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About clone9

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    Battleground Europe<br>IL-2 Sturmovik
  1. Organized people in OKW know where will be attack deployd and have maximumum chance to get tank. Yes, dweebs can waste 20 tanks and our minimal chance to get tank may be reduced to zero. (720 min supply with good factory production)
  2. Curren max level of armor is 5 http://wiki.wwiionline.com/mediawiki/index.php/Armor_Tiers Anti-Aircraft max level = 1 Aircraft tier max level = 5 level 2 = 67% available unist at ground
  3. WWIIOL campaign 84 report, 5000 enemy tanks destroyed during the 18 days of battle (video) Join the AXIS, guard production facilities, increase number of tanks, planes, ships and hands arms in brigades. Battle of Europe is not lost. Production and supply can not be worse then today. The 422 towns are waiting for liberation. Kill the Maj Hinfoos Monchen Gladbach Unit: Bf109F4 Kills: 4 Caps: 0 Damages: 13 SORTIE KILLS KILLED OPPONENT PERSONA ORIGIN UNIT K C T Aug 22 14:29 QM Sgt Mook42 UK Air Force Verviers Spit Vb 1 0 12 Aug 22 14:30 Col Sgt Amalek UK Air Force Verviers Hurri IIc 0 0 4 Aug 22 14:40 Sgt Maj Clansman UK Air Force Verviers Hurri IIc 0 0 4 Aug 22 14:56 Maj Hinfoos FR Air Force Verviers H81-a2 5 0 27
  4. No, but you can check csr.wwiionline.com for time on mission stats
  5. That is the reason why I started playing Battleground Europe, senseless copy and paste multiplayer missions created by template tool in OFP:Resistance. Welcome to PvP MMO FPS RTS Stealth RTT world simulation virtual battlefield WWII RPG, easily WWIIOL :p If you don't understand, check the free tool "Battleground Europe Game Monitor" at http://begm.sourceforge.net/
  6. clone9

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    My first panorama 20kB 130kB ArmA Panorama1 360° 2500x300 are you ready for 2MB? ArmA Panorama1  360° 10000x1200 -
  7. clone9

    Be a hero...

    nice redo ... inspiration for winter evennings http://www.jr.co.il/terror/israel/shoot08.jpg thete are 2 http://www.seacoastonline.com/2001news/images/11_11pi2th.jpg
  8. clone9


    thx but ... how can I get value of arguments _Relxposun, _Relyposun and _zposun are forever empty [bmp21, maskovaniR, 5,10,1.6] exec "maskovani_r.sqs"; <maskovani_r.sqs> _Vehicle = _this select 0 _Maskovani = _this select 1 _Relxposun = _this select 2 _Relyposun = _this select 3 _zposun = _this select 4
  9. clone9


    hi how many arguments can I send to the sqs script via exec from reference of all scripting commands argument exec script Operand types: argument: Any script: String Type of returned value: None Description: Execute script. Argument is passed to script as local variable _this. Script is first searched in mission folder, then in campaign scripts subfolder, last in global scripts folder. Example: [player, jeepOne] exec "getIn.sqs"