Considering there are several backpack nukes missing out of the good old USSR , In my opinion thank God they have the brains to have such ideas as Shadow Governments for a just in case crisis.
 Hate to disappoint you but the kid skulking next door is a threat, and the Corrupt cop shaking people down is a threat, corrupt military and political officials are a threat, yes We Do live in the GREATEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD [MY OPINION USA] but we cant keep our head in the sand forever,  I hear people saying allover IT will never happen again [NYTC 9/11] guess what , they tried the first time and failed, they accomplished thier goal the second time around.
 Anthrax,bleh most of its curable providing you get to a medical facility in time,  EBOLA ZAIRE/SMALLPOX  combo  , developed by RUSSIA as bio weapon later days of cold war , survivability  5 percent now thats scary.
 GOOD KEEP US ON OUR TOES and special thanks to all the US SERVICEMEN, and ALLIES for watching and protecting from harm.