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Everything posted by cornhelium

  1. cornhelium

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    Operation Fleece Publisher: All your tradename are belong to me
  2. cornhelium

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    How about "Flashpoint Reloaded"? I'm as happy as a lark about all this. Go BIS, go! Cheers, CH
  3. Great news Raedor, Have you decided to remove MAAM compatibility? I think it makes sense to remove it, because MAAM will not be developed any more, only JAM Cheers mate, CH
  4. Looking really great Thru. Great to hear you're still very active on the UWar front too. BIS - hire this guy! Cheers, CH
  5. Hi Avon, Better to keep things simple I think. No sense in duplicating options for addon makers. Sorry Laser for OT - cheers, CH
  6. Hi Laser, I would suggest removing MAAM compatibility, if that is the cause of these errors. MAAM was just a "work in progress" before JAM3. MAAM will not be updated any more - it is now a "dead" project. I have also suggested to RHS to remove MAAM compatiblity from their weapons. Removing MAAM compatibility would also allow players to save a bit of memory, as they wouldn't need it installed. JAM3 should be coming out sometime in June. Spasibo, tovarich! CH
  7. cornhelium

    Dynamic World War II

    Ooh, you rotten tease, you Great work Winters Cheers, CH
  8. Hi Guys, Brilliant work on these units. I would suggest removing MAAM compatibility in the update. MAAM was just a "work in progress" towards JAM3, and will not be updated any further. JAM3 should be released in June. I'm just thinking that people could save a bit of memory by not needing the MAAM_Magazines.pbo. Cheers, CH
  9. cornhelium

    Does OFP need an LCAC?

    Great work Philcommando !
  10. cornhelium

    AI Runways

    Great work again, UNN.
  11. cornhelium

    Forward Observer pack V1.0

    Wahey! Great work UNN - your old observer is one of my most favourite OFP addons. Cheers, CH
  12. cornhelium

    Falklands mod progress

    Fan-feckin'-tastic work!
  13. cornhelium

    Operation Black Mamba - UPDATED!

    Thanks Sudden Death, Upload to a server would be perfect, but I'll PM ofpchaos again anyway, as I'd like some input from him on something Cheers, CH
  14. cornhelium

    Csla 2

    Looking very good! Is that the updated raindrop camo on the soldiers? Looks improved. The Blackhawk and Machine Guns look lovely too Cheers, CH
  15. cornhelium

    FDFMOD WW2 Expansion

    The pic looks really promising! Great news.
  16. cornhelium

    Uce/jam pack

    Hi Gazmen No problem for the E762_10SASDmag (will add an E762_10SASUBmag to complete the set ), but I don't understand what you mean by "RPG-XX mag" The AT hit values are being tweaked for JAM3. We don't know yet whether we will just tweak the existing rounds, or leave the existing rounds as they are and add the changed rounds as new. The new hit values will be compatible with the CAVS project. More info here. Cheers friend, CH
  17. cornhelium

    Decisive Killing Machines

    I feel for you mate, and am very glad you're planning to finish the C130 and ADATs. Cheers, CH
  18. cornhelium

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    What would be the point of doing that friend? You would simply be reverting JAM3 to JAM2. Short answer - no, this would not work if you wanted to use it in MP. Cheers mate, CH
  19. cornhelium

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Sorry Gordy, I don't understand the question. JAM3 will be fully backwards compatible with JAM2 missions and addons. Cheers, CH
  20. cornhelium

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Hi mate, Well, I hope it will be mid-June. A new beta build has just been released to the team, now I can't do any more 'til after my exams in June. I'm hoping that all the core issues will be tested by then, and we can make the final changes, test the release candidate and release it. ...but of course, RL (and OFP) run to their own plans Cheers, CH
  21. cornhelium

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Thanks Ruff, I must say, working on this project and exploring the config has re-doubled my respect for BAS. It's clear that a huge amount of work, thought and research went into getting the original JAM project off the ground. Cheers, CH
  22. cornhelium

