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Everything posted by chartier

  1. Hi! I have a problem to get AI cross the bridge in Nogova island. Tanks tend to get stuck when trying to get on the bridge from eastern side. Seems like there is a small height difference between the bridge and ground because when tanks/BMPs try to get on the bridge they just make a little bounces and not getting forward. Does anyone have the same problem/solution to this? I'm using OFP v1.91 and AI behaviour is "SAFE" so they would use the existing road and not to go round the bridge by swimming across :-) Sorry if this has been dealt earlier but I searched the posts but didn't find any threads concerning this subject. BR, Chartier
  2. Hi! Thanks for helping me! I got the tanks to go over the bridge by positioning the two waypoints just on the edge of the bridge and with "limited" speed. If the speed was "normal" or "full" the tanks tend to dive into the bridge (half the tank inside the mesh)! Maybe because that little cap/step between the bridge and ground... BR, Chartier
  3. chartier

    New nvidia drivers (41.09)

    I don't think it's heating prob, it worked fine with 98SE and same resos. Besides it really crashed only in the resolution change, never during a 3D game (when the GPU should be dissipating the most heat). Of course the problem might be an incompability between different hw and sw components and not the driver issue... The funniest thing is that sometimes the Windows didn't completely crash but instead changed the resolution to 640x480x4 with 60Hz refresh and jumped to desktop.
  4. chartier

    New nvidia drivers (41.09)

    I had those crashing problems with WinXP home ed. + MSI GF4 Ti4200 and Detonator 41.07 and 41.09 drivers + DirectX 8.1. The easiest way to get windows crash was to change between desktop and game (e.g. editing a mission) back and forth. My desktop was 1280x1024x32 and OFP 1024x768x32. I also notised from different forums that people tend to get crashes in situations where resolution and/or color depth changes, e.g. in the beginning of game demo, between 3Dmark 2001 tests etc. So, I changed the desktop resolution to the same as OFP and NO MORE CRASHES! Seems to be some issue in Detonator drivers and changing the resolution/color depth in WinXP? ---- HW: Abit NF7-S nforce2 mb Athlon XP 1700+ Throughbred MSI GeForce4 TI4200-64mb Windows XP Home edition
  5. chartier

    Positional audio with nforce2

    I do have those crackling noises and sometimes positional audio does not work properly (guy on the left speaking -> sound coming from the front right channel). OFP version I'm using is Resistance 1.90 (official), audio hw accel ON, eax OFF (OFP turns it automatically OFF). Computer: Windows XP Home Ed. + SP1 DirectX 8.1 Motherboard - ABIT NF7-S (nforce2 with APU and Soundstorm), nforce drivers 2.03 (WHQL sertified) Speakers - Cambridge SoundWorks FPS1000 4.1 surround, 4-speaker settings for sound Any ideas how to get rid of those loud noises? Is there some incompability issue with WinXP + DirectX8.1 + OFP + nforce2?
  6. chartier

    Change a respawn spot

    If I understood correctly you have respawn markers done and want to reposition them in certain point in game. Make a trigger that activates when you want to change respawn positions and write in activation field: "Respawn_West" setMarkerPos position; "Respawn_East" setMarkerPos position Replace those positions with position arrays or get positions with other markers' positions (getMarkerPos "...").
  7. Another one problem: AI pilot is flying alone with his AH-1. He spots me driving a Hummer and should start an attack. He's making attack manouvres on me but I can't make him fire manually! Already tried: _AIunit action ["MANUAL_FIRE",vehicle _AIunit] _AIunit doTarget player _AIunit doFire player None of the above cases work. So, is that even possible to do?
  8. I found out that unit created with createUnit -command and moved in chopper's gunner position is hard to delete away. So, I made it with niki's suggestion and now the script works as I wanted it to. Thanks again people!
  9. chartier

    Disembarking ai when needed

    Oh yes, problem solved! Funny thing that directly switching a seat inside vehicle does not work for AI unit simply with moveInGunner -command. Instead first thing to do is remove AI unit from vehicle with setPos -command (_unit setPos [0,0,0]) and directly after that _unit moveInGunner _vehicle. Weird...
  10. Hi! I'm doing a "duel" mission where two soldiers try to knock each other out. I have several vehicles to use all over the map and AI boards the closest one. Each soldier has a beacon sending a position info every 3 minutes and according to that position "SEEK AND DESTROY" waypoint is replaced. When other player is detected with "knowsAbout" -method AI soldier moves to Gunner -position, or if there is no gunner in vehicle he should disembark. This is the problem: how do I make a check if current vehicle has a gunner position available? Any ideas?
  11. That was a very good idea indeed, and it works! But only with createUnit -command. CamCreate somehow crashes to Win desktop when unit created with that should start shooting (maybe AI pilot commands a target for him -> crash). I tested camCreate also by creating a SoldierEPilot close to me and noticed that he will just stand there. Maybe I missed some vital initializations for the unit??
  12. Thanks Rastavovich! I'll try your suggestion. It would be a nice addition of intelligence to AI when enabling him to shoot at me
  13. chartier

