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Everything posted by chris330

  1. chris330

    Falklands mod progress

    I still can't believe an unpaid, untrained and previously non-skilled team ever managed to pull this off. Really is quite an amazing achievement. I think perhaps now you need to open up all the included data and information and throw the whole thing to the community and allow them to port it to ArmA so you can take some serious time off.
  2. chris330

    The Iraq thread 4

    So I see those guys from (I believe) the Lancashires have all been acquitted of murdering the iraqi civilian man. Makes my blood boil. I suppose it wouldn't have anything to do with how piss-poor recruitment figures are at the moment would it now? Wouldn't want a scandal and all that now would we. I suppose he must have beaten himself so badly he died as a result of his injuries. Naturally it's the obvious conclusion. A decent iraqi man doing f/a wrong with a wife and two children. Beaten to death by army thugs. This country could have made itself look alot better by prosecuting them instead of trying to cover it up. Mind you when you've had that many scandals in your nation's military it must be quite a sensitive issue by the time it comes round to the 999th occurrence. The sooner they're out of iraq the better, and I say that as much for the sake of the iraqi people as for the military personnel who don't want to be there. As for the thugs, I hope they run into Al Qaeda personally.
  3. chris330

    Shilp Shetty

    Hi, Anyone else seriously impressed with this woman? Personally I think she is my latest celebrity crush and my new hero or should I say heroine. I'm delighted by how dignified she is and especially for an A-List celebrity it really is quite remarkable. It's about time we in the UK got some positive things said about the non-white community and had a positive ehtnic icon in our country. I don't want any comments in this thread about the racism row inside the house. At all. But please feel free to register your support for this remarkable woman in this thread
  4. chris330

    Shilp Shetty

    Is there really any need to be so rude? Is it that commonplace on here now for people to speak to each other in such a fashion? And from an established member too. I don't hold out much hope for any new talent Armed Assault might bring the community if that's the reply one can expect in the offtopic forum. @Trevor Lol yeah I thought that must've been a screw-up somewhere. Couldn't really figure out why she was there. I think a similar thing happened with Dirk. He was way to big for the show.
  5. chris330

    Shilp Shetty

    Her name is Shilpa Shetty. I spelt the damn topic title wrong again! I'd be grateful if someone could correct that lol. If that's her real name or not I don't know. It might not be. Yes she was the star of the Big Brother show we had last month in the UK.
  6. chris330

    Unable to load file

    No idea. Sounds a bit weird that one. Vehicle glued to the ground could be data loss in the model due to one of the LOD's not being complete. It could also be related to the config file. Have you changed that at all?
  7. chris330

    No Prone during Combat

    Do what he said
  8. Plenty of ways. Here's one. In the condition field type: (getpos myheli select 2)>50 That's it.
  9. chris330

    No Prone during Combat

    Put the units you want to do this into groups. Then for every group run this command: (_x setunit pos "up") foreach mygroup If that doesn't work it might need this next little tweak: (_x setunit pos "up") foreach units mygroup That will work.
  10. Lol I'd be almost ready to hang myself here if I was still as uptight as I used to be several years ago. Had to give in and go the camera route for all objects. Something wierd is happening with the way the camsetrelpos command works. It isn't in the linear fashion you would expect and is in some way related to the vehicle's frame or the flashpoint core engine flight model. Just making a camera for each object and camsetrelpos'ing it then placing required objects at returned [x,y,z] values for the camera took care of it. I just can't stand the stress of going into it further. I'm still a little worried though about this being a resource hogging way of doing it. This is really not my area but can someone with some hardware knowledge enlighten me. Am I worrying too much about increasing CPU time by using cameras instead of computed [x,y,z] positions for the placed objects? Eventually the setpitch function could have maybe 6 or more cameras running per vehicle? Is this a problem or is it insignificant given how much the CPU has to work just to render the vehicle's various LOD's? I intend to wrap everything up into functions also. I could use a little pointer here thanks
  11. I'm not sure how many other people have been this far into this subject but I suspect it cannot be many. It appears to me that when pitching an aircraft - in this case a helicopter - forward the vehicle's frame and amazingly it's geometry LOD too, do not rotate around it's [0,0,0] reference position. I've written my own optimised version of Dschulle's getpitch function which I thought might be causing the problem at first. It wasn't. A simple hint loop running values for both functions side by side provided no discrepancy between them. Further checks seem to reinforce the conclusion. Placing an object at the helicopter’s [0,0,0] position in a 0.001s loop and then flying the helicopter shows the object move way forward of the initial position relative to the chopper's body. Placing a game logic at the vehicle's [0,0,0] (or [x,y,z] whichever you prefer to term it) and then running a loop showing distance values between it and the pilot proves it also. If the chopper was pivoting about the [0,0,0] position then the distance between it and the pilot would always be constant. But here's the really weird thing. Even though it isn't pivoting about the [0,0,0] position the distance between that and the pilot should still be the same. But it isn't! So doesn't this mean that the vehicle's [0,0,0] position is actually changing its relative position to the vehicle's frame when it's pitching forward. Very strange stuff indeed! It can still be compensated for though, it's just I wouldn't have expected it. I also have to wonder how my pitching camera script ever worked though given that this is the case. The camera was pointed at a game logic being constantly set to the vehicle's [0,0,0] position and its offset values changed depending on the chopper's pitch. Worked perfectly. If the getpos command will return [x,y,z] co-ordinates for a camera's position I might run this script again and try and see how the pitching camera script ever worked. An ODOL open of the AH1 might be in order too. I'd appreciate any advice anyone could offer. This is a pretty tricky problem.
  12. chris330

