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Everything posted by cactus
What are the different repspawn-zones names? I searched the forum and OFPEC and haven't found it. I also sort of remember that in Resistance it is possible to have multiple respawns for each side, is that right and what are they called? Regards - Cactus -
I have had the same problem. Getting the same error message (but on a different adress of course). I noticed it started to apppear when I put in TerrainDetail = High and raised SetViewDistance in Options. As soon as I lowered these the problem ceased to show it's ugly face. I really wonder why I got this problem since my rig should be able to handle High Terrain with atleast 1000 m ViewDistance (Have a P4 2.8Ghz w. GeForce 5900 w 256 Mb) I do have 811 Mb of addons but that didn't appearde to be a problem on my old computer (1800+ AMD w. Gforce 4200) so why should it be one now? /Cactus
Did you set the last waypoint to Cycle? /Cactus/
Of course we (me and my fellow admins on only OUR server) can mail and ask permission to every mapmaker we host a map by but I hope that they are prepared to get a lot of mails since every server will have to mail them, asking permission. A similar concern, how long do we have to wait for answers? Many email-adresses, I guess, is not valid anymore and some mapmakers have left the community altogether and others maybe plainly will not care to answer. That will be too bad since that will mean that we can't rename them and in many cases they will be a) renamed anyway and then we (or atleast the server-owners), according to Sefe and few others, open up ourselves for being sued OR b) we'll remove the maps and then everyone will lose, the mapmakers, the serveradmins and most of all the players. The servers need the mapmakers to make interesting maps otherwise we can shutdown but on the same time, the dedictaed servers is the way to reach most mp-players and if that way is "closed" many maps will not reach the community. And then to a big problem, who will take charge of asking every mapmaker and where will that information be stored so we don't have to ask permission over and over again (annoying for everybody) for the same map just because we don't know that the mapmaker already had been asked.... Well, time to start removing maps since we had our own renaming system in work but we can't have that can we?
Loading units into empty chopper
cactus replied to cactus's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Thanks for the help guys! I don't know why it didn't work but I'll try your solutions. Been too long since I made any missions... :-) -
Trying to make a group to load into an empty chopper, waiting for the pilot to arrive and then take of. But I have a few problems... 1) How do I make the group get in? Can't use the "LOAD"-waypoint since the chopper is empty and if I use "GET IN" only the leader get in, IF I assign him as cargo in the OnActivation for the WP else they are just standing around not even trying to get in. I want the WHOLE group to get in... 2) If I let the pilot arrive and sync a "LOAD" with "GET IN" the chopper takes of and flies into the sunset... hmmm.... Any good suggestions how to make the group get into the chopper w/o having to set them as cargo from beginning? (A totally unrelated question: How do I make the Leader group leader? Really can't see how the command "group" is working and BIS example don't reveal much (group player == group leader player)) Thanks in advance!
When I try to take screens from OFP:R they all turn out black, no matter whcih way I try to take them (Print-Screen, Hypersnap or GrabClipSave....) Is it only me that got this problem with the above graphiccard (Point of View Ti4200XP w. 128 Mb RAM)? Anyone know about any solution? I got the latest drivers (30.82) and everything... /Cactus
Loading units into empty chopper
cactus replied to cactus's topic in OFP : MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Done that but can't find the answer to that specific question. Thanks anyway. -
When I try to take screens from OFP:R they all turn out black, no matter whcih way I try to take them (Print-Screen, Hypersnap or GrabClipSave....) Is it only me that got this problem with the above graphiccard (Point of View Ti4200XP w. 128 Mb RAM)? Anyone know about any solution? I got the latest drivers (30.82) and everything... /Cactus
Add to that that two of the original programmers has redone Hidden & Dangerous to be able to use the new gfx-cards and the special effects that they use. Much better graphic now and they will also ship a mission-editor to it. Read more of it here And to say something about IGI: STAY AWAY FROM IT! It was possibly one of my biggest dissappointments. It seemed so promising but in the end it was no more than a glorified shooter with stupid AI, you could easily carry 100+ kg of equipment and only saved games BETWEEN levels. Was that annoying or what? Nope, no fun. Hopefully IGI2 will be better but I doubt it...
My small thoughts 1: OFP rules in this. No other game on your list has such great playingarea. Can be hard to compare RS/R6 in this 'cause they are MAINLY CQB-games. 2:GR is great here, especially the trees that's moving in the wind. I find DFLW-graphic boring. OFP has good graphic with some problems when you're flying, since you can see to far which make woods etc just "appear" from nowhere. This can be dealt with but taxes your computer, need a highend one... 3:All of these games is realistic in damage with OFP and RS/R6 coming out on top. 4:AI is absent in DFLW, sometimes good in R6/RS and almost always good in OFP. Squadmates is cannonfodder in DFLW, needs good planning in R6 since you can't change the plan midmission which you can in RS, but I was dissappointed of the AI in GR. GR is a new game and should have better AI than the old RS... 5:Well OFP has a really nice interface. Can be a little bit hectic to find the right command in the middle of a battle though. I do like RS-interface, works well for me. Didn't like GR's interface. Way to small map.... DFLW, well it worked. 6:OFP rules the vehicles! No other game on that list gives you the opportunity to drive a vehicle(well ok, there is a rubber-boat in DFLW). That was my humble opinions....
