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Everything posted by creepingdeath

  1. creepingdeath

    Really strange bug, help

    i recently installed operation flashpoint gold version on my new computer. I had played it before on my older one, and as i played i began to notice a problem. I was never getting waypoints from my commander to move to a certain area. Whenever i'm ordered to move to a place on the map, nothing shows up and i have to creep aimlessly behind the slowmoving leader and tediously check the map to see where i'm going. This is very annoying, and i know there's supposed to be waypoints around, since i clearly remember them on certain missions back when i was playing on my old computer. Another thing is, when my leader tells me to target a enemy, the game completely screws up. The target square is positioned over nothing at all, and i can walk all over the spot with no results, then sometimes the target will start jumping hundreds of feet around, with no enemy actualy targeted within. This is extremely annoying, and i'm wondering if there was a way to fix this. I've tried both patching the game to it's latest version (as far as i can get it with the gold version), and uninstalling and reinstalling and leaving it in its original version with no results. Please, i would like to resolve this issue. my system specs are: 2.6ghz processor 1gb RAM ATI Radeon 9700 pro Soundblaster Audigy sound card
  2. creepingdeath

    Vote, pro or contra Gamespy?

    cOntra with a capitol O, I HATE Gamespy.