    accurate placing of units

    Make a game logic at the point where you want one of your men to appear. Then write the following in a script which you can call however you wish: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_logic=_this select 0 _unit=_this select 1 _x=getpos _logic select 0 _y=getpos _logic select 1 _z=(input your value of deck height) _unit setpos[_x,_y,_z] exit Call the script with a two element sized array like so: [mylogic,myunit] exec "myscript.sqs" Change the names of the 'my' variables to suit your unit and logic names.
  13. chris330

    accurate placing of units

    The most reliable way it set postion them using the setpos command. You'll need to give them the same height as the ship's deck.
  14. chris330

    Unable to load file

    Sounds like a binarize issue. You need to download ODOL explorer. That however partly buggers the model and has a few issues, but if you're only re-texturing I think it will be okay.
  15. Lol it still don't work perfectly. There's only so many quirks I can personally deal with and I think after this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_c1=_this select 0 _heli=_this select 2 _logic="logic" camcreate[0,0,0] _cam1="camera" camcreate[0,0,0] _xh=getpos _heli select 0 _yh=getpos _heli select 1 _zh=getpos _heli select 2 _cam1 camsettarget _heli _cam1 camsetrelpos [0,0,0] _cam1 camcommit 0 _logic setpos[_xh,_yh,_zh] _hhcf=_cam1 distance _logic #loop _heli call drops _pitch=[frontdroparray,centredroparray] call calcpitch _ta=_pitch _xh=getpos _heli select 0 _yh=getpos _heli select 1 _zh=getpos _heli select 2 _ohhf1=(sin(90-_ta))*_hhcf _ohhf2=_hhcf-_ohhf1 _ycf1=(cos(_ta))*(cos(90-_ta)*_hhcf) _zcf1=(sin(_ta))*(cos(90-_ta)*_hhcf) _ycf2=(cos(_ta))*_ohhf2 _zcf2=(sin(_ta))*_ohhf2 _c1 setpos[_xh+8,_yh-_ycf1-_ycf2,_zh+_zcf1-_zcf2] _cam1 camsetrelpos [0,0,0] _cam1 camcommit 0 _string=format["Variable=%1",_c1 distance _cam1] hint _string ~0.001 goto"loop" ....it's time to explore another avenue. Namely using cameras. It almost works it just bows in about 0.01m halfway between 0 and 45 degrees but I can see it's a further game quirk for which I do not have the inclination to find a work around. I think now I'll look at creating one camera and then setposing other ojbects relative to its position. At least that way I get good positional data at the cost of creating only one camera. I'll have a rummage round on the island later and check to see if this will work the way I hope it will
  16. chris330


