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About cocacola

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  1. OK ive seen many armored units now with AA capabilities, and SAM capabilities, and have recently added the LST54, works nicely by the way,  is it possible to configure an LST to fire either support  or defensive fire AA in particular, and if so how would one go about this? Ive downloaded an artillery script which is really user friendly  and am now attempting to reconfigure the file so that if  "arty" and the ship or unit in question  are destroyed that it would put the artillery outa comission, but all in all would just love to have a ship that could rain down hell on enemy troops.  The Arty script by REAPER by the way.  One last question can the LST's be configured to be on side EAST?
  2. cocacola

    Shadow government

    Considering there are several backpack nukes missing out of the good old USSR , In my opinion thank God they have the brains to have such ideas as Shadow Governments for a just in case crisis.  Hate to disappoint you but the kid skulking next door is a threat, and the Corrupt cop shaking people down is a threat, corrupt military and political officials are a threat, yes We Do live in the GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD [MY OPINION USA] but we cant keep our head in the sand forever,  I hear people saying allover IT will never happen again [NYTC 9/11] guess what , they tried the first time and failed, they accomplished thier goal the second time around.  Anthrax,bleh most of its curable providing you get to a medical facility in time,  EBOLA ZAIRE/SMALLPOX  combo  , developed by RUSSIA as bio weapon later days of cold war , survivability  5 percent now thats scary.  GOOD KEEP US ON OUR TOES and special thanks to all the US SERVICEMEN, and ALLIES for watching and protecting from harm.
  3. Im trying for a largescale para-insertion, im getting the heli levels right but AI units not in my squad just sit in the bloody choppers and wont leave vehicle, disembark unassign or anything else, checked out almost every site out there and I cant find the particular command I need, could someone please gimme an idea of how to go about making my AI squads leave choppers in flight at given locations