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Everything posted by bekster

  1. I really hope Ground Branch gets the funding it deserves! For the last years ArmA(2) was the only game I played but with Ground Branch I hope to see a new game that gives me more of a INFiltration (anyone remembers? ;)) feeling. So spread the word!!! :D
  2. Sorry I cant hear you?! Its Probably the sound of how cool you are! Go save the world man!!!!!!11111!11:cc:
  3. IMO you clearly see lag in placebos video, too! between 20sec and 30sec i think its quite visible!? And i dont mean the free aim area movemnt...
  4. The mouse lag is not performence related. anything over 25 has the same delay. No You will learn to play with it but you wont get used to it. And i dont WANT to get used to it.
  5. Nice video! You can clearly see the delay! Question for those who dont have this lag: Do you use an optical or ball mouse?
  6. Reducing the floating area to zero makes the mouse lag imo even more noticeable because the whole screen will lag instead of just the weapon/mouse! Alex[Dev]72, you are right, you can learn to play the game with the mouse lag, i played arma1 for a long time and still do, but the lag still absolutely annoys me! And if the problem isnt solved in Arma 2, I definitely will not buy it!
  7. I can only speak for Arma1 now, but seems like its still the same in Arma2: I used a PS/2 mouse and use now a USB mouse, makes no difference in mouse lag for me! @rowdied: there is no hiccup for me, its just that every mouse-movement is delayed. So if you keep moving the mouse when leading a target its ..ok, but if the target slows down/speeds up/changes direction, there is a delay in your mouse movement. (On top of your natural delay/reaktion time)
  8. With my old system that i bought when Arma1 came out i had average to good fps (30-50) with everything on high... with mouse lag! Everything on very low, lower resolution, looking into the sky, still the exact same mouse lag! So for me it was not a performence issue. And even if it was related to performence I dont get why they implemented that "feature"?! There are not many players who can play arma2 with 100+ fps... I would say BIS should at least give those players who HAVE bad mouse lag the option to disable this mouse smoothing "feature"! It wasnt in OFP and correct me if I'm wrong but isnt arma2 basicly the same engine? So it shouldnt be a problem to remove the mouse lag...
  9. Sad to read they didnt remove that mouse lag in Arma2... hated it in arma and wont buy arma2 now! I can live with bugs an errors, but not with this absolutely unintuitive aiming / weapon handling!! There are way better methods to simulate weapon-weight! But an actual movement-LAG is just totally unrealistic... I cant believe anybody really thinks this is a feature?!
  10. Hi everyone! Dont get me wrong, the sights themselfs are quite realistic in arma, its more that your (two) eyes are not simulated realisticly. That makes close range combat feel "unnatural". The sight as they are now block your view way too much because you only aim with one eye open. If simulated correctly (two eyes open) there would be one slightly translucent weapon view aiming down the sight, and a second slightly translucent weapon view that is more to the right of the screen showing the left side of the weapon (for a right handed shooter). But imho that would look stupid So my suggesting is: Make the rear sights (also reflex sights etc.) semi translucent to simulate shooting with both eyes open for more natural weapon handling! And by the way: Remove the zoom in the sight weapon view!! the 'zoom in' key is enough!!