    Anything with this lad behind it is sure to be of first rate quality. Best of luck, look forward to it.
  17. Ah some help arrives yay! Had no idea that bug was already known about. I've completely missed it up to now. Thanks for explaining how it works, that will skip me past so much investigation work I will check out those world to model command also but I'm working in Flashpoint I think perhaps they are only for ArmA? Thanks UNN. That's a great suggestion. I'll give that a try **Edit** Done a bit more work on it. Setting a camera to target the heli puttng it at relative position [0,0,0] and then putting a logic at the heli's [0,0,0] position gives this. The cylinders are placed the the co-ords of the camera and the logic: They remain in a vertical line regardless of pitch: So it can be done via calculation, without a config alteration. Using the predicted plot of an object relative to the vehicle's frame contrasted with where the actual [0,0,0] is being set by the engine means the change in respect to the vehicle's frame of the [0,0,0] can be accurately predicted and worked into my setpitch function in the other thread. I'm definitely going to try out that autocentre thing though. That's a really good find. I'd never have believed something this simple could be so difficult. I don't know about you but for me it's one of the highlights of working with Flashpoint
  18. Here's the proof: Proof Demo Put the cylinder.pbo in your addons folder. In the script proof.sqs trying changing the camera's target from _logic to _heli and back again or vice versa. It should give the same result both times. It does not however. When placing the cylinder _c1 at the camera's postion when it is targetted at the heli it moves round with the heli normally as the heli pitches. Not so with the logic, and the logic is positioned at the vehicle's [x,y,z] coords. It behaves very differently here. In fact it appears to be advancing in a line through some point on the vehicle's body and its proximity to that point depends on the heli's pitch. Why the hell it is doing this I really don't know but it happens for all the default aircraft. I'm using the AH-1 as it's the closest to the base helicopter class. This is extremely unusual behaviour and most unexpected indeed. It appears Flashpoint's amazing quirks are seemingly endless and just when you think you know it all, something new and really fundamental pops up. Getting back to the original reason for this investigation I could potentially set the cylinders to the points I wanted to by placing cameras there, but this introduces objects into the game which don't need to be there and it's unclean. I'd rather compute their positions as it will result in much neater and optimized code. It's nice to have just discovered that you can setpos objects to a camera's [x,y,z] co-ords aswell. I didn't know you could do that before this morning. Might be useful for some kind of tweaked height above sea level function. Who knows. I'm sure they'll be a use for it. Anyhow back to work. This thread can be closed now as I've got the info I wanted myself, unless anyone has something useful to add or wants to discuss the findings.
  19. chris330

    Open/Close Gate

    I'm not sure why it should only work once. I'll have a look at it. You could easily script it so that only one person could use it by assigning names to the playable units in mulitplayer. Then have a script run that causes the gate to open with a custom defined user action wich only adds the action to the unit you want. Where can I get the gate from? I'll test it out for you.
  20. chris330

    Hight Def. Tropic island

    LOL it's hard to know what to say when confronted with something of this calibre . I haven't downloaded and played it yet, but if those screenshots are anything to go by I expect to have to pick myself up off the floor shortly after the first load up
  21. chris330

    scripting help !!!

    Both suggestions will work fine. The fire can be lit using the following code in the fire's init field: this inflame true Checkout the FAQ Metalheart mentioned though or you'll be asking questions which have already been answered many times. Personally and this is just my own preferred method, I would call a script from the radio trigger which unlocked the support group's waypoint using the lockwp command. I think it's a bit early in your learning for you to be trying that method though
  22. chris330

