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About calvinb1nav

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  1. calvinb1nav

    BAS Helo Rapel bug

    Greetings, I'm using the BAS_AIrope.sqs script with the BAS MH-60 in two of my missions. It works like a champ and the soldiers rapel out just fine BUT the helicopter just sits there and hovers until I actually turn and look at it. When I do that, then it proceeds to the next waypoint that I built for it. It does this with both an AI squad and a squad with a human player. In both cases, the chopper won't go to the next waypoint until the human player turns and looks directly at it. Anyone else seen this and/or know how to fix it? Thanks! PBAR Bone WSO
  2. calvinb1nav

    What east things do you want?

    I'd love to see an SA-2 or better yet, a SA-5 site. Â With the radars (Fan Song or Square Pair respectively), computer vans, missile launchers, etc. Â They could just be static objects that didn't work but they'd make awesome Spec Ops targets... PBAR Bone WSO http://members.cox.net/dehobbs3/