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Everything posted by cornhelium

  1. cornhelium

    OFrP New Releases!!!

    OFrP strike again - awesome work
  2. cornhelium

    FischKopp HMMWV

    WELL DONE Fischkopp & friends
  3. Hi, I was watching Tears of the Sun, and thinking it would be great if team leaders could order their to 'snipe from high', either via the snipers' action menus or by issuing a radio command. Would it be possible to make a script where a sniper checks in a 50m radius for certain types of tree (eg. the big Tonal trees, big resistance deciduous, sebnam trees etc.) and then moves to the nearest one and is setpos'd up in the tree where they hold position until ordered to move again? It would probably work better if they became less visible to AI while in the tree - at least until they opened fire with an unsupressed weapon. Do you think this would be possible? I guess a big problem would be getting them not to fall out of the tree, as AIs are forever falling off observation towers etc. It would be a great little extra for setting up ambushes though - and completely superb if enemy snipers could do the same to you eg. put script in enemy sniper's init box. Sniper sees you/knows about you via grouplink/hears gunfire. There is now a n% chance he will hold fire, climb the nearest suitable tree and scan for enemies, firing at them when they are in range. Cheers! Cornhelium
  4. cornhelium

    next Operation Frenchpoint release

    Looks fantastic. Roll on the 7th!
  5. cornhelium

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    [Deleted - better advice available above!] Cornhelium
  6. cornhelium

    BB Fokker D.VII

    Great work! Pappy - it was Nestlé. They had a sponsorship deal going with the Luftwaffe aces. ...Of course, the RFC were sponsored by Rowntree, hence the name "the twenty Mint-ers"   (dies)
  7. cornhelium

    Seb Ilo Ilo v2.0

    Great - thanks Ebud.
  8. cornhelium

    Problems in BAS Tonal Tango Insurgency...

    Hi Tulip, I don't think anyone has gotten this mission to end. Did you try the new version that came with the Tonali Special Forces pack? (Haven't had a chance yet myself). It's best to use the Endmission cheat (Left shift and numpad "-" sign then type "endmission". You can also type "savegame") for this one. Rockin' mission though. It's a shame this one didn't get a tiny bit more depth to it like clearing the way for a convoy who set up a base in the square, then jumping in the back of a Hind to hunt down fleeing rebels.
  9. cornhelium

    Multi Gun Positions

    Happy Birthday Col. Soldiers looks very nice indeed - have yerself some fun
  10. cornhelium

    Falklands mod progress

    Looking superb as usual.
  11. cornhelium

    Battle of Hokkaido with FDF problem

    Hi Sputnik, Yeah - I love the BOH mod. The upcoming Hokkaido island itself also looks great. I've no idea why the faces aren't working with FDF though - perhaps FDF sets its own faces in the finmod config? Cheers. Cornhelium
  12. cornhelium

    Battle of Hokkaido with FDF problem

    Hi Sputnik, Yeah - I love the BOH mod. The upcoming Hokkaido island itself also looks great. I've no idea why the faces aren't working with FDF though - perhaps FDF sets its own faces in the finmod config? Cheers. Cornhelium
  13. cornhelium

    Avon's Sand Stinger SP Mission

    Many thanks Avon, I really like the way you link and host all the needed addons with missions you've made/reviewed. M.O.M. has encouraged me to try some great addons over the years that I might have otherwise missed. Cheers, Cornhelium
  14. cornhelium

    Does OFP need an LCAC?

    Hi, I guess configuring it as an APC would be best as the AI are happy to use it on land or water. The only problem is the APCs go so darn slow in the water... I wonder if the Everon Cartel can help out with positioning the vehicle in relation to the water level, based on their great submarine? Ie. automatically setpos the LCAC always 1 metre above water when it is not on land ? (I've no idea what I'm talking about ) ...then do the same once it's on land, and make the skirts have no geo or fire lod so it can go over obstacles. Simple! Cheers, Cornhelium
  15. cornhelium

    Multi Gun Positions

    My money's on Klink.
  16. cornhelium


    Dammit man - now what're we gonna show the papers?! Wait...where's my Mr. Potato Head...
  17. cornhelium

    Tears of the sun seals

    Ouf! See what you mean about that GR model FerretFangs:
  18. cornhelium

    Tears of the sun seals

    Looking really great Jackal, What do you think of this M14 Sopmod? http://www.troyind.com/gallery.htm I can see Bruce sporting one of these (though hopefully he'd get the sight on the right way round ) Cheers, Cornhelium
  19. cornhelium

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    Just been playing and shaking my head in disbelief for half an hour. OFP looks like heaven! Check out the BAS Tonal "Spec Ops" mission with the reflections in the swamp Cheers Kegetys & Feersum - incredible!
  20. cornhelium

    BAS Tonali SF and BTR-T

    Great work BAS! These are really beautiful textures, and as always with the Tonal project a really nice scenario twist. Thanks also Avon Lady for the E&S-JAM link - I thought High-Dispersion compatibility was gonna be a no-no for these weapons...now they're perfect! Cheers, Cornhelium
  21. cornhelium


    Excellent idea mate. Trust CoC UA will be supported
  22. cornhelium

    Hunt the intruder - out-flank him

    Oh wow - specular highlights = the cherry on the cake. Footmunch strikes again
  23. cornhelium

    Very Important Announcement from BAS

    Good question TJ, I'd have to say Tonal is my #1 - it's the whole package, and it just looks bl**dy great wherever you are and whatever you're doing. Joint 2nd place to Delta/Rangers next for the weapons and quality of the models/textures, and Blackhawks for neato-ness beyond the call of neato. Littlebirds a very close third for sheer affection, and because they're perfectly suited to early OFP's "seat of the pants" use of technology. I can't hover behind a treeline and tell an SA6 from an SA11 at 10km, but I sure can drop four badass Deltas in your backyard while my copilot covers with his MP5
  24. cornhelium

    Updated BAS Pavehawks

    ...not if it is the copilot shooting at you.
  25. cornhelium

    Multi Gun Positions

    Great news Col.Klink! I think you should start KFP (Klink For President) Addons Cheers, Cornhelium