    SetPitch and SetBank Idea

    After several days atrocious problems with our internet connection I can finally show you this. LOL no-one will probably notice after all that anyway. The download contains my own version of a getpitch function and a cylinder addon. I've got a much more sophisticated version of this in testing now but I thought I'd release this to demonstrate it works. Download the file, place the addon in your addons folder and run the mission from the editor. Wait for the helicopter to settle and then in command view trigger radio alpha. The helicopter will be pitched to 20 degrees before the script stops. It's very slow at the moment but the latest and much faster version is throwing up problems which are taking time to resolve. The latest version uses two cylinders one front one back but eventually even that will be replaced by many small spheres which will be placed on the vehicle's geometry LOD. I couldn't even get accurate figures for that because with having no internet I couldn't get ODOL explorer again! Anyway internet is ok this end now so perhaps best to forget about that one before I become more irate. Here's the link: setpitch early days demo.
  23. I have often wondered how this could be done. I have done a search on this forum and unless my searching abilities are very poor (I would not completely overlook this possibility) it would appear a solid,wide ranging, near complete and user friendly solution was never found. I have something of a habit of digging up dead old projects and trying to bring them to life. Perhaps I have some Japanese genes in me? Seeing as I will not be able to continue with my dropship addon for a while (although this certainly will be completed) I thought maybe I'd attack this one instead, as I don't need a computer capable of running flashpoint to design code. I once saw a very good idea of how to get ships to look as if they were rolling in heavy seas by using a large invisible cube addon coupled with the setvelocity command. I'm sure the rest is obvious as to how it was proposed to have worked. Well I thought maybe it might work for setting pitch and bank, without having to do anything which would compromise the LOD's attached to any particular vehicle, and without compromising any part of the vehicle's abilities and communications with the game engine. In short I want to make it as clean as I possibly can. So, My idea would be to have a vehicle (a plane or a helicopter) impacted by small and invisible spheres which would operate in tandem about its centre of gravity (I believe this is more commonly termed 'center of mass' in the United States). The spheres would have to have a reasonable amount of mass so as provide enough momentum exchange to the vehicle they were impacting to get it to change its attitude. By attitude I am not referring to trying to get the aircraft in question to stop eating too much junk food and watching non-educational value TV, I am talking about its pitch and bank  So far this theory is sound. The next bit is the part which needs some very serious debate, and a hell of alot of thought put into it. Obviously I would be using the setvelocity command to move the spheres. Here is where I am about to step into a grey area: The following lines are all first-pass guess work. I originally suffered the mis-understanding that if a vehicle behaving as described above were impacted by two objects one either side of its centre of gravity which were acting in opposite vertical directions and therefore attemtping to induce a turning motion, then it would always rotate about its centre of gravity. I'm pretty sure this conclusion is wrong. I think the virtual 'pivot point' would actually be midway between the perpendicular distance between the lines of action of the forces of each object/sphere. The centre of gravity would then become an additional turning force about this pivot point which would have to be countered by applying more force to one of the objects on the appropriate side of its centre of gravity. Hmm..reading back through that it doesn't appear quite as shakey as I had first expected to. From what I have seen OFP's game engine seems to deal with collision physics in a manner very applicable to that of the real world given how realistically objects react to each other when they collide in game. So I suppose were safe in thinking along the lines of real-world physics in this case. Please tell me otherwise if I am wrong (as I'll need to know if I am to get anywhere). RKSL of RockofSL studios pointed out to me that the game uses somewhat non-realistic physics for the helicopter class so maybe that is the same with collisions but I don't think that is the case. So for this to work I would need some way of finding out an object's centre of gravity which I'm pretty sure is defined by where you add weight to the vehicle when it is constructed in Oxygen. This would not be an easy way to do it, and it would dramatically dcrease its user friendly qualities which puts it pretty much outside of the functional concept limits I want it to be inside of. An easier way would be to do something I did in school years ago about using known values of turning forces to deduce an objects' centre of gravity. I could run a script which found this out first before executing any other code (I'd have to check this). I suspect centre of gravity location issues would be far less of a problem when altering bank than it would be when altering pitch. So the only thing I can perceive at this time being a problem is how Flashpoint treats air resistance. Seeing as the vehicle is being moved very quickly to the required bank and pitch rather than being temporarily deleted for a split second and then replaced at the required values it will impact the air as it goes round, which again will provide a resistive turning force which must be calculated and allowed for to get very accurate settings. Oh one more thing, I would need to be able to detect what damage had been done to the vehicle's armour by being impacted by these spheres and reverse that damage after the impact were complete. Just thought I'd vomit all that out in its rawest form to begin with so you can see the bare essentials of my idea. That way we can begin the hefty process of refining all these ideas over the next few days to see if we can actually get them to work Obviously on a final note this would not work well at all for ground vehicles and I really do not believe it would allow us to script any extra vehicle turrets (which I am told is currently impossible - and is likely to remain that way for some time). Please use this thread to share your ideas so we can work out a viable solution to this problem (assuming there is one). Thanks in advance
  24. chris330

    Curious Alpha Alternative

    True enough you can't beat a bit of interesting trivia. It's things like this which can turn up interesting new things occasionally.
  25. chris330

    Two Part Question

    Apologies for a speed reply which is what this is but I've got to go and eat my dinner so haven't read your post properly. In answer to question one try declaring a string like so: _grpcount=count units group player _string=format[_eg%1,_grpcount] hint _string See what it displays. Probably complete bollocks but have a little play with it and see what happens.