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About bitmaker

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  1. Hi,I'm Spanish and the text is translated by google translator, sorry. I'm a fan of CTI from the old MFCTI, and now I ArmA3, but CTI and Warfare exist today for ArmA3 and not understand the difference between them. thank you to anyone who can explain it.
  2. bitmaker

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Good evening, I'm Spanish and the text is translated by google translator, sorry. 'm using BECTI and I like a lot but I have no real players and home game with the AI ​​of the machine, is happening to me the error that the AI ​​of the enemy is not working properly, the enemy does not move across the map and not conquest positions someone already did that happen?
  3. bitmaker

    question for BIS

    I'm really seeing these titles they published and I see that few, really very little gender is pleased that he believed that he could do more to revive the genre, now that computers are powerful processors and video cards too powerful, but thanks anyway.
  4. Not if applicable to this section the question that I do so I apologize, the issue is that I find a game that let me satisfied and as Bohemia Interactive is the developer of one of the only simulation game that marked me (all flashpoin-ArmA series I-II) wanted to know if they have any plans to develop space simulation game, saying it seems so simple "space simulation" no? Flashpoint also seem simple ... if only we call it a "war simulator", because if so then turn to the masters of bohemia interactive simulation to see if they are not interested in new titles and expand their creations. This is a game that develops in hambientes galactic space where you can be free to travel to planets, trade, fight wars with space fleet or just a space warrior or a lonely space traveler, trader, explorer of planets, etc. all best first-person free style that gave fame to the house, something really different ... that seems so very little ... but I trust these teachers will know that I speak, you must give the magic touch, to explore planet must orbit the planet first ship in that place then planning fall and fall really !!... simply not already appear on the surface as do the other games, I want the thrill of piloting the ship down and then lose her panet surface, complete simulation and real (well, it's science fiction!), arriving to a business or enter a city and buy and sell trade actually do ambushes, run away to unknown places in the galaxy, dangerous belt asteroids, exploding suns, enfin think there is still much to do in this area. bohemia interactive trust that would know how to do different from what others have done homes games, which have so far developed only play "straight" as movies, I think the games market is full of games that do not complete consumption expectations of all customers and still there are people who just want to live new experiences every time you turn on the computer to play a game. original text is in Spanish, I live in Latin America (Uruguay) and not write in english. thanks for reading.