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Everything posted by chris330

  1. chris330

    Aircraft/A-10 and others

    Dear KDog35, It would indeed be nice to see these aircraft in game. As far as I understand it the F16 and F18 and some of the others have ground attack capabilities so it would work nice I think some have already been made though and apparently they're very good
  2. chris330

    Mirage F.1

    Don't worry about it. It looks superb so far. To be honest I think someone who has demonstrated the level of skill you have could probably do better manufacturing new textures instead of photograph ports which is what appears to be on the model in the first few posts. I really hope you get to finish this, but don't do it at the expense of your comittments in your private life
  3. chris330

    Custom Animations

    Dear All, I am currently making a fishing MOD for me and my mate who are keen carp anglers. I don't intend to release it to the public but I could do with some help from someone on how to make a custom animation for the guy holding the rod and winding the reel. Also I need a custom animation for the guy holding the landing net (we always operate as a two man team). I know that for vehicles and such like the only type is of rotation but I'm sure this is not true for soldier derivatives. I have heard that it is something to do with a .rtm file whatever that is. I would be most grateful if someone could point me in the right direction on this one. Obviously I am prepared to share my work with people who help me out even though the MOD is destined ultimately only for use by me and my mate. Thanks in advance
  4. chris330

    Custom Animations

    Thanks very much General Barron I have downloaded all of that data now and it will be getting my full attention once I have finished helping out Wachtmeester with his planes and Karrilion with a strange addon issue
  5. chris330

    Civilian Wings Series (static)

    Dear Wachtmeester, I promised I'd help you out and I have. Also the method I used to do this is a bit tedious but it is also very reliable and easy to understand (although you will need trigonometry knowledge). I'll drop you a pm mate, so you don't miss this. We'll have to have a chat on MSN sometime. It really isn't too bad to do, but there are other methods which are almost impossible to get good results from, so I need to explain things to you. Face count is reasonably low too despite how smooth it looks. Also I've had a look and I can't find any nasty faces such as 'quads' or whatever they're called as I used vertex collapse to do stuff with and the program took care of the faces. Windows can be put in later and can therefore have independent textures, perhaps even alpha textures, but I wouldn't know much about that because addon making is not my specialty. I'll attempt a G-MAX to Oxygen port over the next few days (things can go wrong here) and if all goes well I'll send you over the model Hope this helps enhance an already great idea of yours
  6. chris330

    Stealth Play

    I like it That could be done easy though. I'm thinking of trying to recreate the Thief atmosphere for Thief and Deus Ex fans. Just pottering about innocently whilst secretly gathering information is a real thrill once you've learned to enjoy it. Obviously there would have to be the ever present threat of dire consequences if the player screwed up
  7. Right my SA80 addon is finished and I'ts totally ready to go. I have it in a zipped folder and have tagged it with my signature (CHR) so there will be no clashes with other addons in the game. I have inlcuded a preview jpg image (100x100) and a full size one, a config file and a readme file and my .pbo file in the zipped folder. I tried to send it to OFPEC but their addon link is broken!!!!!!!!!1 I have found nowhere else where you can send them to.Please help I have spent muchos time on this this and my only crime is that I just want to get it out!!!1
  8. chris330

    Stealth Play

    I agree completely. Also I like the sound of that bush idea. I think really with Flashpoint and its successors we have the potential platform to create any kind of game we want really. Some people can see that, and some can't. This is why I was thinking in particular of being able to make Thief type missions which would be incredibly good using this game given how large the environments are. There isn't anything tremendously clever about Thief (other than the shadow aspect) except perhaps for the rope arrows and the ability to jump. However Thief as a stealth game works incredibly well, especially given that it was really the first game ever to implement it. Can you imagine how exciting it would be to have to infiltrate a village unarmed, yet with a radio and some hand-to-hand combat skills, and then have to get the local population to divulge information about a nearby mansion/military installation/castle/whatever without giving yourself away as an imposter. And then you have to break into the place (at a time of your choosing) using the info gathered to help you, and then perform an escape using a method of your choice? It's thoughts like these that really make me want to find a way to implement very good close quarter stealth play into the game. If it doesn't come supplied, I would sure like to find a way to simulate it
  9. chris330

    Model partially underground

    Just been sorting out something for (I think) a German guy who has been porting FS2002 textures into Flashpoint to make some superb static planes. I'll have a damn good look at both models both in Oxygen and their configs and see if I can spot anything. It would help if you could point me in the direction of the best dedicated server to look at the problem on. I have no idea where to go to see it at the moment **Edit: Spot the gut who didn't read the last line of someone's post or their signature
  10. chris330

    Support script

    It uses a high speed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. Normally such a high speed would cause the tank to travel far enough to begin to attempt to rotate to the direction of the resultant setvelocity's direction vector. You will notice that in this case it does not, which is proof the method is successful even under extreme circumstances. I guess you already knew that though
  11. chris330

    Cannot load .3ds in O2

    Try loading it into Anim8or and turning on Dummy 3DS KData. Export it out and and load it into Oxygen. Give it a try.
  12. chris330

    Civilian Wings Series (static)

    Dear Wachtmeester, This post is intended only for you. Other members please do not flame if this has already been covered, I simply do not have the time to read through this whole thread as my day is about to start. Great planes, super idea, well done I noticed that the 737 model is not as good as it could be around the front window area. I have spent an awful lot of time making a 737-300 model for FS2002 and I managed to get this (the hardest part of the aircraft) down to a fine art. I do not have the original model I made as it had some unnecessary faces due to poor modelling techniques I used to use. I do however have a complete studio built and set-up ready for the planned new model of this aircraft which uses high resolution AutoCAD imports I got into Photoshop using Adobe. Would be easy to make a new model as the 'blueprints' if you like are already there and are set-up perfectly (i.e. I have configured the bitmaps for each viewing plane so they are all to exactly the same scale and are in correct alignment with each other). Let me know if you would like me to make a model and send it over. And before anyone pipes-up that you can't port G-MAX to Oxygen.. you can. I made my SA-80 in Oxygen. It goes: G-MAX (.md3 export) -> Milkshape (.3DS export) -> Anim8or (clean-up .3DS model & export) -> Oxygen Please drop me a pm if you are interested Wachtmeester. Don't worry about planes not being flyable either. I'm sure with some nice scripting we could simulate a real airport with dummy planes that looked like they were really being piloted. Hope to hear from you soon
  13. chris330

