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About crashtestdummy

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  1. crashtestdummy

    What about prophet 4000xt pci ?

    Hi, Thanks for your answer. When I launch OFP the logo appears, then the screen turns to black for a while and returns to the desktop. I've downloaded the latest drivers for my 3d card from the Hercules webiste and the DirectX test worked fine but none of the configuration I tried in the OFP preferences window worked. I'll try downloading from the website adress you gave me. I have an IBM Aptiva PIII 667MHz, 256 MB, Win ME.
  2. crashtestdummy

    What about prophet 4000xt pci ?

    Hi, Does OFP work fine with a 3d card Hercules Prophet 4000XT PCI (not AGP) 32 MB? I tried every config, but each time it failed. Please help me!
  3. crashtestdummy

    Config problem

    Hi all, I have the following config : PC IBM Aptiva, PIII 667 Mhz, RAM 256 MB, Windows Me, 3D card Hercules Prophet 4000XT 32 MB PCI. When I launch OF, the logo OF appears, the screen turn to black only for a while and then it returns to Windows. I tried to change all the parameters but it doesn't want to work. Could anybody tell me what I should do? Thanks