    Uce/jam pack

    Hi Gazmen, Great to hear you're still working on this. Sure, I'll add those mags. Not the weapons though. JAM is about magazines only. One other thing: In JAM3 we're changing most SD magazines to fire at supersonic speeds, just like Earl & Sucheys' suppressed weapons. The SD magazines you see in JAM2 will be "preserved" in new subsonic "SUB" mags. So, the available mags for your set would look like: JAM_E762_30SBASDmag     =initspeed 630 (86% of unsuppressed MV) JAM_E762_30SBASDHDmag   =initspeed 630 JAM_E762_30SBASUBmag    =initspeed 350 JAM_E762_30SBASUBHDmag  =initspeed 350 JAM_E545_30SBASDmag    =initspeed 756 (86% of unsuppressed MV) JAM_E545_30SBASDHDmag  =initspeed 756 JAM_E545_30SBASUBmag   =initspeed 350 JAM_E545_30SBASUBHDmag  =initspeed 350 JAM_E762_10SAmag       =initspeed 830 Any questions, give me a shout. Cheers mate, CH
  23. cornhelium

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Hi Gazmen, No mate. Only magazines will be added - absolutely no new weapons. The original JAM weapons were really only there to demonstrate the magazines. However, they all inherit their models from the correct base class now (as do unit types like sniper, medic, grenadier etc). So, if you're running a config mod like Y2K3, FFXUR, EECP, you will get the improved models. Cheers, CH
  24. cornhelium

    JAM3 - Beta testers

    Hey Gazmen I really admired your work on the UCE-JAM pack. AK SBA mags: Sure, I'll enter those. JAM_E762_10SAmag...I'm not sure where this one comes from. Does the Dragunov have auto-fire in real-life? Recoils: These are high on the agenda, but it is such a delicate balance with the high-dispersion mags. For instance, if you gave too much recoil to the HD mags, the AI will never hit anything The real problem we have is that we need more help with the project, especially from experienced addon makers. Â Also, we need more regular feedback from the BAS guys, as we never know what changes will be approved and which will not. I was supposed to leave this project in February to concentrate on exams and finding a new job (my current job finishes in July), but nobody has offered to pick it up and I feel it will never get released if I don't push on. But the whole thing is a learning process for me and it makes progress slow and frustrating. So, I cannot say for certain whether or not recoils will make it into JAM3. I really hope so, but in order for JAM3 to be "watertight", we need a lot more help and feedback to get it all working correctly. Cheers CH Ps. To let you folks know what's been going on, here are the new features in the latest beta: -Fully compatible with EECP, FFXUR, Inquisitor-Mod, Y2K3 etc. All weapons and unit models will be correctly inherited from the base config -New damage values for AT rounds, compatible with CAVS project -SD magazines tweaked to simulate realistic supersonic ammo where appropriate -Subsonic "SUB" mags preserve previous values for tweaked SD mags -New sounds for 99% of magazines - big thanks to the OFP community -Most magazines have separate fire sounds. Now you can tell who's shooting! -Different fly and hit sounds for different bullet types -Bullet hit and fly sounds also externalized to JAM_Sounds.pbo -New reload sounds for most of the JAM weapons -New Mounted Machinegun magazines, with HD versions. Ready to be used on vehicles -New realistic-size mags for M60, M240, RPD, PKM. Max loadout of 500rds per unit -New 12rd Belt magazines for grenade launchers, like GL Vest but only taking 3 spaces -Primary and pistol-slot options for most SMG/PDW mags. -Unsuppressed, suppressed and silenced (subsonic) MP5 and Uzi mags -New magazines for Remington SPC 6.8mm and Grendel 6.5mm rounds -New "High Velocity" 7.62mm sniper magazine, simulating L96A1-type rifles -Tweaked standard West 7.62 sniper magazine, based on real-world values -New Editor groups for all sides: Rifle Squad, Rifle Squad with Fire Support, Rifle Squad with Sniper Support, Fire Team, Sniper Team -New units for all sides: Spotter, Grenadier (Belt), Machinegunner (Realistic Loadout) -Editor mission allows players to quickly preview many of the sounds -A few fixes made in the config Three alternative soundpacks will be available for JAM3 on the day of release.
  25. cornhelium

    Operation Black Mamba - UPDATED!

    Hi mate, If you e-mail one small sample to me (<499kb), I'll see if I can do the cleaning-up you need. Please send it here: t.s.rouse@btinternet.com I'll also have a go at Minister Okaba. ...did you get my PM? Cheers, CH