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Everything posted by chs_filmmaker

  1. chs_filmmaker

    Freedom fries 2

    *I know this was a little earlier, but I was late* What has this war come to when we begin to fight over cheese, damn this war!!!
  2. chs_filmmaker

    West coast ofp players

  3. chs_filmmaker

    Raven shield demo

    Well I downloaded the demo for RvS (Raven Shield) and here are my thoughts: General: The game looks like it has a lot of promise, there are a lot of things they have to work on bt it is pretty good. Multiplayer: (It is a multiplayer only demo) the net code completely sucks! If there s one thing they better fix in the final version it is the net code. I would be in a game with 3 people and it would lag like there were 10 people with high pings (and we all had low pings) Gameplay: Not much different from the original R6 series although the main difference is that you can see your gun insteadd of just a crosshair (which I thought would actually be annoying for a tactical shooter, but it is actually pretty cool. Other little things like opening doors slowly and shadows make for a nice touch. Although it is built on the UT 2003 engine it still has the same pace as the old R6's, which may or may not be a good thing depending on the type of gamer you are. Graphics: Very Good. Really gives a new look and life to R6, not much to say here. Sound: One of my favorite parts, the noises are very realistic, nothing like hiding in a shadow and hearing someone slowly climbing a ladder only to be picked off when they reach the top Overall: Overall the game would be great if it wasn't for the crappy net code. The d/l was 150mbs I think. If I had to score just the demo, I would give it a 2/5 the lagging just made it hard to play.
  4. chs_filmmaker

    Most frustrating gaming moments...

    Other than lag you mean Well probably my most frustrating moment is playing MoH: AA and having gotten extremely far in this one very very hard mission, and I hadn't savved it in a while and I was going to auto save it and I accidently hit auto load so I had to strt all the way at the begining
  5. chs_filmmaker

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    I would like mission planning, going more toward the tactical side, placing certain groups at certain places, movement ect. Like Rainbow Six. And more urban combat would be good, although these are supposed to be minimal inhabited islands, it would be a good change.
  6. chs_filmmaker

    What would you like to see in ofp2

    I would like mission planning, going more toward the tactical side, placing certain groups at certain places, movement ect. Like Rainbow Six. And more urban combat would be good, although these are supposed to be minimal inhabited islands, it would be a good change.