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About bodybag

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. bodybag

    No entry?

    Got it to work now, thanks to you guys who have the knowlage and wanna help out. Was a empty line left in the mission.sqm file; vehicle=""
  2. bodybag

    No entry?

    Done that.. . now I gets this instead?!
  3. bodybag

    No entry?

    Cool, thx m8
  4. How do I get rid of this?
  5. Hi guys! I'm making a guns'n'ammo box to one of my missions and wounder if anyone of you know how to add text to it. The idea was to seperate'em all with a line and text, like in A.C.E ammo boxes. This is the same type of sqs I use.. . <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; Get the crate parameter given _crate = _this Select 0 ; Remove the stock items from the crate ClearMagazineCargo _crate ClearWeaponCargo _crate ; Add the items to the crate _crate addweaponcargo ["M9",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["M9SD",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["M16A2",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["M16A2GL",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["M4",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["M4A1SD",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["M4GL",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["M4A1",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["M4A1GL",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["M4AIM",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["M4SPR",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["G36a",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["g36c",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["g36k",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["m24",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["mp5A5",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["MP5SD",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["M240",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["M249",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["M107",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["Stinger",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["M136",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["Laserdesignator",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["Binocular",50] _crate addweaponcargo ["NVGoggles",50] _crate addmagazinecargo ["Handgrenade",10] _crate addmagazinecargo ["Smokeshell",10] _crate addmagazinecargo ["Smokeshellred",10] _crate addmagazinecargo ["Smokeshellgreen",10] _crate addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5",50] _crate addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD",50] _crate addmagazinecargo ["15Rnd_9x19_M9",50] _crate addmagazinecargo ["15Rnd_9x19_M9SD",50] _crate addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",50] _crate addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_556x45_G36",50] _crate addmagazinecargo ["200Rnd_556x45_M249",50] _crate addmagazinecargo ["5Rnd_762x51_M24",50] _crate addmagazinecargo ["100Rnd_762x51_M240",50] _crate addmagazinecargo ["FlareWhite_M203",50] _crate addmagazinecargo ["FlareGreen_M203",50] _crate addmagazinecargo ["FlareRed_M203",50] _crate addmagazinecargo ["FlareYellow_M203",50] _crate addmagazinecargo ["1Rnd_HE_M203",50] _crate addmagazinecargo ["M136",20] _crate addmagazinecargo ["Stinger",10] _crate addmagazinecargo ["Pipebomb",10] _crate addmagazinecargo ["Mine",10] _crate addmagazinecargo ["Laserbatteries",10] _crate addmagazinecargo ["10Rnd_127x99_M107",50] Exit
  6. bodybag

    Remove Addons

    Thanks alot
  7. bodybag

    Remove Addons

    I'm verry new to editing so .. . I've edited a mission with the new Taliban Pack in @MyAddonsFolder and later on removed the addon couse I didnt like it. Now I cant play the mission couse it says that I missing vilas_wpn etc. My question is; How do I clear a mission from an addon. If I just delete it from the folder I cant even edit the map later on.
  8. bodybag

    Coop Missions in Iraq & Afghanistan

    Copy that So long and thanks for the fish
  9. Hi there! I've spend most of my time this christmas, trying to learn how to make a ArmA Coop mission, but I give up. Instead I'll ask gently, if there is any of you skilled mission makers out there who wanna make me a few? I'm looking after missions build on the maps Avgani v1.3 and Afghan Village v0.6 by Opteryx, without the A.C.E-Mod in it. No offence against that mod, it's just that we play with our own little addon package. Here is the addons I whould like to have in the missions: - Cartridge v1.0 by Mondkalb - Iraq Insurgency by Benamaina v2.0 - UKF Weapon Packs v0.1 (Weapon box) - Desert Weapons Pack v1.2 by AimPoint - Iraqi vehicles pack v1.0 by Benamaina - OFPEC's Blood effects v1.4 by =\SNKMAN/= - Jonny's Army Special Forces v1.0 (Desert) - Desert Vehicle pack 1.1 by McNools & Soul - Sniper Addon Pack v1.1 by HD_Läppli (Desert) - Extended eventhandlers (xeh) by Solus & Killswitch In advance, Andreas a.k.a bodybag
  10. bodybag

    Newbie editer

    Here we go again. ..need som advice I want the players in my Co-op mission to respawn with the weapon and equipment he died with.
  11. bodybag

    Newbie editer

    Jesus, I have so much to learn!
  12. Yo ybers I've used most of my christmas weekend to learn the ArmA editor. Also read a few "how to edit" for noobs but still have a few questions, figured that you guys on the forum could help me out with it. How do I make the vehicles to respawn in the base again if they get destroyed during the mission? What program do I make description.ext with?
  13. Haven't edited maps since the Delta Force series *haha* Well, this will help me get back on track, thx alot man!!