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About c11634

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  1. c11634

    Locked Content

    When I go to the armory, there are only a few weapons and the lower items on the list say "locked Content" I am using a purchased version of the game What gives?
  2. I am trying to add ammo dumps in resistance and I can't find them, they used to be under civilian. Where the heck are they?
  3. c11634

    1.59 release notes

    Are there any 1.59 release notes available?
  4. c11634

    M2 proble

    I am the server in a LAN battle I edited and there are acouple of M2s and a couple of Jeeps with machine guns. When I try to access the M2, I go to the jeep gun instead. Is this a known bug?
  5. When I try to load the 1.2, 1.3, or 1.4X patches, I get an error that says it cannot find the original CD. My computer is set up with 2 hard drive, c and D. The CD is E, could that be the problem and if so, is there a work-around?