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About cyborgrat

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  1. cyborgrat

    Shotguns & weapon creation

    i know they used shot guns in nam but were taking about a jungle as in close space and shot guns arent very good for open space like the ofp map plus for the jack hammer its not used it combat by army its just by assault when there a town situation not a field i donne 2 years of army reserve now and i never used a shot gun because rifle prisisition is better there for u kill before shot gun does
  2. cyborgrat

    wwII units

    2 scoops of ww2 units plz cyborg_rat@hotmail.com
  3. cyborgrat

    Streetlights ON-OFF

    it will shut your game and say error ... winter map not found
  4. cyborgrat

    Streetlights ON-OFF

    it will shut your game and say error ... winter map not found
  5. cyborgrat


    f*uck gozila get "Flash get" thats the best for dl i tryed all other and flash is the one that doent cause any problems
  6. im making a ofp man hunt map and i would like that the ai(east) would be like animal that they fallow a certain path but ramdomly not like: waypoint 1,2,3,4,5 more like 1,5,8,2,4,7,3 can some one help and doesnt need to be waypoint but somehting that makes ai run away but stay in a area RAT cyborg_rat@hotmail.com
  7. im trying to make ai seem like a animal by making him run away and stay in a area like the waypoints tell bu ti wish that he choses how to fallow the waypoints in a random way plz help