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Everything posted by ctsketch

  1. ctsketch

    Ofp is dead?

    so we cantalk about BF1942 Rocking and OFP dying? that sux *snaps fingers* I too have been oplaying OFP for over a year but its getting old even reistance looks dry....
  2. ctsketch

    Ofp is dead?

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mustang60348 @ Sep. 24 2002,03:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (HellToupee @ Sep. 23 2002,02:57)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ctsketch @ Sep. 23 2002,14:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">BF1942 is the future, ever since i bought BF1942 i stopped playign OFP i have played 64 players with no lag, whoc ares if it has no SP, I never play Single player i like playing real people <span id='postcolor'> OFP is much better i reckon 1. Can have much larger maps 2. Mission editor nuff said 3. Easyer modded, bfs mods r jus gona be model replacements, they have no sdk or mission editor like ofps to make anything else. 4. As we've seen ofp gets great support with more on the hirzon, ppl for bf have yet to see ea do anything. 5. BF is arcade and repetive, give ofp JIP and u have a much better mp game it even lags less, and it being more realistic and mroe difficult u wont get the smacktards and also from what ive seen the cheaters r floodin to bf.<span id='postcolor'> Please tell me that was a joke BF1942 gets no support for EA, hmm, lets see, the game has been out for approx a WEEK, and is still not out in some places, What kind of support have we seen from BIS for mods, The oxygen tool for creating models was just released after approx 1.2 years after being promised numerous times. PLUS guess what, MISSION are easily created in BF1942, read some of the editing forums. YES , right now they are scarce but lets face it, the game is not even full released yet. There is a mission editor for BF1942 included but not enable yet...wait and see about that one. WHO says that MODS for only model replacements. Have you even read what some of the mod teams are doing. AND btw, just a quick NOTE, please point me to a MOD for OFP, I am not talking about an ADDON either , I am talking about a MOD. As far as lag goes, YOU are once again comparing Applies to Oranges, DO you remember the 1.00 lag problems with OFP and for that matter , the 1.46 netcode was nothing to bring home to momma, SURE you can talk about 1.75 netcode but then again, YOU paid another $50 (or so) for that netcode, IT should be much better. Please SHOW me where the cheaters are FLOODING in to BF. I noticed you like the sound bite but don't really say much do you<span id='postcolor'> exactly mustang, BF jjust came out in the US this month and is just now released in europe and already people have managed to make Models, maps, and start making new mods even without an SDK, i eman if mods and ish are making progress BEFORE tools are created imagine when they are and yes, they do plan on releasing tools for BF1942 after the next patch, and at least BF1942 has dencet graphics, less lag for me, It can actually have good structures like Bridges, more realistic treads on things like tanks........ Physics are a helluva lot better than sliding tanks etc...... I mean look at the player modles they look as good as MOH yet they still have hhuge as maps and vehciles planes tec... I eman OFP may be more realistic and has bigger maps but it doens;t have the fun and eye candy factor of BF....
  3. ctsketch

    Ofp is dead?

    BF1942 is the future, ever since i bought BF1942 i stopped playign OFP i have played 64 players with no lag, whoc ares if it has no SP, I never play Single player i like playing real people
  4. well if i had the time to develop one i would but i gave up on mod making years ago when life bhecame complex anyways a Star wars mod with things liek AT ATs and ATSTs and snow speeders and shit would rock, star wars for OFp woul;d be man's greatest invention ^_^i see one on the mod page but see no prgress or even a page from it and its been there for a while
  5. ctsketch

    Ofp need a star wars mod/tc

    thye dont seem to have a site though
  6. ctsketch

    Ofp need a star wars mod/tc

    well thats why new islands would have to be made EDIT: oh and thx for the headz up BTW
  7. ctsketch

    Ofp need a star wars mod/tc

    notice i said AT AT snow speeder and AT ST., i mean ground combat, star wars doesan;t all take place in space, thier is ground combat, like in episode I, II, V, VI and a lil even in IV