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Everything posted by cornhelium

  1. cornhelium

    Flashpoint celebrities

    To these OFP heroes I woulde like to add ThruYerSternum for the Unscripted War mission. I know I bang on and on about it, but it's just brilliant for single players Also Gen. Barron for the Combat Patrol mission using hand signals, and DeadDog for Lost in 'Nam. Really fantastic missions. Cheers, Cornehelium
  2. Hi, This is probably a silly question, but here goes: I'm currently using a Windows ME system and sometime next year I'll get a brand new system with XP or whatever on it. The new one will be NFTS rather than FAT32 based. I've got about 150 @mod folders in my Flashpoint directory which I launch using OFP Launcher. I'd like to burn all these modfolders, plus my OFPLauncher.exe onto a few CDs and then just copy them into the OpFlashpoint directory on my new system. * Would this be possible, or would files/directory structures copied under FAT32 not be recognised under NFTS? Would there be any performance issues do you think? * If not possible, how about just emptying all the modfolders and just copying the folder structure over? Thanks for any help - I'm pretty clueless here  Cheers, Cornhelium
  3. cornhelium

    New vietnam campaign

    Hey Warrior X, Looking good. Here are some great 'Nam missions well worth checking out for ideas: Combat Patrol by Gen. Barron: http://www.ofpec.com/yabbse....d=15920 Lost in 'Nam by DeadDog: http://www.ofpec.com/yabbse....d=14391 SEALS in 'Nam Ep.4 by Kuro: http://www.ofpec.com/yabbse....d=15307 Cheers, Cornhelium
  4. cornhelium

    Llauma sky 1.x

    Hey Llauma, I just tried your v2 sky, and I have to say it's absolutely beautiful. Was just watching a storm roll in on FDF Winter East Border at sunset ...at the moment I'm using your sky for all northern hemisphere stuff and the Unsung sky for all equatorial stuff. C'est parfait! Cheers, Cornhelium
  5. cornhelium

    Can i use a fat32 disk image in nfts?

    Cheers mate - yep I'm not using any specific imaging program.
  6. cornhelium

    Can i use a fat32 disk image in nfts?

    ...so you don't have any problems transferring files between your FAT32 and NTFS drives Bratty? Just getting prepared for OFP2. I'm planning on an NTFS dual RAID type thingy, or something Cheers! Cornhelium
  7. cornhelium

    Can i use a fat32 disk image in nfts?

    Cheers guys. I was just a bit paranoid about it, knowing nothing about how file systems work
  8. cornhelium

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.2

    Yeah baby! Some more mist scripts would rule for ground mist in the mornings and tense night missions. Something like the Tonal mist but more "still" and clearly hanging above the ground - one about 30cm above and another about 1 metre so you could layer them. This would be spot on for night/dawn patrols, waist deep in November fog! (Anyone remember the film "Silver Bullet"? ) Great work anyway - Cannot wait for this.
  9. cornhelium

    Finnish defence forces mod 1.2

    Dammit! All these beautiful maps are turning me into a blubbing pacifist  How about a Spring map with slopes ablaze with wildflowers, a buxomScandinaviangirl.pbo, and a dope/free-love haze gamelogic too? I just wanna roam free & make love, man.
  10. cornhelium

    P-38 lightning released

    Absolutely beautiful! Very well done Scud & Pappy B.
  11. cornhelium

    Atmospheric missions

    Roger that Drow - I'm a big fan of voices and sounds in missions. Voices particularly are a great way of keeping up with the mission plan without fumbling with the map screen. Cheers, Cornhelium
  12. cornhelium

    Coc ua 1.1 progress

    Rock on Dinger & CoC. Cheers, Cornhelium
  13. cornhelium

    Tcm crates

    Sory dubel post
  14. cornhelium

    Tcm crates

    I Luv U CrepStudios U R teh bests
  15. cornhelium

    Hunt the intruder - out-flank him

    Rock on Footmunch Cheers, Cornhelium
  16. cornhelium

    F18 pack v1.3 by hudson & pennywise

    Great news Pennywise. This addon just kicks ass and the Hornet is the perfect "flagship" (flagplane? ) for current OFP stuff. Cheers, Cornhelium
  17. cornhelium

    Long son island - version 2 released.

    Great work as usual Para!
  18. cornhelium

    Unscripted war

    Yo TYS! Great to hear you're still working on it. IMO Unscripted War 1.01 is still the best fun you can have alone with a computer (apart from d/ling porn of course ). Cheers, Cornhelium
  19. cornhelium

    Lets talk usmc

    That's one serious box of toys. Go USMC, go!
  20. cornhelium

    Hunt the intruder - out-flank him

    Great work again Footmunch. Well said Hellfish & Miles - I'll never forget a Lightning doing a low-level, full 'burner flypast at Yeovilton airshow 1984. Sleek and musclar like a...a...a rocket-powered dolphin! IIRC, the Saudi AF were the only other operators? Cheers, Cornhelium
  21. cornhelium

    Roc mod 3.0 now available!

    Congratulations Taiwan Workshop! This looks superb. Cheers, Cornhelium
  22. cornhelium

    Bas infantry sdk

    Thanks BAS - y'all are one in a million!
  23. cornhelium

    Unsung - updates

    Hey Drow, Here's some info on ambient sounds I just posted in the A Shau valley thread (awesome island btw). You might want to check it out for your upcoming island: >> Here are some great roars & growls. It'd be great if a few triggers could be hard coded on the map so you have a chance of hearing Tigers at night: http://www.ilovewavs.com/Effects/Animals/Lion01.wav For birds, here's a list of Vietnam birds and a site where you can download their sounds. You could use them to expand the ambient soundset a little: http://www.blakup.demon.nl/birds/vietlist.html http://www.junglewalk.com/sound/Bird-sounds.asp ...Ah, Night-Herons, Bitterns and Fish-Owls by the water, Indian Nightjars in the scrub, Bay Owls and Tigers in the jungle - you're there! <<
  24. cornhelium

    Circus clowns?

    LOL how about Papa Lazarous from British series The League of Gentlemen "Oh no...Dave...is down" "Dave, Dave, Dave...are team Red" At Ease = "Get sat down if you like" ECP join team = "You are my wife now"
  25. cornhelium

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Thanks Doob for mirroring the files. Time to load up the Masterkey and start removing heads