    Support script

    Bugger Sorted it out now Link leads to correct place. Exall drop me a pm and I'll mail it over to you
  14. chris330

    UV Mapping

    I did a search through all the forums in this section and did not find a solid general topic on this issue - which is why I made the topic title so straightforward so future searches will find a direct answer Can someone explain to me how it differs from mapping textures over faces in the standard fashion? I do not have much interest in addon making anymore (I prefer sticking to programming) but I'm curious to know none the less. I would be most grateful for any response
  15. chris330

    Flares not working?

    I take it you're a linux fan then (so am I but I'm still in the closet on that one) It was not just an attempt to put a patch over the problem, rather more an experiment to see if it could be done, and well, it could. It may turn out to be useful to somebody, you never know when it will be handy. Ideally though a config fix would be better for a weapon which is intended to run on conventional lines. By the way can anyone help me with the custom muzzle sound?
  16. chris330

    Stealth Play

    Apologies. I thought you meant only the knife attack parts and the ability to sneak up on other guys. Yes I agree the rest would not work. I've played two of the three Splinter Cell releases and they are considerably more advanced in close quarters than flashpoint.
  17. chris330

    Support script

    I have been having a good think about reversing vehicles and setvelocity. In particular scripting articulated vehicles such as large goods wagons to reverse into tight spaces. I'll have a quick look at this now and see if a negative setvelocity array works. **Update Here it is: Reverse Demo Note how important the set-up is. You need to make sure the driver of the vehicle has his/her ai move disabled. Also note that setvelocity commands must be performed on the vehicle not the driver. The method I have shown here is the best way to get reliable results Radio Alpha = Backwards Radio Bravo = Forwards Requires no setdir loops or anything. Works well.
  18. chris330

    Model partially underground

    Good suggestion Rock, thanks for mentioning it It would be nice though if we could work out exactly why this happens for some models and not others. I'd love to see two addons side by side, one which suffers from it and one which does not so the difference could be found. I'd be more than happy to put a lot of work into that one
  19. chris330

    Stealth Play

    Don't be so sure. I'm pretty positive that with good and well beaten out code this would work
  20. chris330

    Model partially underground

    Then we should be able to find out what the difference between the two is if we look hard enough. That would be great. I'd love to get to the bottom of this one. I hate OFP bugs. I would prefer to have a good look at an MLOD model (ideally for vehicles made by both authors) that I can get right into in my own time. I would however definitely like to see for myself the problem in action also. I've got to go to work right now as I have a part-time job in a pub but I will reply later. Just one dumb question, could I connect to a dedicated server and test out these units even if I were the only one playing? Or if I hosted my own multiplayer session on my own machine would I see this behaviour? Once I've have seen it once I should be ok. Hope to hear from you soon. *AiRBLaDE I will post up any solutions I find
  21. chris330

    Flares not working?

    I have already posted this on the UKF website forums, but here it is again for those who haven't seen it. Flare Launch This is a scripted flare launch and very closely matches the default type done by the game. Instead it is done by a script and an eventhandler not the game's internal engine. Maybe it will open up a few new possibilities? Couldn't get a custom sound to work for the muzzle though, would appreciate some help on that Code sample: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_unit = _this select 0 _refflare = _this select 1 _firespeed = 100 _ammoType = "Flare" _x1 = getpos _refflare select 0 _y1 = getpos _refflare select 1 _z1 = getpos _refflare select 2 ~0.001 _x2 = getpos _refflare select 0 _y2 = getpos _refflare select 1 _z2 = getpos _refflare select 2 _x = (_x2 - _x1) _y = (_y2 - _y1) _adj = sqrt ((_x^2) + (_y^2)) _opp = _z2 - _z1 _pitch = atan(_opp/_adj) _fv = cos(_pitch) * _firespeed _uv = sin(_pitch) * _firespeed _dir = getdir _unit _xfv = cos(_dir) * _fv _yfv = sin(_dir) * _fv _flare = _ammotype camcreate getpos _refflare deletevehicle _refflare _flare setvelocity [_yfv,_xfv,_uv] exit Thanks a great deal to everyone who helped me out with the code for this. Now I have a much better understanding of how to use eventhandlers, and a load of other stuff. Thanks again
  22. chris330

    Flares not working?

    Top job, will try that out now. Thank you very much indeed
  23. chris330

    Internal addon scripts

    Quality stuff. Thanks very much General Barron, that's a load of stuff I really wanted to know about, and well explained too
  24. Dear All, I am investigating ways of getting addon internal scripts to go faster. I was wondering is it possible to include a .sqf file in a .pbo and have the addon run the function internally? I am working on an idea I had a few weeks ago and I want to make sure that if it is ever used in multiplayer it will be super smooth from a latency standpoint. Thus I would rather avoid doing any maths intensive evaluation in a script, I would prefer it done only in functions. So my question is, is it possible?
  25. chris330

    Flares not working?

    Everything is almost cool now. Just need to know how to get the ID of the unit that fired the weapon to be passed into the script. The fired Eventhandler only passes strings related to ammo and weapon names. It does not include a unit ID. So how does anyone know how I get this?