Really don't know if this is because of the 1.49 patch but I have noticed a big increase in corrupted sound. Before I got it sometimes but it more or less always dissappeared if I switch between 1st and 3rd personview. Now, after playing on 1.49-servers I suffer from much longer and more intense white-noise "breakouts" which fluctuates on and off in 5 - 10 min periods. It's so bad that I have to play w/o sound most of the time. A friend of mine have the exact same problem System: AMD 900 MHz w. ViA-chipset. SB Live! 1024. Geforce 2 MX. 512 Mb RAM
Which UN-addon. Do you mean the one made by WKK-Gimbal then I have no idea, but check OFP UK but that you maybe already know? Then on OPF.cz there is already a UN-addon for downloading. At least the vehicles.
Why? It would take you a couple of seconds to pass the islands, not much fun in that. Add to that the not so realistic handling of aircrafts in OFP and your better of with a flight-sim if you want some dogfightning. The engagement range of modern AA-missiles is also so large that you could probably kill your enemy from across the map. Some serious dogfigting with WW2-era planes could be fun although a little bit "arcadish"
Would be nice with the ability to at least watch the fight instead of watching the waitingroom for 30 mins. But not doable with the present netcode, I know. Problem is that it can be used for cheating so should only be allowed for coop. Yeah, yeah. I'm dreaming....
One moment to remeber came when I played AllOutWar. Just checking it out and jumped into one of the T80's. Put the pedal to the metal and was going out towards the west-flag. Instead of using the road, which winds alot I choose to just go cross-country (hey, it's a tank...) and suddenly I was a airborne. Managed to jump over a hill and was now quickly approching the ground, some 40 meters below. Hit with a loud *THUD* and my T80 bounced around a couple of times and managed to stop upside-down. When I try to drive I can see the tracks only spinning around in the air. Hmmm, didn't want to walk all the way to the flag or back... so I moved into the gunner seat and started to look around (still upside down). All of a sudden the tank starts to jump around again and flips back over! Back on the right track(s) again I jump back into the driverseat and drives towards the west-flag and on the way I pick up one of my teammates as gunner. We totally runs over the flag and get it back to our flag to score a point... Just love the physics of OFP sometimes
Since BIS has corrected the issue with the throttle in the latest patch, have you tried to do a remap? I saw something about it in another thread. Try do go back to default configurations for all keys etc and the remap it. Well, only a suggestion.
Scoring-problems is most often an issue of calculating the scores at the client-side and then sending it to the server. Most CTF, C&H and (T)DM-missions do this. There is a long thread about it at OPFEC. The server seems to not wait for scorechecking which means that (almost) every client gets it's own score. This is especially true in frantic, many people-missions. Check the above link for a proposed solution.
And your brand of joystick was.... ? And your running which OS? A little more informations is needed here. I have a Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback and the buttons works perfectly well there. Just have to relearn how to fly with the throttle
SourceOfDepravation Based in Sweden IP: ofp.s-o-d.net (
Well, if you read the countless topics regarding Oxygen you'll see that they WILL release it. But in a first stage only to MOD-groups that gets "approved" by BIS and later maybe to the whole community. Why so hostile? It's their product and if that's their decision, fine by me. I for one dreaded the moment O2 was going to be released seeing the whole community being swamped by addons. Maybe we can get addons in a resonable speed now. I know that addons is not a big deal for Singleplayer, you don't want it, don't download it. But it's not that easy regarding multiplayer. Why? That I leave as an exercise for the reader. I think BIS is doing a great job. Supporting the game WAY more than many other developers. Just look at SWAT 3, it took Sierra almost 2 years before they implemented 10-player support instead of 5 (which sort of sucks in Team-based play)... Regardless of that SWAT 3 has a thriving community. OFP is so different from other FPS that I think it's a good choice to let the community get used to modding before the big bad masses get the tools (Just see the mission-editor as OFPs Worldcraft which makes Visitor WAY more powerful) Well going offtopic here. Sorry
Using the command this removeMagazines "M16" is easier since it takes away all magazines at once
Yep. OPF Editing Center has a sh*tload of artillery-scripts on their page. Just check out Code Snippets or Ed Depot.
Well, we do mostly play coops. Have a small server, only 12 slots which is enough for most Coop-missions. It's already so many CTF-servers out there so we got rid of all our CTF missions. Now we have only Coop, TDM and a few Capture&Hold You're welcome to visit! IP: (or use ofp.s-o-d.net)
When you make the mission, just put the flag in the mission-directory. (user/missions/yourmission). When you compile the mission the flag will be compiled with it (just as pic.paa is attached) therefore you can use customflags without problem :-)