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About bubbashrimps

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. bubbashrimps

    Helicopter CONTROL? please help

    I don't have any problems with heli controls. Sure, it was difficult before but now I learned it. First you need a joystick. I have X52 Pro here. Then you need to learn to keep an eye on the alt and speed. Don't push the stick too hard to get the speed. You will fly too fast, and when you are on your destination then you would need to pull your stick too hard which will : not only result you to lose your alt but also miss the landing point. Use hover in cobra when you are hunting. Try to stay out of battlefield. Use it as a support artillery as long as you got hellfires Rudders work at low speed. I use them after hitting hover on for minor changes. Practice, practice and practice. Don't fly your transport choppers faster than 80 and combat choopers faster than 110 (unless you are over enemy forces and want to bug out) Planes suck in ArmA, and I prefer to have more chopper types than planes
  2. Hello all, How can I remove the sniper guns (KSVK and M107 specially) from Berzerk missions? I have already unpacked the pbo file. I think that such an option is not available in mission editor so I need to play with any of the files. Thanks in advance
  3. bubbashrimps

    Do the Bis Team hate Russia?

    When I play as RED, I see this game against corporate America
  4. bubbashrimps

    What military equipment and vehicles do you want?

    I don't think that fast jets like F-16 or F-22 or Su-27/33 should be included since they are too fast for a game with 40 or 80 km terrain . Cargo planes like C-130, An22 are too big for the map, and you have to land them on airstrip. However, I favor these (I know that I am going to be bitch-slapped for my wet dream): 1. Su-25/Su-25T 2. A-10 3. Harrier (please program the VTOL in it. Players should be able to land on a clear terrain) 4. F-35 5. Mil Mi24 6. Mil Mi28 7. Kamov Ka50 8. Apache 9. CH-47 Chinook 10. Super Cobra 11. Mil Mi-26 12. UH-60 BlackHawk 13. MH-53 Pave Low 14. MH-6 Little Bird 15. Mil Mi-34 17. Mil Mi17 Heavy choppers can be used to carry infantry vehicles (or Tanks in worst case scenario ). For ground vehicles: 1. M1A2 2. T-90 3. BMP-2/3 4. Bradley Fighting Vehicle 5. BRDM 6. 2S19 (ground units must designate a target before it can shell) 7. M110 howitzer (same as above) 8. Vulcan Air Defense System 9. ZSU 10. HUMVEE 11. BTR-90 and I WANT TO SEE WOMEN WITH GUNS
  5. bubbashrimps

    Wana Host server!

    Are you using configuration files in your sever? If your answer is yes then I guess you should post them here. Maybe there's something which is not working properly
  6. bubbashrimps

    Please check my server configurations

    Thanks Q for the reply. I have a question in my mind. Is there any sort of database of signed keys which I can download and copy it in my .../Arma/Keys folder even that mod is not installed in my server? I hate to see innocent players kicked just because they are using mod which is not installed my server, and my server kicks them because I got no key for that addon.
  7. bubbashrimps

    Testing server on the same machine

    Thanks folks. Problem solved voteMissionPlayers=1; solved my problem
  8. Hi all, Here is my server.cfg and arma.cfg. Please let me know if there's any mistake I am making. I have seen some players connecting, they are connected, and after 1 - 2 seconds...they are disconnected. I wonder what is kicking them since I can't see the reason in server messages. Server.cfg: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> hostname="Blah Server"; passwordAdmin = "Blah"; // password to protect admin access reportingIP="armedass.master.gamespy.com"; voteMissionPlayers=1; class Missions {}; voteThreshold=0.15; maxPlayers=30; kickduplicate=1; persistent=0; equalModRequired=0; logFile = "server_activity.log"; disableVoN=1; //disable=1 on=0 vonCodecQuality=0; motd[]= { "Welcome to Blah ARMA server.", }; motdInterval=5; verifySignatures=1; onHackedData="kick (_this select 0)"; Â regularcheck={}; onDifferentData="{}" And here is my arma.cfg file: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> language = "English"; adapter = -1; 3D_Performance = 0.000000; Resolution_W = 0; Resolution_H = 0; Resolution_Bpp = 0; MaxCustomFileSize=350000; MaxMsgSend=192; MinBandwidth=16384000; MinErrorToSend=0.008; Thanks in advance Â
  9. bubbashrimps

    Laughing Dad

  10. bubbashrimps

    Testing server on the same machine

    Thanks guys for helping me out. I am able to get into the server from my laptop. I will figure out that why I can't acess from the same machine later Here is my server config file: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> passwordAdmin = "blah"; // password to protect admin access hostname="Blah Server"; logFile = "server_console.log"; motd[]= { "Welcome to Blah ARMA server.", "Please respect other players, and follow the rules", }; // Welcome message motdInterval=6; voteThreshold=0.33; reportingIP="master.gamespy.com"; voteMissionPlayers=3; checkfiles[]={ "HWTL\dta\data3d.pbo","dta\data3d.pbo" }; kickduplicate=1; equalModRequired=0; MaxCustomFileSize=0; class Missions { //... your other missions ... class MPBERZERK_01{template=ch64_berzerk_v1.23_arcadia.sara;cadetMode=0;}; class MPBERZERK_02{template=ch64_berzerk_v1.23_desert.sara;cadetMode=0;}; class MPBERZERK_03{template=ch64_berzerk_v1.23_obregan.sara;cadetMode=0;}; class MPBERZERK_04{template=ch64_berzerk_v1.23_mercalillo.sara;cadetMode=0;}; class MPBERZERK_05{template=ch64_berzerk_v1.23_dolores.sara;cadetMode=0;}; class MPBERZERK_06{template=ch64_berzerk_v1.23_airfield.sara;cadetMode=0;}; class MPBERZERK_07{template=ch64_berzerk_v1.23_bagango.sara;cadetMode=0;}; class MPBERZERK_08{template=ch64_berzerk_v1.23_north_bases.sara;cadetMode=0;}; class MPBERZERK_09{template=ch64_berzerk_v1.23_ortego.sara;cadetMode=0;}; class MPBERZERK_10{template=ch84_berzerk_v1.23_sahrani_plains.sara;cadetMode=0;}; }; If I am away, and if server is in "creating" mode then I would like the first player to be able to select the mission Any suggestion and recommendations are welcome
  11. bubbashrimps

    Testing server on the same machine

    Thanks guys for the replies. I will post my server config when I will be at home. How can I force server to use one core and Arma the other core?
  12. bubbashrimps

    Testing server on the same machine

    Thanks guys for the replies. daikan is right, I can't get an access to the server I am not running two threads of Arma (unless dedicated server Arma_server.exe is also a whole game itself)
  13. bubbashrimps

    Testing server on the same machine

    Thanks guys for the replies. daikan is right, I can't get an access to the server I am not running two threads of Arma (unless dedicated server Arma_server.exe is also a whole game itself)
  14. Hello all, I am using patch 1.08. I am trying to test my server using the same machine where game is installed. I am able to enter in the server, however, "Wait for Host" remains on the screen. I have a feeling that I can't run server and client on the same machine. Hope that I am wrong
  15. bubbashrimps

    Testing server on the same machine

    Hello all, I am using patch 1.08. I am trying to test my server using the same machine where game is installed. I am able to enter in the server, however, "Wait for Host" remains on the screen. I have a feeling that I can't run server and client on the same machine. Hope that I am wrong