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About casualty

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  1. casualty

    Tracers in arma

    Well slap a big light on my head and call me a christmas tree. What is the point of tracers for anyhting less than .50 cal without optics anyway? Why not stand up, drop your strides and wave your hairies at the enemy too....here I am guys shoot me!
  2. casualty

    Track ir

    Whoa, tell me that aint true.... surely its the image on the screen that moves, otherwise that would just completely freak me
  3. casualty

    Hey buddy can you spare a .pbo?

    I am one of those foolish band who downloaded the Gold Upgrade and who doesn't (out of principle) want to part with another (in my case) Å9.
  4. I took AvonLadys advice re backing up redhammer campaign .pbo files, unfortunately when the time came to re-install them (HD crash and restore) it turned out my voicerh.pbo file was corrupt (last file copied to a multi session RW CD). Can anybody out there help me out with a back-up of this file? My e-dress is funky@dung.fsworld.co.uk Thanks </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> Is that a Carl Gustav in my pocket, or am I just having a really good day? <span id='postcolor'>