doesnt like that and wont make geometry for it also still need modellers give me the name of the model and I'll start tunring out models (untextured of course because I suck at that.) /CymPatheeY
  18. cympatheey

    Addon everyone wants

    Sounds Like a shitload of people want animals I'll start making them.
  19. cympatheey

    Dangerous streets mod

  20. cympatheey

    First imported model from pc halo

    How dd you get the models imported? Is halo out for PC Now, Jesus I'm behind the times if it is. Thought it was like another TFC2 cept being ported hmm sweet. /CymPatheeY
  21. cympatheey

    Dangerous streets mod

    Yeah I realize it was supposed to be a ring site only thing is I wasnt sure how I would do the ring sight so if anyone could give me a little help on how to do it that would be great!!! Thanks for the feedback everyone too. Im still learning o2 and those are my first 2 models I've made, so i still have a long way to go but I think they've turned out pretty good. Once again I need help and theres not going to be alot of class quarter battles. maybe a few but not alot mostly sniper missions gang wars drug deals gone bad, stuff like that. Go download and play Alex Cannabis Streets Campaign not sure where they have it anymore and then you'll get the genereal Idea(without the shitty translations of what this mod is about.) /CympatheeY
  22. cympatheey

    Dangerous streets mod

    G3A3 Rifle- A rifle used in the MOD by the main character Alex Timbers. This model needs textures and a redone config. COlt 45 Pistol-Cureently Needs a COnfig.cpp and a little better texture job. This is not an Ingame screenshot.
  23. cympatheey

    G3a3 rifle

    Okay I've been working on a G3A3 Rifle for The DSM and This is the pre beta screenshots (no textures or anyting just the model) Tell me what you think /CymPatheeY
  24. cympatheey

    Dangerous streets mod

    Ohhh Yeah I wasnt offended by it and true deus ex would be alot better but I know jack shit about Deus ex as compared to OFP and ofp has a much better scripting engine and seems like it was built to be changed. But yeah I know its going to tak alot of work but thats pretty much the point correct me if Im wrong but no one likes a mod where it seems like no work was put into it right? so If you or you know anyone that would like to help out with this mod then tell them to give me a shout out on this post because were looking for people to start. Also another thing its not going to be too much of an urban mod more along the lines of the Streets Campaign. Just alot more weapons buildings and better missions scripting. /CymPatheeY
  25. cympatheey

    Dangerous streets mod

    Why? Why not Push the OFP limits OFP is a much better engine than Max Payne. yeah so it lacks in a small amount of things but OFP is a much better choice for a variety of reasons. I dont want acrobatics and crap I want a drug/Mafia SImulation and I foudn this is the best engine to do it in. /CymPatheeY