    Disembarking ai when needed

    I still have problems with AIplayer (driver) to change to gunner seat inside a vehicle (not to jump off). I have tried several methods: 1. _AIunit assignAsGunner vehicle _AIUnit -> AI stops, jumps off the vehicle and boards it again 2. _AIunit action ["TO_GUNNER",vehicle _AIunit] -> does nothing 3. doStop _AIunit + above action -> AI stops the vehicle but doesn't change to gunner seat 4. _AIunit moveInGunner vehicle _AIunit -> does nothing So, what's wrong? Any ideas?
  14. The problem might be that when assigning a "GET IN" wp the whole group tries to board the chopper. Maybe better way to do it is to let player squad leader to radio some "Board choppers" message that would activate AIsquad to execute a boarding script. In the script calculate available cargo positions for choppers currently in LZ and separately assignAsCargo and orderGetIn for all the units in AIsquad. I can see instantly a slight problem when player radios the "Board choppers" BEFORE each player squad member is boarded... How to make sure that all player squad members are already boarded before radio command can be issued?
  15. Hop, I noticed from other posts that you can make a distance calculation a lot simpler (see step 4.): </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">followThePlayer && (AILeaderName distance getWPPos [AIGroupName,1] < 30)<span id='postcolor'> Although "getWPPos" returns an array it might be possible to use it directly in "distance" -command. Or maybe not...
  16. This is a tricky one. You know GUARD waypoint doesn't work for moving objects so you can't make an AI group to "GUARD" your own group. Same goes to "doFollow" command because AIunits are in different group than players. Here is one suggestion (there might be a lot of simpler ones! ): 1. Make a "MOVE" waypoint for AI group, no matter where it points. Put on condition field nextWPAfterTransport, it is some boolean value so that you can make AI to move onto next waypoint later in the mission after the helicopter transportation. Remember to initialize this to FALSE in "init.sqs" file. 2. Make a run-once trigger with condition TRUE (or write into "init.sqs" -file) that on activation it will execute a following script: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[AIGroupName,1] setWPPos getPos AILeaderName<span id='postcolor'> This way the waypoint is moved to the location where AI group arbitrarily spawned. 3. Now you need a trigger that makes AI to follow your group. Make a run-once trigger with condition "player distance AILeaderName < distInMeters". Replace distInMeters with some value you want AI units start to follow you (maybe 100 meters?). On activation field set a boolean value followThePlayer to TRUE. And remember to initialize that to FALSE in "init.sqs"... 4. Because AIGroup won't move to next waypoint until nextWPAfterTransport is set to TRUE you can update the existing "MOVE" waypoint repeatedly. You can do this with a timer so that waypoint is updated in regular intervals or with a trigger that updates WP when AI is close enough the WP. Let's choose the latter one: Trigger that runs repeatedly with condition: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">followThePlayer && (sqrt(((getPos AILeaderName select 0) - (getWPPos [AIGroupName,1] select 0))^2 + ((getPos AILeaderName select 1) - (getWPPos [AIGroupName,1] select 1))^2) < 30)<span id='postcolor'> And on activation: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[AIGroupName,1] setWPPos getPos player<span id='postcolor'> This will check that AIgroup has started to follow player and calculates the distance between AILeader and its waypoint. When distance is less than 30 meters (you can adjust that) waypoint is updated to player's position. 5. When player embarks the helo a trigger can be set to make AIunits to board the helo and allow the AIgroup to continue to the next WP by setting nextWPAfterTransport to TRUE + followThePlayer to FALSE. You can simply set a "GET IN" WP (second waypoint for AIs) to helo or use assignAsCargo + orderGetIn -commands. That was a lot of speculation because I cannot test it myself now...
  17. The keyword here will be "setFlagOwner". Set up a repeating trigger with condition: !alive flagOwner FlagName and on activation: FlagName setFlagOwner "objNull" Make a trigger per team and substitute FlagName for each team's given flag name. setFalgOwner "objNull" sets the flag back to pole.
  18. chartier

    Need a little help here...

    Add two markers into map named "Respawn_East" and "Respawn_West". Add to description.ext -file in your mission folder the following lines: respawn = "BASE" respawndelay = timeInSeconds
  19. chartier

    Starting off prone

    SwitchMove and PlayMove strings can be found in Unofficial OFP Command Reference Manual
  20. chartier

    Starting off prone

    Phisher have you tried out "switchMove" -command? In unit's init field: this switchMove "CombatToCrouch"
  21. chartier


    I have encountered the same problem and it might happen when you try to list activating units before trigger is initialized. At least this is how I think it goes. So, if you try to place the hint for example to "init.sqs" or to trigger with condition "true" -> error message "scalar" happens. Set Cr trigger to only set boolean someVariable to true on activation and another trigger with condition someVariable to print the hint.
  22. chartier

    Help with something simple

    Is the vehicle empty your group is trying to embark? If not, try to place a LOAD waypoint for the vehicle near the GET IN waypoint.
  23. chartier

    Disembarking ai when needed

    Thanks Bloodmixer! There is pretty complete list of actions in unofficial command reference guide!
  24. chartier

    Disembarking ai when needed

    I tried an action "toGunner", but I'm pretty sure that is not the right action string. Do you know where I can find the strings for actions in different situations? I have a comref but it doesn't tell anything about those... Also, I have tried assignAsGunner but nothing happens. Propably because AI soldier is already assigned as driver and vehicle is moving.
  25. Bart.Jan: Is it so that setOvercast method has a syntax of: time setOvercast overcast instead of comref spec: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">overcast setOvercast time<span id='postcolor'>? At least your example (random 180) SetOvercast (random 1) would make an impression of that. This would explain why my example didn't work... Psycho1: How about adding an "local Server" check as Chris mentioned to set random value and after that publishing the value to remote hosts with publicVariable -method? I have to test this by myself also, this all is only speculation... I'll be back on that after weekend.